Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 186: Giant's Destruction

Chapter 186 The Destruction of Giants

The giant giant was easily wiped out under the attack of Sieta and Miriam.

"You're still standing, and you died before your destiny returned to zero, right?" Garuda looked at the place where the giant fell from a distance, and said with a tickle.

"Hugh—if they find a way to send these guys back underground without clearing their destiny—" Jared's tone was shocked.

"A single dragon knight or dark warlock among the enemies is not considered lucky. Then, Garuda, you should leave the battle line first, ride a flying dragon across the battlefield to ask them, and then inform everyone of the news." Bercouli ordered.


There is no need for reinforcements to support this battlefield, because even though they are facing the army of dark knights, they are really not cornered, and even the [Armed Full Control Technique] is useless to save consumption. I don't know why the enemy is always rushing forward. Even if the avenue is not enough for the army to open up, it should be possible to surround a few people around the side.

Of course, if that happens, they will use the [Armament Full Control Art] to fight, but it should be meaningful just to increase their own consumption.

Garud was about to step back and ride the resting dragon, but the communication from the Senate directly covering the integrity knights on this battlefield arrived—

[There is no need to set up messengers to waste combat power, I have a good time to confirm that the reinforcements here will arrive in ten minutes, you just need to work hard. 】

【ten minutes? If the enemy is still stupid, we can continue to fight for an hour, which is really refreshing. But the method to grasp the weaknesses of these dead must be obtained, Mr. Fuzuo, the elder. ] Bercouli replied.

【Let me help you confirm...but they don't seem to know. Obviously, it is normal to slash, but because the weapon is as small as a barbecue bamboo stick compared to those giants who are too exaggerated, no matter whether it is a slasher or an orthodox slasher, there is no way to inflict greater damage than skin trauma. . Perhaps it would be more effective to let Fanatio's light penetrate the giant's vitals. 】

[Then, what happened to make the giants die quickly one by one? 】

[Mmmmmmmmmmm... Let me confirm, hmmmm, knight commander, you can understand the role of exuding thoughts and aura during battle, right? 】

【certainly. 】Bercouli naturally knew, especially in this world where the mind can interfere with the phenomena of matter and energy.

[Those guys don't have souls when they are resurrected. Even though they can talk, they are still the reaction they can make when they completely reproduce their appearance in life. For the giants, it is absolutely impossible to fail in a one-on-one match, which is the truth of a strong race. Well, the exaggeratedly large monsters or the use of poison, artifacts, etc., or despicable or out-of-standard methods are not included. 】

【so what? 】

[Although Scheta and Miriam both have divine weapons, they only know how to fight. Even so, the aura they exuded in fighting like two extremes was impeccable, so the giants lost to the incomprehensible fear that their life instincts had for the strong, in other words—they were scared to death. 】

"..." The knight who heard this conclusion was suddenly speechless.

"Scaring people to death" is not incomprehensible in a world where the mind is enough to interfere with phenomena, but it can be said that there is no such thing as a monster-like Goblin with a human-like thinking style and a dark knight with strict discipline and firm beliefs. The possibility of scaring the opponent to death by momentum.

"There is no way, let's hold on for another ten minutes." Bercouli said.

[Please continue to maintain the status quo... Although I really want to say this, after all, I heard that the fake highest priest should be there, and seems to be hiding while waiting for some opportunity, so the highest priest is going to take action in person. It will be troublesome for her to act... However, although Fanatio's subordinates filled the firewall in time, there are still many goblins and a few dark knights protruding from the south. 】

"Eh?! How did you do it! Do you want to send someone to chase after him!" Yin Disi was startled and blurted out.

Because it is common sense that goblins have few lives, even if they forcefully rush through the fire area, they will be burnt to the point of being unable to move and seriously injured.

[Oh, it seems that the big goblin forcibly ordered the goblins to rush into a relatively narrow fire zone to suppress the flames and clear an area. 】Crownpith replied.

In the Dark Realm, obedience to the strong is the absolute rule, and the education they receive is not good enough to have an IQ to find loopholes in the rules. Ordinary goblins are ordered in this way. Couldn't resist, sadly no one here has done that.

"Hmph... what did those guys do?" Bercouli still despised this type, but he had to admit that it might have caused some goblins to escape.

[It’s just right there, I think it’s okay, anyway, please do your best. Temporarily hang up... cut off the communication slightly. 】

Now that the veteran Fuzuo has said so, there must be other arrangements. Although I don't know where there is enough combat power, everyone will keep calm and fight first. UU Reading


Mount Torredis, the ruins of an abandoned and burnt human settlement—

The team led by Binas Moer immediately hid behind a ruined wall on a high ground and watched secretly.

Because many goblins and a few orcs were found besieging the only remaining dark knights.

As a result, Kirito didn't care about rubbing his sore butt, this distance is not too short, so they came on a good fast horse, you must know that he is a person who can fall on an NPC horse riding on SAO, riding here and Let alone a horse that is no different from a real horse.

"Why are there so many enemies here? Are they still beating themselves?" Binas Moer groaned.

Eugeo said, "Since this is the mountainous area of ​​Mount Torredis, then... this seems to be the one I heard about with Kirito and Logo—it was robbed because the 'good warlock' rescued the dark knight." The place where the bloodbath was looted."

Kirito: "Eugeo, do you know this much?"

Eugeo: "Because I heard how serious the crime Iris committed in trying to save the Dark Knight, I carefully checked the history books of the Human World in the academy library."

Volo: "That's what they mean by choosing the place they once laid down as a temporary hiding place."

Logue: "Like the old lair of wild beasts?"

Most of them are mere goblins. When they are almost done fighting, it may be a sure victory to charge here, but there are only a few elite combat forces here. If the opponent disperses and flees, it will be difficult to chase them in this mountainous area.

And there are other villages nearby.

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