Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 167: A doll who refuses a doll's duty

Latest URL: "?! Uncle did say something similar," Alice paused, and said, "But, I always feel...he just said that to convince himself."

"It's not surprising. After all, for you, it's a bit unreasonable to be thrown here, and you are given non-negotiable obligations and responsibilities. However, you have to understand that no one's birth can be chosen by oneself. The person responsible for your own birth is nothing more than a stone statue that can move and get in the way. Or do you have an unrealistic sense of superiority over the... identities from the heavens and the absolute law enforcement power over the lower realms?"

"We will never have that idea! It's just—" Alice said with her eyes shaking, "the people of the lower world are not fully capable of protecting themselves, and the royal family and nobles who should have assumed this responsibility have neglected this responsibility. In this way, we need to work harder to take on this responsibility, and we can’t have too much contact with them so that they completely rely on us and completely abandon their responsibilities. I understand the code of thought and behavior of the integrity knights so far, but...we will take this irresponsible What is the difference between us and those pedantic royal aristocrats who are imposed on those who have the idea of ​​resistance by the coercive force and violence that are violated?"

"Oh, then let me ask again—when did you have the illusion that there is an essential difference between us and them? The real **** in the human world is only Master Adomines Doret (the three gods of creation are counted as beings in the sky), consciousness They come from heaven, but their body structure is human. This should be self-evident from the beginning. If there is any difference between us and them, it is that the operating rules and efficiency of the organization are better than theirs and are more beneficial to the world. The power to impose the highest rules. If everyone and every small group has the right to think and decide what is right, then the human world will eventually evolve into a world where power is paramount like the Dark Territory.”

"Then... what we are going to do now, isn't it the same as the monsters in the dark realm..."

"You said earlier that you wouldn't go into a dead end, but now that's a dead end. Then I'll come up with the answer that requires the least reason—God, which represents an absolute rule, can't make mistakes, so they are the ones who make mistakes. What's more, Alice, have you ever seen when we did something harmful to the human world, and even if you don't have contact with the human world, you can understand those bad guys who are desperately looking for loopholes in the law. But then again, we each have It’s no good to think wildly, even if you try to find some answer from other people, but if you accept other people’s answer, it’s meaningless, after all, other people’s answer is also related to your birth. Like the responsibilities and obligations given, it is something that is passively accepted. If there are no other problems, we will leave, you and I need time to prepare."

Alice made a knightly salute and said, "Understood. Can I make one last request?"


"Because I feel that this battle may have to contact people from the lower realm. Since there are more or less such possibilities, shouldn't it be better to listen to the voices of the people and understand how we should protect the human realm?"

"As a suggestion, it is pertinent, but you can only be disappointed. At most, the people will only make demands related to their own lives. These are all things that they have to fulfill their bounden duties and rely on their own strength. What we can do is to use "" Taboo Catalog" forbids the royal family and nobles from occupying too much food privately, and prevents them from arbitrarily squeezing the labor of the people, and things like this. But... If you meet someone during the battle, you are allowed to chat without hindering the mission or delaying the travel time. Listen Report the results to me on the 98th floor as soon as the battle is over, it can be done."

"Yes!" While Alice was saluting as a knight, Crompiss noticed that she didn't put her left hand on the hilt of her sword as a matter of course.

When she returned to the upper floor, she stopped by the Yunshang Garden.

A small laurel tree stood in the center, and Crohnpiss jumped up and grabbed a branch.

"With my current authority, even if I can use [Material Transformation], is it the limit to process one branch at a time? Then, I can only make up for it with a forging structure."

Crohnpiss found that in addition to making the finished material into the shape of a weapon in a way similar to cutting parts, the weapon manufacturing in the underworld only has the all-steel forging method. Maybe it is to save trouble in teaching technology in the real world. It is also impossible for any new technology to appear in this area in 2010.

In short, Crohnpiss had no choice but to use the [Material Transformation Technique] to transform several thick golden laurel branches into different structural parts of the sword body, hilt, gauntlet, counterweight, etc., and then use [Shape Transformation] Technique] to firmly integrate them into one, deliberately simulating the complex forging process to greatly increase the strength of the same material, and it took more than ten times longer than Adominus Doret to make the same artifact.

Crohnpiss glanced at the golden laurel tree, which was one-third smaller, and said with a smile: "Although there are a lot less materials, but with this structural support, it is no different from the internal structure and kitchen knife, which is only supported by material priority and memory. It’s not necessarily bad compared to the divine weapon. But it seems that Alice really has a relationship with the Golden Osmanthus Sword, that’s—”

She held up the Golden Osmanthus Sword, which was about the size of a Roman dagger and still had a wooden texture without metallic luster, and said to herself, "I have the system authority to transform the oldest tree in the world to make a sword of this level at most? But she is not good either." It doesn't matter if the sword is short or not metallic."


Plains of Cordia—

From the south of the territory under the jurisdiction of Altimias to the west extending from North Centoria to the are all the territories under the direct control of the Norlancarus royal family, and the junction is separated by jungles .

There is a huge lake in the territory directly under the royal family of Nolancarus, and the forest surrounds the lake. In the middle of the forest, black roofs can be seen standing out sharply.

"This is the villa where the emperors lived when they came to the territory directly under their jurisdiction. According to what we know so far, there should be about 20 guards and servants with swords guarding it." Elvira, who was hiding behind a big tree and observed the place secretly, said to Tongren said.

"But after all, this is a royal villa, right? Would you really put that kind of thing here?" Kirito was skeptical.

"It doesn't matter whether it is true or not. The important thing is that as long as those people resist, they will be able to believe that they have ghosts in their hearts."

"Well, I think it's strange not to resist the guy who broke in suddenly and tried to cut them with a sword?"

(to be continued)