Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 225: agent of world will

The latest website: "realworld, is this your backer? If it weren't for the fact that the authority is invalid here, and there is no real god, I really want to show some color."

Adominus Doret, who was fully clothed, stomped his feet angrily.

It was a good thing for her to successfully break away from the situation where she was still a virtual character, but the causal thread of the will of the world immediately entangled her.

The current trend of rule changes in this world is based on SAO. In game terms, they are forced to assign tasks.

Underworld was first created to protect the island country, so based on the current world rules, if Adominus Doret wants to become a real person, he must complete the task of protecting the island country.

Of course, there is also an option to refuse, but in this way, her body in the realworld will always be in a temporary state that is not recognized by the world, just like a wirelessly controlled puppet. , the scope of influence is much smaller.

It will take some time for the rules of the world to normalize to allow her to use this body to exert stronger power. These are all things that Otohime, Crompis and their affiliated forces have allocated a considerable part of their own computing domains. But not yet.

Adominus Doret can choose to wait, but the Underworld can't wait. Although Adominus Doret has forcibly connected to this side, it can be adjusted to a certain extent, so that the time ratio is slightly reduced, but the time is not sufficient. roundabout

She has already learned about the kidnapping of Lars from the activity records of Kirito reported by the veteran Fuzuo. At that time, they will definitely take the results and destroy the underworld with all their strength. Becoming a real life, the status of absolute ruler of the underworld does not intend to give up.

Only children make choices, and she wants both worlds.

That's the only way to go-

Let's physically destroy the forces that want to be detrimental to the underworld.

She is the ruler in the underworld, but she will also play tricks when she regains part of her humanity. You must know that she is not the highest priest from birth, but she also continuously researches and climbs through the vocation of the holy warlock that she has been given. The same experience This is the time when you have to make a fool of yourself to other nobles and earn your reputation by being kind to the people.

So, how to plan better?

"If you wish, I can grant you the power of the future. 》Lend

An inorganic voice resembling a synthetic speech broadcast sounded in her head.

A proposal of unknown meaning suddenly appeared by an unknown existence.

If it was Quinella's childhood, he would be very happy; if he was fighting Cardinal, he would be very alert.

"No, you are not qualified to decide how to use my power in the future, please hand over everything that belongs to me." At this time, Adomis Doret began to chant the mantra proudly, "system-call..."

That is a taboo spell in the underworld. Since the magic rules on both sides are common, there is no reason why it cannot work here.

That is, a command to obtain administrator privileges with one click.

According to the rules of the world, there is an existence here that is equivalent to a true god. Naturally, it is impossible for Adominus Doret to truly obtain the divine power, but it is possible to regain the completely equivalent ability in the underworld. roundabout

As a negligible price, she had to adapt to the realworld's body for a whole day.

Then, start taking action immediately.

However, here, she still has no identity.

Therefore, she simply used the transparency technique to collect all aspects of information in this world and this country to achieve integration, and then immediately went to the center of the United Fleet, which is now exercising to deter the eastern countries, and quietly used the [Material Transformation Technique] to change the impossible The neglected structure destroyed all ships and sank them.

Then target other military bases.

Leaving aside the attack distance and range of Adominus Doret's sacred arts, you must know that she can easily create four giant city walls across the human world with a radius of 750 kilometers. In terms of the ability to move matter, she is very powerful.

In the current human civilization, Aincrad's power system has not yet been popularized in the army, and the combat power is basically concentrated on modern weapons outside the body, which cannot withstand the influence of large-scale [Material Transformation Technique]. roundabout

For example, just by moving your fingertips, the rows of planes parked at the airport will all be turned into metal ingots mixed with all kinds of messy impurities.

People didn't know what was going on, they could only scramble to throw away their armor and armor, and stay away from all kinds of weapons and equipment, so as not to be involved in it and crush them to pieces.

In less than a day after the complete sinking of the fleet, all the facilities and modern weapons of all foreign bases on the island country were completely abolished.

The reason why it took a day was because Adominius Doret was not yet familiar with the real geographical synchronization of the map on this side, and spent a lot of time looking for a place.


Kachino was holding a pill-sized ball in his hand, pacing back and forth very nervously, not knowing what happened.

After a while, Klaumpis appeared behind her, and when she turned around, she approached and made a grimace, which startled Kachino. roundabout

"Yeah, long time no see, you're still alive, Kachino-chan?" Klaumpis greeted.

"Uh, of course I'm alive, I didn't do anything to risk my life." Kachino said in a panic.

"I thought you would be sliced ​​and studied by Aizen's skeleton. After all, it's the face of resurrection."

"Please, this Aizen spirit skeleton doesn't know how to make a collapsed jade. It's impossible for such a calculation to exist, right?" Kachino said with embarrassment. UU reading

Crohnpiss looked around like a performer, and said, "So, he is really gone? Is it really impossible to calculate the will of the world?"

Kachino stretched out his clenched hands silently, and spread them open, revealing the corresponding Yihun Pill, as if he had made a mistake.

Crohnpiss raised his hands thoughtfully: "Hmph, because Adominus Doret has seized part of the causality of the will of the world, has the side that is manifesting the will of the world suffered backlash and self-destructed? The strength of the skeleton is really not enough, forget it, this matter is really too dangerous, unless there is a plan to destroy the world, otherwise it is better not to play. It is too dangerous to compete with the existence of divine karma for divine power." Lanna

"But I heard from Sunflower that you, Mr. Crompis, have fought to become a demon god?" Kachino asked back.

"But the demon **** Othinus and I are in a relationship of mutual cooperation and support. What we are fighting against is not the gods, not the will of the world, but just a mere collection of human consciousness." Crohnpiss raised his nose.

(to be continued)