Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 162: Ancient Apostle・Dark Strange Fish

"What's the matter with chasing us servants like beasts?" Kate asked Charlotte.

Charlotte speculated and replied: "If it is a dark technique, it may be violent and spiritual domination. After all, with the power of your master, as long as you know the location, you can remotely monitor it, that is, physical evidence, props and children. The location of the woman's detention can be known from the very beginning, and the assignment of this credit to you is deliberate?"

So, Kate said: "Your master has no power, no status, and cares too much about the people's physical and mental health. You can't blame me."

Not long after throwing off their pursuers, they joined Kirito and Ronye.

Ronnie leaned her head against Kirito's arms and sobbed silently, and Kirito hugged her for a while to comfort her.

After questioning, it turned out that after entering the forest, Beral quickly showed an extremely violent side. It turned out that the purpose of his doing various things was to collect negative emotions—a strong mind is a method of scheduling space resources, especially People who are rich in emotion, not bad in talent, and easily controlled by higher-ranking nobles tend to draw negative thoughts by adjudicating power—this is why Berard agrees to a blind date with high grades, but because he is only a sixth-class knight and does not have a higher-ranking noble as a mentor to cover him One of Ronnie's reasons was that other nobles had used their powers of judgment.

This caused Ronnie to relapse from the psychological shadow caused by being bullied by the superior nobles with the power of judgment not long ago, and Beral used a certain ability to make the guards and sword servants violent, so that it would be inconvenient for them to kill those innocent people who were manipulated Only breakout and escape.

"Hey, Kirito, look what I found - the diary of the conversation between Belal and the possessed monster, and the backhand of Belal's attempt to deal with the possessed monster, but it seems that he was completely taken away before he had a chance to use it." Take control of your body." Kate smiled and handed Kirito the bag.

"It's a good thing you found it, the possessed monster wasn't destroyed?" Kirito asked after taking the bag.

"There should be an attempt to destroy it, and the leftovers are related to the hidden mechanism of the reconstructed goddess statue. This is preserved by the craftsman himself, and Belal himself is not fully aware of it. Therefore, although the goddess statue has been destroyed, the mechanism itself is fine. I Finding the agency is also quite troublesome." Kate said, secretly adding in her heart that she actually received remote support from the Senate.

"So that's it." Kirito took out a thick book and a long sword with a hilt and guard like flower decorations from his cloth bag to confirm, "It is indeed a diary that can reflect the changes in his heart, but this sword is rusty ..."

"There is a problem with the storage method. If you need to fix it, I can do it right away."

During the period, Charlotte also stated the conclusion that "I" got: "I approached the place where the guy imprisoned the punished people, and got the analysis and speculation from the owner. on an object, so as to increase the priority of the object. By the way, if you step in front, you will be attacked by darkness, and there is a safe secret passage."

Seeing this, Kate immediately rushed to say: "Let's stop here for the missions of the few of you. Now that you know so much, it's enough to become famous as a teacher."

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

Charlotte: "However, what method will your church use to solve it? In the history I learned, it seems that before the church established absolute power, the entire noble mansion that had objections to the church's power was bombarded with sacred magic. A broken record, right? You don’t want to do the same this time, do you?”

Kate: "Hey—what's the problem? At that time, the building was full of subordinates and private soldiers of the nobleman. There was no "Taboo Index" at that time, so those people must only obey the orders of the nobleman. Naturally, they are all rebellious Is there anything wrong with annihilating the rebels?"

Feeling that it was going to become a battle of ideas between the masters behind the scenes, Kirito, who was afraid of a fight, hurriedly stopped him: "Can you tell me the conclusion of the solution? How to choose and decide accordingly."

Charlotte: "Well, based on all the information, just use the sword left by Beral to chop Beral's body or the book in his hand."

Kate: "We have to recycle the sword and the book."

Charlotte: "That's your goal from the beginning, right?"

Kirito: "Yes, yes, if you understand, let's go quickly—"


Central Capital Centoria, Axiom Church, Central Cathedral, 98th floor—

"'s midnight, why did it take them so long to walk this way? Are you going to skip class tomorrow?" Cloenpiss yawned and looked at the crystal board.

"Or should we praise that monster for being prepared for the possibility of an intruder? But it's hard to call it clever after being invaded inside and not being aware of it. Well, the spell that can sense the triggering of the trap from a long distance is indeed It’s also a fact that few people can use it. Since the book that the highest priest accidentally lost is there, it’s not good for Charlotte to get away with it so easily that we don’t have a part in it.”

【Kate, I leave it to you. Defeat with the momentum to overwhelm the opponent with all your strength. 】


Dark Corridor—

This is the place where the condemned citizens of the August Territory were held. They kept screaming, but everyone seemed to be dreaming. Seeing this, Ronnie was very heartbroken and angry.

Helpless, they can only go to the core of the dark art in this place - an altar.

"Belal" was waiting here after knowing that he had been exposed during the day.

At that moment Kirito confirmed the connection between the altar and the book in Beral's hand through the purple-black aura, and said sharply: "Sure enough, that book is what manipulated Berard to cause all these tortures to the people. object!"

"Don't use such boring sacred words as object! This is a great existence that saved my life!"

"Belal" walked down the altar slowly, and said: "I once waged a magnificent battle with that witch, Adominius Doret. Although I lost to her because of carelessness, the book on her body absorbed my remaining resources. However, the witch did not destroy this book. She must have taken me as a backup. In boring sacred language, it is backup—this book is the design drawing of the witch’s spare body. As long as she has her body, plus my original With the power of the witch, I can use the dark art stronger than the witch and dominate the world!"

The black mist overflowing from his body and the purple-black breath gushing out of the book gathered together, forming a large shadow of a huge dark strange fish.

"Just because you want to shake the rule of the Great Master? Go to hell!" Kate pulled out the sword she had repaired not long ago and rushed forward.

Kirito's attack is probably accurate, and Ronnie's sneak attack may succeed, but Kate pretends to be gorgeous and then "just" dodged in embarrassment.