Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 172: Elvira VS Raios

[[Chapter 172 Elvira VS Laios

"The royal family...Although it is only a collateral line that does not deserve the imperial surname. You are Sir Antinos, what happened?" Elvira asked.

" out, it's wrong...wrong...because, you...he..." The man lost consciousness again before he finished speaking proudly, and fell into a coma completely.

"Hey, tell me before you faint!" Elvira grabbed the man's collar and shook violently.

"It's useless...his destiny is zero...he's dead." Kirito said with a bit of sadness.

"Hahahahahaha! Are you looking for me?"

Several people looked at the blond long-haired man in front of the upper window of the villa.

"Laios! Has your injury healed so quickly!" Elvira couldn't believe it.

"Ah? How is that possible? Until now, I have been tortured to the point of death. I hate, I hate so much that I burn with anger every day. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate... Hahahaha, do you think I'm crazy?"

"What are you talking about? If you killed these people, plus your words and deeds just now, you can only judge that you are crazy?" Medina said.

"No, no, no, I'm not crazy! Can you believe it? The emperor thought I was crazy, and thought I was ashamed, so he locked me here. It's not this villa, it's the dungeon under the villa—can you believe it? My bloodline is far away, and I am also a royal family, how dare they put me in a dungeon—with those low-level sinners! They seem to think that since they want to experiment with immortality, they must use the royal family to try it sooner or later! "

"I always feel that he broke the news all of a sudden. There are enough witnesses here." Elvira said to herself.

Raios: "No one helped me, so I couldn't forgive everyone, and I thought I would kill them all sooner or later! Finally, this turmoil gave me a chance, and I really killed everyone here Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Kirito: "Laios, have you broken the seal of the right eye! You can kill like this—" He didn't believe that all the servants and the royal family could figure out the logic of the crime.

Raios shrugged, opened his arms and said, "Huh? I don't know what you're talking about, anyway, as soon as I wake up, I find that I hate whoever I hate, and I can easily attack, maybe - only this is thanks to you, this guy and Yalu Miss Timias, I'm going to break your limbs, twist your arms and press them on the ground to reward yourself!"

"I should have killed you at that time." Elvira rushed into the villa with a sullen face, dragging her giant sword backwards, and the others hurriedly followed.

When they came to the stairs, Raios, who appeared from there, suddenly jumped up high with a movement like spreading light wings, and flew towards them. Even the integrity knights couldn't easily do that jumping ability.


"Back off!"

Elvira squeezed away Kirito who wanted to **** her, stepped forward and raised her sword heavily to launch the sword skill [Sawtooth Wave], setting off waves of small sword lights to repel Raios.

"Hahahahahahahaha! That's fine, let's use your blood to sacrifice my sword. If it is stained with your blood, my sword will be invincible!"

Raios took his huge sword with a large handle and wide blade that was stained with blood, which was as big as a door panel, even though it was polished like a mirror, and held it up high. Black mist overflowed from his body and rolled onto the blade.

"Do all of you high-level nobles and royals only know [Fierce Flame] [Tianshan Ribo]? It's simply defiled the Hay Norugia style created by the Ortinanos family." Medina was thinking I wanted to bring adventurers along, but found that the aisle here is too narrow.

Although it is not impossible to accommodate four or five people, the situation that requires swinging a sword instead of forming a shield formation cannot be counted in this way. Now Raios was at the top of the stairs, taking a vantage point. It would be another matter if the battle was fought not in the stairwell but in the nearby hall. It seems that Raios is not crazy in a sense, and can use tactics.

Moreover, even though Raios' swordsmanship level is the same, but—

She felt that after his waist sank, the giant sword that started to ignite with dark red light exuded a terrifying sword aura that shouldn't have been superimposed with the black mist that seemed to have the power of a berserk monster.

Facing Raios, who was holding a giant sword high and looking down, Elvira also raised her giant sword almost vertically. It is very dangerous to slash each other with nearly vertical slashes, but this is probably her only choice. Her sword is much narrower than Raios' door plank giant sword, but it is longer in length. If you are careful, you will trip over the displays on both sides to reveal fatal flaws.

A firework-like dark red light also wrapped around her blade.

The sword qi of both sides dyed the entire corridor in a flickering crimson color, and the aura that erupted together with the two of them began to turn into a real storm and squeeze each other, as if they were both opened up and tried to Same goes for range-extending shields.

"So, what is it—" Medina had never seen such a phenomenon in the secret art, and the adventurers were the same.

Kirito: "As different nobles who have a bad relationship with each other, but are on the opposite side... the self-esteem and the conflicts accumulated over time suddenly swelled up! It is already difficult for us to intervene in this duel..."

He still has sword skills that can be used in such a narrow place, but that may cause Elvira's self-esteem to be injured because of this kind of struggle, and the sword energy will shrink, and she will be overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum. The presence of Raios is fatal.

Then, UU Reading, the two moved almost at the same time.

The theorem that a weapon is one inch long and one inch strong has no applicability at all here. The two sides are actually facing each other with the tip of their swords. Elvira was forced to kneel down on one knee.

"How about it... How about it! How could I, Uncle Laios Antinos, lose to a guy like you who learns such fancy sword skills from a frontier man without a surname like you! "

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Even though Avra ​​clenched her teeth and roared out, she seemed to have exerted all her strength, and she was still unable to bring down Raios even though her weapons and muscle strength were superior to the opponent's.

But fortunately, the weapons of both sides are relatively large. This round of confrontation is a vertical slash. The speed is basically sure to lose, and he was hit by the opponent first in this corridor with almost no room to dodge.

(To be continued)>Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site