Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 227: struggle

The latest website: Adominus Doret did not forget to complain after deciding to act, why there is no such thing as an ocean that simulates the real world barrier area between the human world and the dark realm.

She summoned Yuki in reverse, and plunged into the sea.

This made the high-level officials of the United States, who are constantly monitoring by satellites and intensively raising local defenses, a little confused for a while.

But he didn't slow down the defense at all, instead, he used the extra time to prepare more weapons. Even if all the current attacks were ineffective, it was enough for the world's most powerful country to discover—

The Witch's ability to change the shape and nature of objects indiscriminately has a limited scale in a unit of time. Otherwise, the speed at which Hawaii would be wiped out should be the same as that of Guam.

In other words, you must use a denser saturation strike, and if you exceed the upper limit of its conversion rate, there is hope of victory.

As for weapons, use weapons that can be manipulated from a long distance as much as possible to deploy near the coastline to build a defense line and evacuate the people in the city.

It will be five days before Adominian Doret re-drilled out of the sea, and it is no problem for the United States to do its best to do this regardless of the cost.

During this period of time, they did not give up on continuing to confirm the situation of Adominius Doret, but the unmanned anti-submarine aircraft flew over and found nothing, and the unmanned submarine never returned. As for sending large-scale man-operated anti-submarine ships and diving Boats—they dare not continue to give away for nothing with expensive methods that involve a lot of lives.



No matter what happens in reality, if the dungeon is not done well here, the world may still be destroyed, at least it is inevitable to become devastated.

At the beginning, the highest priest decided to take a trick to subdue the Dark Realm and use it as his own troops, but Marian Bell responded by setting off civil strife in the Dark Realm.

It will take a lot of time to solve this problem, but in the face of the maze similar in size to Aincrad that suddenly appeared in the human world, various explorations are still necessary.

Fortunately, there are no towns and residents there, no complicated towers of sky pillars, and no need to go through troublesome processes to activate various conditions to advance. It is enough to just follow the correct path and defeat the monsters all the way.

The "raider team" is all members of the Integrity Knights, including regular knights, apprentice knights, and all flying dragons with heavy firepower.

However, on the first floor, the "Guard Boss" who destroyed the balance extremely blocked the way.

"It seems that you really want to use the army of the dark domain, which is supposed to be the enemy, to die for you. I deliberately lowered the difficulty of the first floor, but it took several days before I made up my mind to face the destruction of the world and take the initiative to attack? The land lord sitting in front of the platform where the transfer gate is located closed the idle book in his hand, got up and said, "To be honest, I am very disappointed in you. Most of the content of the book is boring. It seems that your thoughts are like stagnant water. Brain All the idiots and inferior creatures will retreat to me, and only brave men with noble souls and absolute strength can move forward."

"Oh, that is, are you going to accept the challenge from all of us alone?" Knight Commander Bercouli said, raising his sword.

"Our task is to use the method of destroying the world to find people who meet the criteria just mentioned, and I don't want to die. If I can, I would naturally prefer to fight alone, but I can't help you if you insist on team battles, but it will definitely be difficult. Being merciful is enough to make you regret it. Please avoid small actions, save your energy." The earth lord took a step forward, and a wave of mental shock spread, all the secretly prepared [Armed Full Control Technique] interrupt.

"By the way, you are an out-of-standard guy from Realworld, no need, let her be your opponent."

Following the voice of the land lord, there was a roar of dragons, and then three huge breaths of different attributes rushed from midair to the ground.

Just when everyone was tired of dispersing and avoiding, the huge dragon claws brought Kirito into the air. In a short time, it began to move away from the labyrinth city by more than one kilometer.

"The three-headed giant dragon at that time!" Kirito realized this, and tried to break free from the injury and forcefully used the sword.

"Hun Dan! Where are you going to take Kirito!"

"Bring back Kirito-san!"


When he heard the voice, he turned his head and saw that Fei in the form of the Holy Light Dragon King was chasing after Elvira, Silica and Eugeo.

Fei opened the big mouth no less than the size of each of the three giant dragons' heads, concentrating his breath and turning it into a spiral beam storm, avoiding Kirito and shooting towards the back of the three giant dragons!

"Cut, annoying guy." The three-headed dragon complained in a girl-like voice, and one of the dragons turned its head back, and casually sprayed out a storm bomb like spitting.

The diameter is similar to the converging spiral beam storm, but the power contained in it is enough to easily blow Fei's attack, including herself and the people above, even Kirito can feel it!

"[Mirror Wall]!" Fei suddenly activated the skill, creating a reflective barrier on the path where she released her breath in the air, reflecting the spiral beam storm to one side, intersecting with the storm bomb.

While avoiding the storm bullets, the spiral beam storm kept reflecting and refracting around but still kept approaching the three giant dragons at high speed.

"Tch, what a boring trick." The three heads of the three giant dragons opened their mouths to inhale, causing the spiral beam storm to collapse on the spot and split into three free light elements to eat.


"Nice job, Fei." Kirito whispered, "burst-element."

There were three muffled noises from the throats of the three giant dragons. Kirito took advantage of the swallowed Guangsu before the three-headed giant dragon took advantage of it, and immediately tried to intervene in the manipulation and detonation, although it might be more effective to detonate after Guangsu It is not guaranteed that at that time, all of them will be converted into the resources of the three-headed dragon, and there will be no room for intervention.

The three-headed dragon didn't seem to have suffered any damage, but it was angry: "You soul boy! I wasn't interested in fighting you at first, so you're trying to die!"

It cursed, and threw Kirito to the ground forcefully.

Its strength is so great that if Fei tries to pick it up forcefully, she will be severely fractured; but if there is no buffer, then Kirito will most likely fall directly to death.

However, this was right in Kirito's hands, he immediately activated his mind skill to change into a form similar to the Black Rock Shooter, raised the "Doleful Noe" that turned into a revolver after it was released, instead of firing continuously, he kept reloading to absorb the energy. The beams converged in front of all the muzzles, and they were deliberately compressed into a high-speed rotating ball in order to tend to stability.

Then, swing the cannon body and spray!

The cannonball that turned into a beam of light slashed across the bodies of the three giant dragons like a huge sword that held up to the sky.

(to be continued)