Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 165: 4 Rebellion of the Empire

Ronnie has received a new mission in the Axiom Church, but still follows the relationship between the upper and lower nobles and comes back to give a report.

Facing Elvira, whose dissatisfaction almost turned into a real coercion like sword energy, she trembled but still said: "It's not... Senior Kirito's fault, it's all because I was too eager to find an excuse to refuse to marry. Yes. If the investigation is carried out in a steady manner, it may not stimulate the beast possessed by Sir Belard and wait for an opportunity to accumulate strength, which made the matter suddenly become like this. If you want to judge, please judge me alone."

"Ronnie..." Kirito glanced at Ronnie, who was actually afraid, from the corner of his eye. Elvira's style and personality were much better than guys like Laiyinos and Humbert, but compared to guys like Lina-senpai is quite terrifying for lower-level nobles who are not complacent because of their status and are usually very humble due to lack of power, so he raised his head and said, "It is true that the rebellion is a big event, but I think it not only succeeded in making the other party Insufficient preparations have weakened the combat power, and exposed this matter to the Axiom Church in advance, it is still a credit, at least it should be equal to the merits and crimes, and I ask you and the head of the family to be clear about it."

"Of course, do you think I'm that kind of pedantic aristocrat? You have to know that I'm just the so-called heir of 'good luck'. If I don't work hard to achieve results, I will only end up as a tool for political marriage. But there is a problem with this incident , that is, the emperor of the Eastern Empire, Hosayinka Instabaliyas, not only wants to rebel himself, but also intends to invite the emperor of the Western Empire, Arudales Vesdalas, and the contemporary emperor of our country, Kuruga No Lancarus led troops to attack the Axiom Church together."

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]


"What's wrong? Can't understand?"

"No, those names just now were too long... I don't think I said it... Could it be that the relationship between the Axiom Church and the royal families of various countries is not good?" Kirito responded a little incoherently.

Elvira was a little amused immediately: "Kirito, you are a smart person, when did you have the illusion that the emperor who has to look up to the church will have a good relationship with the church?"

"No, I never had that illusion, but I was surprised and confused by the rapid development." Kirito said truthfully.

"Of course, after all, there is a wall between the Central Cathedral and the palaces of various countries. The straight-line distance between the palaces is more than ten minutes' walk, and the walking time from the palace to the Central Cathedral does not even need five minutes. And radiation to the end of the mountain range It is different from the vast territories of the other countries, and there is the nearest connecting door between them." Elvira continued to explain.

Kirito couldn't laugh or cry for a while: "So I always wanted to complain that the administrative distribution structure of the human world is absolutely weird. It's better to say that the location of the old imperial city where we went to play together before is very reasonable as the capital. Even if the Axiom Church wants to Strengthening the centralization of power will also..." It is not easy to go on at this point.

"However, has the Southern Empire been excluded?" He hurriedly turned to ask.

"No, the emperor of the Southern Empire, Torjaxiu Sachakuluoyinsi, is said to be a strong and huge warrior, the kind of sword I wield—" Elvira glanced at the family listed on the sword stand on the wall Several giant swords over two meters long, said, "In his hand, it is like a one-handed sword. Their royal swords are thicker than the swords of Lyonos."

"Wow, that's really an incredible warrior."

"As a result, he personally led the guards around him and rushed towards the Axiom Church. He also slashed the rain of arrows with his sword, but was shot in the head by a flaming arrow that would explode in a terrible way. The army dispersed immediately, after all Everyone's beliefs won't be changed easily, if you don't disobey the emperor's order, you will...pain, who would want to fight the church?" Avella grinned and rubbed her right eye.

"Uncle Di Solbert?" Kirito thought of this person for a moment.

"Excuse me, Lord Elvira, is it really okay to not address His Majesty the Emperor with respect?" Ronnie asked a seemingly insignificant question at this time.

It was only then that Kirito noticed that the attitude of Elvira and her forces was—

"Hmph," Elvira raised a hand to her mouth and smiled, "For me, for my family, and for all the nobles of the "Loving Meow Society", the "Taboo Catalog" is the law that should be followed first. , followed by the "Basic Law of the Empire", isn't this a matter of course? Therefore, there is no reason to honor sinners. But because of the appearance of monsters pretending to be the highest priest, the forces that are already dissatisfied with the church may use this to misinterpret the rebellion. Anyway, because the emperor If you want to rebel, the academy is also temporarily suspending classes. So you who are involved in the incident can hide here for two days, and I will shelter your designated friends together. With my ability, twenty people are still possible."

"Thank you Lord Elvira, I will think about it carefully." Ronnie immediately bowed her head in thanks.

"Miss, is there anything I can do?" Kirito asked.

"I knew you would say that. However, because of the fate of that brazen man in the Southern Empire, the other emperors hid and dispatched troops secretly to gather more troops, so there are still a few days left, and my uncle's faction will soon be defeated." If you come to a conclusion and act, just polish your weapons and wait."

"Wait a minute, I was actually punished by the church." Ronnie raised her head again and said, "So I have a task entrusted to me by the church to punish the crime. After that, I have to go to the emperor's side."

"Pretend to take refuge there and do something that is beneficial to this side in secret? Since it is a task assigned by the, then I have no right to interfere. I wish you prosperous luck. If you need anything, you can talk to me. I'll mention it." Elvira immediately let go without thinking about it.

Under the premise of the existence of the seal of the right eye, no one in the human world can use the name of the church to make things convenient for him, not even the rebellious emperors!

Kirito: "But this is too dangerous—"

Elvira: "Kirito, if you want to stop Ronnie, you are completely overstepping. I can't protect you either."

Charlotte on Kirito's head whispered, "...unless the seal of the right eye is broken, no amount of persuasion will work."

"I know, don't force yourself, Ronye. Remember, don't fight, you have to live to have a chance to fight. Living and fighting are not contradictory, you know?" Kirito could only say.

"Well, thank you for your concern, senior. Your Highness Elvira, can I have a private talk with you? As a low-level noble who has no right to enter the area near the palace, I don't know much about it, and I need your help." Ronnie raised her head. Instead, he looked up and said to Elvira.

Although she hopes that Kirito will accompany her in her heart, it will make her feel inferior and feel that she is not worthy of Kirito.