Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 240: Advent of evil god

The good old man Limulu naturally wouldn't directly agree with Crohnpith's casual statement: "But I don't want to destroy everything within the enemy's sphere of influence. Many civilians who did not participate in the war are innocent, right?" Do

"There are no resentful souls under the atomic bomb, do you understand? Well...Actually, to deal with this kind of guy, I suggest you adopt sealing tactics, just like how the brave Kronoa dealt with Veldora. After buying enough time, you can slowly Brainwashing the But those loyal subordinates and stubborn fanatics must exterminate the nine clans." Cloenpiss replied a little more seriously this time.

"...Indeed, this is indeed the safest way." Limulu couldn't think of an alternative.

"Excuse me, everyone..." Fei was still a little eager to intervene in the conversation, "I feel that you can all use plane travel as a tourist, then... if it is an easy thing... can I go home?"

After the scene was silent for a few seconds, Crohnpiss put his hands on his chest thoughtfully, and said, "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...this is a bit difficult, I found that the existence of your system, your soul, and you as a dragon The egg itself does not come from the feeling of one plane, that is to say, your reincarnation is not an accident of being hit by a truck and God is paying attention, but the result of some kind of multi-plane struggle."

"Indeed, it's very complicated. If it's easy to find the coordinates of the origin of the dragon egg, it will be difficult to trace the plane where you lived as a human in your previous life." Limulu said the same after asking Charles to analyze it.

"Eh? The world I lived in in my previous life was an ordinary neon of the 21st century without magical powers. How could He De be involved in multi-plane struggles? Besides, before I became a dragon egg, I was just ordinary in the classroom In class, there are no anti-scientific anomalies at all?" Fei asked in surprise.

Crohnpiss smiled jokingly and said, "Maybe it was a blow that penetrated the barrier of the plane? To the extent that we have the ability to pass through the plane casually, the attack can be wiped out on the spot without ordinary people noticing it." It's very simple. Maybe you were simply affected by the stray bullets accidentally generated by the war between the planes. Maybe it's possible that classrooms, teaching buildings, schools and even cities evaporate or even shake the planet. It's just a death crossing before." Do

"Ah... Forget it, I know it right, I have become a dragon, and I will only be regarded as an extremely abnormal creature when I go back. There is no place for me there anymore." Fei immediately rubbed her hair and gave up. stand up.

But in this way, she has new doubts: "Then, what if all this is planned? After all, I have been given something like a different system. Will it happen to my family, friends and classmates? Something like that?"

After all, her soul-binding system is really different from the others present. Not only has she released tasks that must be killed and upgraded to complete, she cannot obtain production-related abilities, but she also has a novice gift package that can be exchanged for many skills-obviously encouraging fighting and looting. If it is true as the great gods said, then she is very worried that people including important people may be involved together.

Fei put down the book and picked up her hand, then she was stunned—when did she hold a smartphone in her hand?

She also entered the call state on the spot, and why she had already made the action of answering the phone, didn't it just feel like she was flicking her hair, could it be that her body was manipulated without being aware of it?

Everything around seemed to stand still.

? ? ? ? : "It seems that you have already noticed, Miss Shengguang Dragon King."

Fei: "What the **** are you... Ruo Ye... Ruo Ye Ji Se, who are you?"

? ? ? ? : "You still remember me, you got the answer right so quickly, applause—baji baji, the reward was already given when you became a dragon egg, so I won't give it this time. And it's just for me to make it easier for me to get to the lower level It’s just a pseudonym for a vacation.”

Fei: "Your voice and tone of speaking have not changed. Of course I recognize it. What else can I say? Wait, my voice is completely different from before. Why are you still exactly the same...Could it are still the original you? Then How did you get this power...wait a minute, you just said 'lower plane' and 'vacation', could it be..."

? ? ? ? : "You are so confused that you are incoherent. How about drinking a Coke and calming down?"

Fei: "How could it be so coincidental that I have Coke on hand, or is it like plugging in a mobile phone, are you treating me?"

? ? ? ? : "It's not for you. After all, that guy's guess was right, there was indeed an attack that shot through the plane. But how could that attack, which was only powerful enough to blow up the entire continent, hurt me? But after all, the I got up, so I tried my best to suppress the range of the explosion, and probably only killed a few dozen people in a small area around me. As compensation, I specially arranged for you to be reincarnated, didn't I?"

Fei: "Then... my classmates and friends were all involved and died together, right! If this kind of thing can be done—then let us continue to live! Why give us..." Do

? ? ? ? : "Yes, UU Reading But I don't have this obligation. It's not me who killed you. It's easier to put you into a new body than to restore you who have been wiped out, but I can't just interfere with this The world reincarnates, so I use my own world that dared to attack me to do it. By the way, you turned into a monster is definitely not the retribution for such trivial things as you pouring water on my notebook and hiding my shoes. , After all, I am a god, and I don’t have the same knowledge as you.”

Fei: "The... world under your banner? Everyone went there, but I was separated from everyone because of [Summoning from Other Worlds]... Wait, someone from your world under your banner attacked you across planes? Then everyone will not be in danger ?"

? ? ? ? : "No, no, no, the world is very big, and almost all the people who attacked me are dead. But it is true that some people are lucky to meet again. Even if the world is on the verge of destruction, the remaining time is enough for them to spend their lives gone."

Fei: "Huh? On the brink of destruction?"

? ? ? ? : "Yes, after all, deliberately doing things like collective reincarnation in different worlds violates the rules of God. Exposure may shorten my vacation and increase my work... Cough cough, so it doesn't matter if the world is on the verge of destruction. But it's all about that It’s the fault of the human beings in the world for abusing the energy of the planet. I have left a back door to save the world. Obviously, I only need to keep fighting to gain powerful skills and energy, and then I can use these energy to replenish the world and extend the life of the planet. But I didn’t get rid of it A cancerous tumor that still abuses energy is no good."

(to be continued)