Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 233: Day 0 declares war

Latest URL: As the Stormlord's voice fell, the huge whirling blade she threw split into hundreds of flying blades in the air, and fell towards the Integrity Knights like a torrential rain!

"This is troublesome." Bercouli thought to himself, if those knights who were good at long-range moves didn't fall down, they wouldn't be unable to handle it, but now...

Suddenly, a huge golden osmanthus shield appeared in the air, turning into a hemispherical shield, blocking the flying blades like a storm.

"Drink!" A figure with blond hair ran up the outer wall of the maze, Jian Guang smashed all the flying blades that spread out and continued to fly towards her, and slashed at the Storm Lord, but the Storm Lord also spread translucent insect wings behind him. Yuefei reached a place that the integrity knights couldn't reach even if they took off with all their strength.

"Uncle, everyone, are you all right!" Integrity Knight Alice said loudly. After releasing the artifact "Void Guardian Sword", she was able to deal with all the battle situations that the opponent had just appeared.

"I'm sorry... Uncle... Knight Commander, I got up slowly." Alice Ziberuk said.

A blood-red light beam shot from a distance, and it would automatically correct the ballistic trajectory across the arc, causing the bug girls who should have occupied the air without mounts to scatter and avoid.

"Phew..." The Storm Lord saw this, and looked at the Blade Lord who was hanging the seriously injured Earth Lord, sighed, and said in a toneless tone, "Little plague, it seems that you will inevitably let you take action, but be careful, Don't show too much."

"Hahahahaha, you know, I know that I can stand shoulder to shoulder with gods. Let's show them the magic formulas that gods can do." Following a witty girl with fluffy hair flying over, a large crowd A pile of powerful monster material weapons fell from the wide sleeves comparable to Furisode, but before touching the ground, it was automatically assembled in mid-air, turning into a huge sword golem and standing up.

"What?! Did you copy this when you hit the top of the church!" Kirito, who had just shot and hurried back, was shocked.

"The analyzed technology is not limited to this, Sasha, be afraid before God." The plague lord waved his wide sleeves, shaking off a large number of black petals.

After the petals fell to the ground, they immediately germinated rapidly, and within a few seconds, flowers with a diameter of several meters bloomed, and huge monsters or other existences of the same size crawled out of it.

"That is, the guardian dragon... the phoenix... the snake god... are all divine beasts that were hunted down and passed away in history!" Bercouli was shocked.

"Plague... Did you play 'machinery' and 'biology' instead of bombs?" Kirito subconsciously said to himself.

But the Plague Lord answered seriously: "The Dark Realm already has explosive weapons that can be used. Can't the black sword in your hand also be turned into a cannon? So it's not surprising enough to show those."

At the same time, this sentence also means that she remembers the two or three things that happened between Aincrad and Kirito.

Now the opponent's overall strength is overwhelmingly strong, and he can no longer act rashly.

If the tactics are right, the chance of winning is not small by using the tactics of staying away from some enemies and concentrating on attacking a few enemies, but the "four lords" seem to be much more intelligent than the beasts, and it is hard to imagine that this kind of tactics can be allowed to take effect.

Moreover, the people who fell on the ground have become a burden, if the other party directly attacks them...

"Don't worry, the highest priest who didn't dare to come out last time did something terrible, so the situation has changed. We are here to let you know that we will take a look at our future opponents, and we have no intention of fighting here." The Storm Lord said road.

"Oh, if the highest priest can make a move, it will be quite reliable. So, what did she do?" Bercouli asked. It is okay to ask the highest priest afterwards, but hearing information from the enemy is also useful, probably ...I have no experience so I can't judge, just listen to it.

Storm Lord: "The so-called gods who appeared in Genesis created you in the hope that you could bring real salvation to them who are powerless. No matter what the purpose of your highest priest is, this has been achieved objectively—a large part of it. But the so-called heaven is definitely much more sinister than here. Even if there is a confrontation between the human world and the dark world, it is like a comfortable paradise compared with that side. The conflict of interests and the resulting bloodshed are countless times greater than here. , so we still have to execute the destruction of the world to confirm various things. However, the continued accumulation of strength by both sides is good for the so-called gods supported by both sides in the so-called heaven. Therefore, the time can be extended to ten times the original time. It’s just a maze The level of complexity is comparable to that of Aincrad, for which we have already prepared a sufficient army of beasts. We will not run away, and we will perform our duties in the maze, waiting for your arrival."

Before the appearance of the sword golem and the beast, Integrity Knight Alice, who felt that she could wipe out the enemy's cadres, refused to accept it: "Why don't you run away? You just couldn't beat it yourself, and you hurriedly revived the beast to delay time, and took the opportunity to hide in the maze Can't come out?"

Storm Lord: "If you want to start a war so much, it's not that you can't accompany you. Anyway, we are not attached to you. It's okay to wipe you out and wait for a new guardian of the human world to attack the maze in the future. Now, the consequences of fighting here will be worse for both sides, right? You will almost all die here, and we will have to wait for humans to slowly raise the next generation of guardians."

Bercouli: "...Okay, let's retreat for now."

The Plague Lord's fighting power doesn't seem to be very strong—at least her actions and postures don't show that she is good at But her methods are really too troublesome, and she really feels like she can't fight without a countermeasure.

Bercouli: "However, it's true that you won't attack the world until the thousand-day time limit comes."

Stormlord: "Assuming you don't do anything that would make us decide to change."

Bercouli: "Then, can the turmoil in the Dark Territory you caused be brought to an end?"

Lord of the Storm: "Conflicts in the dark world have existed since ancient times. As long as racial conflicts, resource issues, and interest disputes are not resolved, wars will break out sooner or later. It’s just a spark. It’s better for you to break out and solve it earlier, think about it yourself. This can also be used as an opportunity to improve your strength and thinking.”

Bercouli: "Heh, although I really want to refute, but what you said is absolutely true."

Subsequently, the two sides left in an atmosphere that could never be friendly.

(to be continued)