Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 163: Abyssal Revenant

Kate's very gorgeous blow was dodged by "Belal" in embarrassment. This made her breathe a sigh of relief, it was really hard to pretend in front of Kirito, if the other party thought he had a great advantage and was careless, then he would not know how to explain to the master.

"How did you get that sword! That nasty man, obviously unable to resist me, actually left a hand and swung me... There is no way, although the resources collected so far are still close, but with my own physical resources, it is absolutely impossible. I will lose to that witch!"

After "Belal" finished speaking, he fell down, and then, the shadow of the dark strange fish began to shrink rapidly, solidified, and soon turned into a human form, from which appeared snow-white skin, silver hair, and eyes.

"Quickly kneel down and be slaughtered!" The witch took a step forward and shouted coquettishly.

"How could it be—" Ronnie couldn't even resist, and knelt on the ground as soon as her legs softened on the spot. She knew it was a fake, but she still couldn't resist her attitude as an absolute authority.

"There's only one kneeling down. Isn't this posture so good? Forget it, I'll kill you!" The witch reached out to retrieve the book, and activated the [Material Transformation Technique] to change it into the shape of the long sword used by the highest priest. arms.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! The style of the shorts, boots, socks and long coat has also changed slightly, the ponytails on both sides of the head have become different in length, and the extra resources due to the reduction of the fabric have been gathered on the sword in the hand, and it has become the shape of a revolver.

He set up the revolver, frantically absorbed resources to reload, and aimed at the witch.

Of course, the witch would not sit still, and immediately used the tip of her sword to cast a dark spell, causing continuous violent explosions.

Confirming that the space resources were temporarily exhausted, he grabbed the sword in Kate's hand under the cover of smoke, and rushed to the witch almost instantly. A sword [Magic Sword Attack] stabbed out suddenly, piercing a scar on the opponent's chest and blasting her away. .

Looking at the witch who staggered a few steps and couldn't maintain her body balance and hit the wall, Kirito thought to herself that she really didn't master the sword skills of Adominius Doret.

But just as he was about to take advantage of his illness to kill him, there was a wave of ripples on the wall behind the witch, and the witch dived into it as if she was submerged in water.

"Hmph, I'm the 'Abyss Returner', don't think of me as the same opponent as that witch... But I'm really not used to this body yet. But, sooner or later, the world—is mine!"

"The characteristic of the it really Aincrad's b... divine beast?" Kirito muttered to himself.

After being on guard for a while, the other party did not appear again.

Kate said calmly: "This case will be taken over by the Axiom Church, and the beast will not be bound by the rules. If she uses that appearance to deceive and deceive, it will undoubtedly shake the peace of the human world."

"Under the premise that no one can violate the law, how effective is it to use the name of the highest priest to enforce orders?" Kirito helped Ronnie and asked.

"Ronye's situation just now is probably a phenomenon of hostility towards people who look exactly like the highest priest and are relatively honest. Kirito, if you know how many people try to find legal loopholes, you can understand that there will be no coercion Are you strong?" Charlotte said.

Kate continued: "But in other words, many powerful people actually feel that the church is in the way in their hearts. It is not surprising that there is a person who looks exactly like the highest priest doing something a little casually. Give them an excuse, and it is not surprising that they immediately rebelled. This It was not a case that two students could handle. It was a great achievement to make the body of the beast not reach the expected strength and save Patriarch Auguste’s mind. Hurry up and rest for a few hours to continue Tomorrow's class, you guys go first... stop, wait first."

She started to be "stunned" like a stuck machine, making Kirito, who is good at perceiving electrical signals, recognize that this is a communication conversation similar to [The Art of Telephone].

In less than ten seconds, Kate turned her head slightly and said to Ronnie: "Ronnie Arabel, you are suspected of being preparing to violate the "Taboo Index". It is convenient now, please come with me."

Seeing Kirito reflexively blocking between the two, Kate continued: "Of course you can choose to leave, but formal integrity knights will be sent to force the arrest later, and they have the right to reduce Ronnie Arabel's destiny by five." If you continue to resist, it will be reduced to one drop."

Charlotte watched quietly, knowing that if she made a move at this time, it would only make Adomis Doret judge that there was Cardinal's intervention here, and she would increase her combat power and get into more trouble.

"Ronnie, I'm stalling for time, run!" Kirito shouted.

But Ronnie just shook her head with a wry smile, walked around Kirito and came to Kate, and said, "It's none of Kirito-senpai's business, please let me go with you."

"Ronnie, you—"

"Senior, I like you. However, for this reason, after learning that I will be married to the person who is possessed by a monster, I thought that I might be treated more than a human being can do that kind of thing." I'm actually really scared of the more terrifying things at Sis and Humbert, so I kept it in the dark just in case...I'm sorry, I should have trusted Kirito-senpai's ability more."

"However, Ronnie, you seem to know it in your heart... What exactly did you do? It's related to the rebellion against Sir Belard. If there is no event that is enough to cancel the engagement, are you going to do something yourself?" Tong people ask.

[A novel that has been running stably for many is comparable to the old version of the magic tool for chasing books, and the source-changing app that old bookworms are using, huanyuanapp]

Ronnie just shook her head slightly with a regretful smile.

"I'm sorry, only this matter... Please allow me to bury it in my heart in front of Kirito-senpai." Unless the superior orders with irresistible power, Ronnie will never say that she wants to be with Kirito as a girl. It is too embarrassing and taboo for people to get married.


Central Capital Centoria, Axiom Church, Central Cathedral, 96th Floor, Senate—

Facing the continuous crime alarms, the patriarch Chudelkin almost collapsed from foaming at the mouth.

"It's still increasing! It's more than two thousand!"

"Uh huh huh... After all, the violation index here is determined by referring to the thinking and behavior of the actor at the same time. If you think wildly and break the limit but do nothing, there will be an alarm, and if you slip and slip and go over something, there will be Alarm, it's not surprising that this happened." Crohn Piss said calmly.