Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 235: Empire Cemetery

The latest website: Rimuru is very dissatisfied with Veldora's time travel, but Veldora is also very wronged. In the world he was born in, there are thousands of transmigrators registered in the Eucalyptus, so what if they travel to play? up?

"Don't change the subject, these are two different things." But Limuru insisted on this.

"Forget it, let me explain briefly." Cloenpiss changed the overlapping order of his crossed left and right hands, concealing part of the facts and said, "Generally speaking, there are people in this world who have a different world. Meng made a video game that seemed to be like traveling through another world, but the sense of time travel was too realistic—it was impossible to exit the game, and death in the game would also make people die. This made the world quite confusing, and then a friend and I took In the game, those people in this world seem to be given magical powers to them, which makes them very excited to study these powers through the game, and finally save the war from breaking out. But this country messed up, so they used various means to Robbing the talents and achievements of other countries, and launching wars for this, but now they are being beaten violently, the explanation is over."

"If that's the case...then it seems to be self-inflicted? Why are the big coastal cities empty?"

"The capital may also be targeted, so evacuate, probably."

"Try not to affect civilians as much as possible, that's okay. By the way, although the greeting is a bit late, I haven't seen you for a few years, Crohnpiss. Let me see what you gave me, do you mind?"

"If you don't mind, you don't mind, but the ones that appear now have nothing to do with me. They are all made by themselves under the new rules." Crohnpiss was anxious to get rid of the relationship.


The already jittery military was completely ineffective against Veldora and his party's nuclear strikes, and had no time to prepare other countermeasures.

Adominian Doret has reappeared and continues to advance towards the west coast of the United States.

As the US prepares to try to meet Adominian Doret on the coastline with missile seas and drone swarms and other weapons that can fire large quantities of ammunition at high speeds—

Numerous metal golems jumped onto the shore from the seashore and began to advance, some of them galloped towards the defense lines of various deployed troops in the United States at the speed of a jet fighter.

After a moment of horror, the army, under the immediate command of their superiors, treated them as low-altitude fighter jets and fired at them with corresponding weapons.

Some golems were hit by some missiles or shells. Although they were harder to hit than planes and tanks, they were still knocked down like this, which boosted the morale of the army for a while.

But the nightmare that followed made them collapse.

Those metal golems that were burnt as coke by the explosion seemed to peel off their scorched black layer, and stood up again to strike nonchalantly.

They then launched counterattacks against defenses and troop buildups that had been exposed by the attacks.

They fired a bunch of missiles the size of fireworks and things that were no different from machine gun bullets.

But the range was comparable to missiles and artillery shells. A large number of these small things fell into the army's positions, and immediately set off a big explosion that was no less than missiles and large-caliber howitzers, blowing up their corpses.

Although many troops have taken measures to move immediately after firing to prevent counterattacks, and have also carried out scattered deployments, they still cannot escape the tracking and attack of those fireworks-like things.

Theoretically, a large military base with strong anti-strike capability and a large area cannot withstand wave after wave of blows. The reason is that mushroom clouds like nuclear strikes have risen there.

I thought that if the enemy had only one person, there was still some hope of victory by using saturation strikes to push him to the limit. I didn't expect that the enemy would have the means to quickly form an unmanned army.

What they didn't know was that the materials of these golems were originally weapons from their overseas bases.

Adominus Doret didn't waste the things that sank into the sea, and used the principle of making sword golems and integrity knight artifacts to turn the army that should have been buried at sea with a large number of weapons into golems. And retain the performance of those weapons while reducing the size.

The things that become the combat power of golems range from guns, cannons, armored vehicles, tanks, and fighter jets to missile launch sites, matching radars, strategic bombers, nuclear submarines, various warships, and even aircraft carriers. Dorret has some use and was let go of the satellite.

The materials used include many nuclear weapons deployed overseas. How could Adominian Doret waste such a powerful weapon? She doesn't care what conventions are in the world here.

And because the volume is too small, the largest is only similar to the sword in cold weapons, and it can maintain the original speed and even penetrate at a higher speed due to the reduction of air resistance. The most advanced interception air defense system is powerless.

Of course, all the weapons and troops in the defeated line of defense also became the golem army of Adominius Doret, which spread faster than the legendary t-virus.

With enough materials to transform electronic warfare artifacts, although Adominus Doret is not very good at being a hacker and cannot paralyze the opponent's command system, it is very simple to quickly locate it in combination with space-type sacred arts.

Adominus Doret is like playing a shooting game, naming and destroying all military-related facilities one by one, and knowing that he may be countermeasures, avoid fighting as much as will indeed lose some golems , but it doesn't matter, then fly over to clean the battlefield, and turn the remaining usable parts into your own golem.

At the same time, a large number of weapons that have not been destroyed and placed neatly for decades were found in the vast desert. These are all resources for using the [Material Transformation Technique] to strengthen the Golem's army.

Of course, this also takes a lot of time. And just like the long-term use and continuous release of the artifact will consume a lot of life, the continuous activity time of the golem is also limited.

Therefore, during the vacant period when the Adominian Dolet offensive weakened, the strategic missile system of the United States was activated.

It has been confirmed that the maximum range and quality of Adominus Doret's one-time manipulation of matter, then, while using decoy bombs to carry out saturation strikes regardless of the cost, before she notices it, use the sub-director Type nuclear warheads detonated a large number of high-yield hydrogen bombs around her at once.

Regardless of the outcome, this is almost the last hope to turn the tide of the war.

(to be continued)