Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 170: Darkness Underground

The latest website: Crohnpiss took out the staff of evil spirits, and the sword blade was born on the hammer head without singing the sacred art.

Of course, it's not for breaking the door.

She pointed the tip of the sword at the gap in the gate fence, manipulated the retractable blade to reach in and flicked it, and then flicked over the key chain hanging on the wall not far away.

The teeth of the several keys were the same, and Crohnpiss chose one at random, awkwardly inserting it into the lock hole inside the door from the outside, twisting it, and the door opened.

Luo Ge: "The trap that lures comers...but it's fine if you don't lock it like that."

Binas Moer: "That is to say, this door is not only used to let the other party out, but also the other party put a spare key in fear of forgetting to bring the key and being locked inside?"

"Well, it's very likely, then you—" Crohn Piss wanted her to stay and lock the door. Others rushed in, but seeing the width of the passage, he rubbed his temples and said to Fei, "you stay Hold the door."

"What if we meet the enemy or find out that the lake has been attacked?" Fee asked.

"You can't take the initiative to contact, right? Anyway, if you need to fight, give us some movement that you can feel inside."

"It's okay to leave it to me... Does it matter if the vineyard is destroyed?"

"Uh... are there any grapes to eat now?" Crohnpiss licked his lower lip, and was somewhat interested in the grapes that were higher than those supplied to the Axiom Church.


"That's all right. That vine isn't unique."

"I don't know what's ahead, let me find the way!" Luoge rushed to the front of the team holding the tower shield.

"You want to be a tank... It's okay to go to explore the road first, but—" Before Crohnpiss finished speaking, Logo stepped in and disappeared along the downward steps. in people's field of vision.

"Why did that person suddenly become a different person? Wasn't he very shy and honest when he first came here?" Binasmore asked in surprise.

Crohnpiss: "Well, it's not bad to be willing to take the initiative to do the work without being a bad character. Let's go."

"However, having said that, is there someone missing among us?"

"Oh, you said Enli, that guy seems to have disappeared before departure, so I simply sent him a message to clean up the ruins of the Imperial Palace of the Northern Empire. Although the battle is very problematic, this level of work is no problem, right? .”

Several people followed quickly.

"Hey, Luoge, you're going too fast! Even if the opponent is an ordinary person, you can't be so careless." Alice couldn't help but said, for some reason, it felt like she had to teach her disobedient brother a lesson.

"It's okay, I have enough knowledge as a hunter, at least I don't feel like I'm being targeted."

"You have to think about traps and the like." Alice said after considering the experience of fighting in the dark field, she obviously felt that there was a similar atmosphere here - mixed with the **** atmosphere of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood and the atmosphere of darkness.

"I probably know what Sister Alice is going to say. Even though I cleaned it up, I can still feel the lingering smell. But if there is a trap, wouldn't it be meaningless for the other party to set the door lock on the inside? Maybe this passage is a trap. It might be the channel through which the processed remains of the prey are transported out of that villa." Luo Ge said.

"Indeed, the direction of this passage... seems to be towards the villa." Binas Moer interjected appropriately for discussion.

"No," Alice partly vetoed, "I really still feel that the breath of the dead... came from humans."

Binas Moer: "Is there an execution ground in the territory of the royal family?"

After a while, they began to faintly hear heart-piercing shouts.

Crohnpiss stopped the people who were about to start running wildly, and said, "Don't worry, there is no reason to reduce the fate here, even if there is another reason for shouting, it can be guessed based on the information of the beast. , it’s useless to rush.”

Her orders must still be obeyed, and after a while, there were rows of rooms with fence doors on both sides of the passage.

"Dungeon, huh?" Alice felt that the layout of this dungeon was very similar to that of the Axiom Church.

"Yeah. That's it." Crohnpiss condensed crystal elements in front of his eyes that could make a crystal plate for a screen, and activated [Peeping the Past].

A lot of heart-piercing screams all came from here.

The knights hurried over and found that many people in the cell were constantly beating the walls or rolling on the ground. Although they were all bound by chains or ropes and were unable to move, it seemed that they would not lose their destiny. It was really painful like being tortured continuously.

"Hey, cheer up! This will save you—" Luo Ge subconsciously wanted to use an ax to open the cell door, but Alice held it down.

"It's pretty **** me, too, but maybe there are criminals here who broke the law and not people who abused the power of the royal family. And—"

Alice's learning ability is still quite strong. She can see where the pain of these people comes from. It is probably some kind of ability of the gods and beasts to remotely affect the spirit. Now they are restricted and restrained. It's okay. If they are released, they may go crazy and commit suicide Even hurt people.

"Although it looks like this now, in fact, a steady stream of prisoners have been sent here for execution. However, the divine beast that turned into the highest priest did come here not long ago, and it was only a day and a half after she first appeared. During this period of time, no one has died here, it seems that she only wants to collect pain to accumulate dark power." Klauen Piss said the result of [Peeping the past].

"Indeed, the smell of blood here... The most recent one has been less than three Luo Ge said.

"However, serious criminals... Even the emperor should have to report to the Axiom Church. Has the church ever received reports from so many criminals?" asked Vinas Moore.

"Impossible. It's better to say...all of them are lynchings. Well, just looking at each act alone does not violate the "Taboo Index". In this way, the emperor was not bewitched by monsters but openly violated the "Taboo Index" from the very beginning. "Taboo Index" does not have evidence of treason, so it can be executed directly without mercy. Although it is a pity that no one was caught, it is okay to just leave here to support the battlefield." Klauenpiss said.

"What about them and the beast?" Alice asked.

"If we don't kill the beast, no matter whether there are many people who are not criminals here, we have nothing to do. And there is no other place to hide here. If we want to continue searching, we need to find the surface part of the territory directly controlled by the royal family."

"Even if you want to move on, it is indeed the end." Luo Ge said, looking at the wall at the end of the road.

(to be continued)