Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 176: The Darkness of Zombie Mountain

[[Chapter 176: The Dark Art of Zombie Mountain

After the abyss returnee finished speaking, a pattern of light appeared behind her, causing her to sink into it and disappear.

At the same time, Emperor Kuruga suddenly leaned back almost into the shape of an arch bridge, and yelled out a sacred language that Elvira and Medina could not understand even after learning the sacred art: "Connect-all-circuit! Open-gate! "

The high-speed chanting made the voice almost inaudible, and it took less than two seconds. Kirito only captured words with meanings equivalent to "connection", "circuit", and "opening". Immediate coping strategies.

The phenomenon that can be caused by this is many times more evil than the resurrection of the emperor. As the magic circle was lit up, an ominous aura overflowed, and more black matter flowed out from the hole in the ceiling and covered the adventurer who had fallen to the ground, twisting and deforming, turning into a monster.

It was a monster that was only a little bigger than the original human body, with muscles all over, fangs, claws, tail, and bat-like wings. Only the face was almost the same as the original, but there was a scarlet light in the eyes.

"Oh oh oh, using these guys to create warriors with such a strong body is completely different from the results of experiments with those civilians! Being able to gather these 'Vecuta Lost People' who have no memory but are good at fighting is considered an achievement. 'Defectives' can come in handy if placed in the right place!" Kuruga looked quite excited.

"You bastard, what did you do to my companion!" Medina gritted her teeth.

"Hmph, the little girl who is aiming at integrity knights, what qualifications do you have to say about me? Everyone knows that the highest priest is an immortal existence, and becoming an integrity knight can also be granted eternal life. What's your mood with that white tower, you who are qualified to enter the swordsmanship tournament!"

"It's not incomprehensible. I'm also a high-ranking nobleman. There is a reason for targeting integrity knights. But can this be the reason for the emperor to rebel against the human world?" Elvira said, not intending to hide her disbelief. attempt.

Kuruga: "Obviously understood me but still chose the little **** the other side. That's just a dog who can't choose an owner. Does anyone think that we will be controlled to that extent? Nope—even the Axiom Church If all the highest priests can produce fake products, then this mistake must be corrected, and the ones who can do this are definitely not the dogs of the Axiom Church who only obey the highest priests who may have appeared fake products, nor is it the source An unknown group of guys, but I—Kruga Nolancarus!"

Kirito: "Having said so much, is this also the reason to turn people into monsters? Even you yourself revived in the form of a monster, right?"

Kuruga: "Jie, Jie, Jie... As people with the oldest and noble bloodlines, we and the other four royal families have been exploring non-stop since hundreds of years ago in order to complete the art that can keep pace with the highest priest."

Only Medina and the adventurers showed shocked expressions. The former had little understanding of those people's desires because they were far away from the center at the beginning, and the latter was really the same as listening to a story.

Elvira: "Eternal life spell? That's really funny, how can this go hand in hand? I know that some monsters and monsters have no lifespan limit—"

Kuruga: "It's really stupid. As long as you can get eternal life, what is the price? Besides that, there is a bigger role. The highest priest is also stupid as an eternal existence. She won't really think that With just a few dozen integrity knights, less than a thousand magicians, and the thousands of troops that we are only allowed to keep, can we defend the Human World?"

Although Kirito wanted to complain that there seemed to be a large number of warriors made of god-respecting modules and a certain "Mechanical Sword Soldier Project" over there, but that is not something that can be casually talked to outsiders.

Kuruga: "This is the result, have you seen it! As long as there are people, such strong and absolutely loyal fighters can be continuously produced!"

Medina frowned: "You can't say that these monsters transformed from my companions are the absolutely loyal fighters you said?!"

Kuruga: "Is it a 'flawed product' after all, can't even understand human language, who else can there be besides them? Thanks to the fake high priest, this technique was completed half a year ahead of schedule, just in time to catch up with the Dark Realm When it's time to start the war, as long as everyone is turned into such warriors, although the combat power may be a little worse than the few present, it is not only enough to defend the human world, but even to counterattack the dark realm and turn the monsters in the dark realm into monsters step by step. It is no problem for the same kind to continue to grow. Since I am the emperor, then naturally I can't just be an emperor in a corner of the human world, but an emperor who rules the world!"

Medina: "The country's prosperity depends on its people! How dare you treat—"

Kuruga: "Shut up, 'flawed products'! I didn't kill them, so wouldn't the people live well even if they became like this? It's not even a problem for them to work around the clock. In this way, the empire will be even stronger. Prosperous and wealthy, a truly perfect rule is composed of an absolute ruler and an absolutely obedient people!"

Although Kirito from the other side had a lot of things in his heart, he couldn't say them at all at this moment—it felt like it was pointless to say them.

The rulers of this world seem to have this type of thinking. They never think about how to develop the country step by step and expand the army as in reality, but study the program to directly turn the people and monsters into pure combat units when necessary.

But I have to admit that the efficiency of this model as an operating mechanism is much higher than the expansion efficiency of ancient armies in This world directly treats things similar to programs as magic, which has a higher degree of freedom than SAO, maybe It's just the staff being lazy—if you want to simulate civilization, it will take a lot of time and resources to master many technologies from scratch, so all the procedures that skip the troublesome process are explained as magic, and unlike SAO, people here can freely Using all the program codes, and it seems that even ordinary expansion of national power will increase the difficulty of external stress testing, so it is understandable that such a response will eventually develop.

According to the fake Cardinal who the real Cardinal agrees with, there will be people like the emperor and some bad nobles, which are also produced by the researchers who logged in as the initial residents to educate the artificial soul people.

But even if there is nothing wrong with it, whether it can be recognized is another matter. Kirito is not opposed to the development of magic technology that has the opportunity to synchronize with reality, but this kind of induced artificial soul seems to be more and more inhuman. Development is definitely not acceptable. For this reason, he had to find a way to enter the Axiom Church to gain access to reality.

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