Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 208: friend reunion

The latest website: "Hey," Elvira leaned her body and looked at Kirito sideways, "I said why Kirito has been courting me on desserts these past few months. Is this the idea?"

"What... what's wrong? Elvira, don't you eat well too?"

"Hmph, sure. If you want to use the dormitory kitchen, don't leave me alone."

"That's right. It's not as a kindness to serve the eldest lady, but a roommate, ah."

"I know."

Afterwards, Kraunpi took them back to the eightieth floor and took the elevator to the training field on the fifty-second floor.

As soon as Crohnpiss pushed open the door of the connected room, which was comparable to the 50th-floor aura corridor, the sound of sword skills and shouts immediately rushed to his face, making the three of them almost pull out their swords.

Kirito and Eugeo opened their eyes wide. The knights they met in the war kobold lord Yin Erfan in ancient times and the knights who fought in the dream space on the 50th floor are all here, and Logo is also there!

Logo glanced over for a moment, looking happy, and then brandished his weapon fiercely as if nothing had happened.

Kirito could see that they seemed to be practicing high-level sword skills like [Tianshan Liebo], which is extremely suitable for the fusion of mind skills, but the way of the sword is obviously more flexible and close to actual combat. The level of the goblin captain he faced for the first time?

"This is the place where the lower-level knights, the Nine Swords of Death and their subordinates, the Four-Hurring Swords, practice. Because they don't have the talent for divine weapons, they are undergoing quite arduous training with a different process. They are very busy and tired. Don't spend time outside of rest. Feel free to strike up a conversation when you have time," said Crompiss.

"Understood, but are they really knights?" Elvira felt a little suspicious.

Because the mind affects sword skills, it is difficult to hide things like temperament from those who are good at it in battle. And the people who train here are originally a group of villagers who were arrested for crimes and integrated, so Kirito and Eugeo didn't think it was special, but it made Elvira feel strange.

"It's true that most of them are not talented, but when they can control flying dragons or ride war horses, it's no problem to kill unspiritual monsters and slaughter the weakest soldiers in the dark field. If you train well and cooperate with the formation, you can fight stronger However, as an integrity knight, it is really disappointing that you can't stand up to a thousand horses, you all have to work hard." Klauenpiss said.

Then, they came to the training ground on the fifty-first floor.

"From tomorrow onwards, you will be training here, but after completing the practice here, everyone likes to exercise outside in the sun." Clounpiss said as he opened the door.

There was a sound of "Dongdongdong" similar to chopping iron piles from inside.

In fact, someone is actually training like a wooden man with a wooden sword, but everything here is replaced by metal.

A female knight with short red hair swung her sword under the guidance of a gray armored knight who was completely silent as if not wanting to be noticed.

"That instructor is Scheta Synthesis Telf (12th), who will be your teacher from tomorrow on."

But someone's attention doesn't seem to be here.


! "Kirito rushed towards Medina and stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder and shook violently. I found out that the highest priest's saber contained Medina's intentions. I was worried that Medina would be turned into a sword. It's so good now up...

"What are you doing ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

He was then knocked out with a punch from Medina.

"It's been a long time since we met. What do you mean? Huo Da, although I'm not a real knight, but I'm also a knight who was exceptionally appointed due to my merits. I have the right to cut your destiny."

"Well, that's good. Since I haven't contacted you all the time, I'm worried that something will happen to you again. After all, the fact that most nobles hate you hasn't changed much."

"This is a matter of my family ancestors, you don't need to worry about it, hmph."

After that, the few people greeted each other briefly, and then Medina continued to train.

"Is there any difference in the training here besides the different materials of the equipment?

Elvira asked, "Ms. Scheta?"

Scheta looked like he had just woken up, and said expressionlessly: "One of the criteria for becoming a true knight is to use the sword trained here to chop off iron piles."

Kirito couldn't help confirming the two Stacia windows, and said strangely: "The priority of the sword is 8 points lower than that of the iron post. How could it be possible? The iron post is full of sword marks, that is, Those who practiced before couldn’t cut it in, right?”

"Those who have completed this training have already cut off their iron stake destiny, so naturally they will not stay. You should not only rely on weapons and strength, but skills." Scheta replied.

"Wow... but the power of pure slashing is not determined by the swordsman's muscle strength, speed, and the sharpness, hardness, priority and weight of the sword, right?" Kirito is not ignorant of the role of skills in battle, but This is not...

"Bang!" The upper side of the iron post suddenly detached in a thin layer and turned into a discus and flew to Kirito's feet, scaring him into apologizing.

"Anyone who is qualified to be a true knight can do it. Come on, Medina." Kroenpiss said as he put the training sword back in its place as if it hadn't been cut.

"Yes. Thanks to His Royal Highness Yuan Lao Fuzuo for your demonstration. That's all for the gossip. I'll continue to practice my comprehension."

"Wait, Scheta, show it in a more targeted way. Although you don't want to imitate, it's good to have a direction." Cloenpiss ordered to Scheta.

"Of order." Scheta didn't take the sword, but took off the gauntlet and gauntlets to reveal his slender white hands that looked as if they hadn't been exercised, but the muscles were really tight after a closer look.

She slashed across with the knife in her hand, and another thin discus flew out from the iron post.

"[Blade of Mind]!" Kirito noticed this time because the shape of the mind skill was far from the shape of the wielding object.

Elvira and Eugeo, who failed to see through, were tensed by the severity of the upcoming training.

After bidding farewell to Medina, the next restaurant is the activity area for monks, nuns and holy warlocks on the lower level.

"Excuse me, Alice... Where does Alice Ziberku work?" Seeing a large group of people wearing nun clothes, Eugeo finally couldn't help asking when he remembered Alice Ziberku who was also wearing this kind of nun clothes. .

"Now she is helping the chef in the big kitchen on the tenth floor, but because you and their meal times are staggered, and she also assumes the duty of a cleaner in a more difficult place, so unless you pass by on shift or go to her before going to bed Stay where you live, otherwise you probably won't have a chance to talk to her." Cloenpiss replied.

(to be continued).

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