Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 203: A fencing tournament full of girls

A few months later, in the year 381 of the Human World, the venue of the Four Empires Unified Swordsmanship Conference—

"Is there such a back door for the Unified Swordsmanship Conference of the Four Empires?"

Kirito, who had reached the semi-finals and was about to face off against a double-sword swordsman dressed as a dancer in red, thought.

"His Royal Highness Swordsman Tongren, I have long admired your name of the Three Conquests of Divine Beasts. Although I have already stood here, I don't need to say much, but please allow me to compete with you dignifiedly." Ling Yin said.

Kirito secretly thought that Ling Yin, who was dressed in the summer style of the Southern Empire, probably existed in the same category as Silica in this world, and that it was impossible for an NPC adventurer who had never been gathered by Medina, who had never been to the Southern Empire, to have a way through swordsmanship. The academy or knight order should be qualified for the Four Empires Unified Swordsmanship Conference.

According to the rules of the conference, there should be no need to worry about a wave of swords coming from [Thousand-Blade Sword Rain]. The problem is that he only has one sword, even if he takes an extra one from the weapons that can be lent by the conference at this time. Swords, the priority level is only 20 to 25, there is no way to fight directly with Ling Yin who seems to have inherited the sao equipment and holds a pair of top-level magic swords that are close to divine weapons.

Moreover, he also felt that he had had enough of the female swordsman. Constantly increasing the relationship and intimacy with more female swordsmen, and avoiding the actions and excuses of changing clothes and bathing together and other female activities are becoming more and more powerless.

"I can only use that trick. Although the conference prohibits sacred arts, there is indeed no rule against doing that." He thought so, so he could only say, "Let us each use our strength to compete."


"Hey, Charlotte, can I help you? The scythe on your forefoot can be turned into a weapon by itself (I've seen the image of a girl in a black bathrobe holding a scythe in the dream space)? Let me temporarily change the shape with the mind technique Is it suitable for my sword?"

So, he put his hand into the black jacket like a magic trick, and pulled out a sword shaped like an "elucidator"...

five minutes later-

Both sides will make people feel like Xuanwu's continuous sword skill and sword light. After earning enough attention from the audience, Kirito, who failed to rely on [Sword Skill Linkage] to take advantage of it, simply gave up the Charlotte sword and held the sword with both hands. I lengthened it to the size of a two-handed sword with my heart, and used [Tianshan Ribo], which is designed to overcome all bells and whistles.

The sword technique that is most suitable for amplifying the power of the mind instantly sent Ling Yin's left-handed sword flying out of her, who was trying to block with a single sword and prepare to counterattack at the same time.

This made Kirito very admired, because Lingyin's posture did not show any signs of collapse, that is, she immediately let go of the sword voluntarily when she judged that the force was not good.

The basic sword technique [Slant Slash], which is weak but can be easily swung in various postures, sweeps under Kirito's armpits with the azure sword light.

But this is also within Kirito's expectation, the sword that had already completed a powerful slash but was knocked to the ground without force, the sword light did not disappear at all, and bounced back!

If it was a lighter knight sword or rapier, it might be able to do it naturally, but Kirito's sword is already heavy, not to mention turning it into a large sword to increase the inertia. This technique is a similar technique that Elvira used to perform in front of Lai Yinaos in the past, only by relying on the blessing of the mind to perform the sharp-angled turning back that seems to be completely unchanged at the speed of the sword.

Kirito unexpectedly discovered that in the stalemate of sword light due to the secret art, as long as the posture is not pushed back and collapsed, it can continue forever, and it can even achieve the ability of a single sword skill to slash back and forth multiple times in the same sword path Effect - Of course most people can't do it.

Kirito's flicked sword pulled upwards, hitting Lingyin's weapon sword spine just like when Avra ​​hit Yin Aos, Lingyin naturally didn't let go of the sword this time, she gritted her teeth and clenched the sword The wrestling began, and the swords of the two sides flourished, and a mysterious confrontation that ordinary audiences most liked to watch began.

In a moment, the energy exploded instantly!

Both sides were beaten by the shock wave and forced to slide backwards with all their strength to stabilize the bottom plate.

"Very good, I have maintained my posture, and my sword skills can continue! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Kirito kicked the ground and almost slid towards the sword skill collapsed and failed to recover from the stiffness Ling Yin.

"Sure enough, I can't feel the unique sword intent of this world. Instead, I have the feeling of Sao's inherent skills. This world shouldn't be like this at her level. She is really an NPC, but even if the current rule is the first strike to win—"

The sword wind blows up Lingyin's fiery red hair, scarf, and the hem of her lower body.

Kirito just stopped the sword that was still bursting out on Ling Yin's chest, and said: "I don't want to hurt you, are you willing to admit defeat?"

"Yes. His Highness Tongren really deserves his reputation, I admit defeat." Ling Yin said with her sword closed.

"You're not bad either. If it's an actual battle that doesn't limit the rules of the tournament, as an adventurer, there should be more moves and tactics available, right?"

"You didn't even use the legendary one-hit kill beast move. Let's be each other, but how do you know I'm an adventurer?"

"Eh, eh ... there is such a feeling in the battle, right?" Kirito couldn't say "I'm sorry, you are just an NPC" explanation.

"As expected of you, it is very difficult for someone like me to participate in the swordsmanship tournament. If I lose this time, I may never have another chance in the future. If you can always think of me, if you can become a knight, you will have the opportunity to travel to the south. If the empire is on a mission, I will be very happy if I have the opportunity to meet and confront me again..."

"Ah, definitely."

When Kirito is off, UU reads www. saw the cold eyes of the other two who should have been companions who had also reached the semi-finals.

"Excuse me... Eugeo Swordsman? My lady? Did I... do something that would offend the nobleman and the guard at the same time?" Kirito laughed in a joking tone.

Elvira: "How should I put it? I can only say that I heard that you were proposed before becoming a guard, so I gave you women's clothing... Could it be self-defeating? You can be more handsome than before It's also easier for girls to let go of their guard and accept something..."

Eugeo: "I heard from Yuuki, but seeing it with my own eyes can only be said to be really amazing. A journey full of girls, etc., always unintentionally become a special existence in the other party's heart. The one just now is the Southern Empire The only female swordsman who successfully entered the swordsmanship tournament with only two swords and no other means. Just by looking at her, you can tell that she and you look like they never met, and it's not just about swordsmanship."

Kirito: "Eh... But isn't that the same feeling when I met Yuuki? It's strange?"

Elvira: "Look, let's see, even you admit it yourself! The school girl can hug you without any suspicion, right?"

(to be continued)