Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 27: Investigation and Discourse of Bear Chil

After describing the results of the investigation to Clounpiss, Fizel and Linel looked at each other, looked at Clounpiss and said—

"It feels like I can't piece together a coherent course of events, it's a mess, doesn't it, Neil."

"Probably they're frightened and insane, Jieer, we won't be afraid, right?"

Kraunpiss raised his chin and thought for a few seconds, looked up at the sealed castle on the nearby hill, and said, "It is conceivable that the opponent has a mental attack method. That is, because the reason for their killing is After receiving mental interference, like killing people in a dream, the Senate could not confirm whether their crimes existed."

"Oh, that's it, no wonder."

"Pisi immediately thought of it. Do you really read a lot?"

Attacks on the spirit are extremely rare in the Underworld, but Adominius Doret knows it. Not only were Figel and Linel not surprised, but they also admired them even more. They also raised their vigilance against unknown opponents in the castle.

"Then the question is, is it illegal to kill in a dream? The last one to kill should be a monster that made a chewing sound, but the indirect cause of the consequences should be the killing of each other in the dream, causing the team to fall apart." Ke Lawn Pease said.

"But no matter what kind of stimulation you receive in the dream, if you attack others because of disputes, it will violate the "Taboo Catalogue." Feijieer said.

Linel also nodded: "It feels impossible for ordinary people to do it."

"What I mean is that the monster is very moral. Because of the existence of the "Taboo Index", they won't hurt each other even if they fight, but it is still possible to hit a harmless attack. The synchronous attack of the lethality can make the cannibalism in the dream seem to be transformed into real damage." Klauen Piss guessed and analyzed.

It is easy to think of this point after playing with spiritual magic and illusion.

Fizel and Linel looked like little girls.

"So it is, so it is."

"Well, well. Then we must firmly believe that we must never attack each other again."

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible, didn't we stab each other so many times in the first place? In the dream, we were all finished at that moment."

"Then, what shall we do?"

"Anyway, you guys have done a good job of investigating, so how about mobilizing the villagers to help?" Klauen Piss suggested.

"Eh?" x2

"Huh..." Crohnpiss sighed, crossed his waist and said, "Don't think I don't know that you two have slipped into the castle just now for a visit, but you escaped in embarrassment! The tracker... The sacred art is not difficult! Moreover, if you have not experienced it yourself, you will easily believe my explanation without evidence just now? Also, please clean up the frosty tears at the corners of your eyes, I was scared to cry in nightmares Bar?"


The two brats were taken aback, they clasped their fingers together and snuggled together tremblingly.

Then, both of them had to lower their heads and admit that they had slipped in once because of trouble, and after a flash of light dazzled their eyes, they probably slept in it together for a while, and the content of the dream was also vivid in their minds.

It seems that when they left the room where they had to keep killing each other, they didn't meet Pith, they couldn't get the opportunity to "play", and they couldn't stand the boring study day after day, and there were two swords caught The soldiers broke out of the prison and began to invade the higher-ups. The two of them were overjoyed and pretended to be nuns who could not fight. The knight commander was about to ask for credit, but one of them, who was supposed to be immobilized by poison, suddenly jumped up, grabbed their poisonous sword, paralyzed them and knocked them down. The next moment they were about to be stabbed to death by anti-kill, they woke up together in that instant.

They did feel the monster's aura, but they couldn't see anything in the darkness that seemed to have flashed just now. After releasing a few sword skills indiscriminately, it seemed that they temporarily forced the opponent back, and they retreated immediately if they didn't see the opponent's movement, fearing that they would be hit again.

"Speaking of which, it's very dark inside that castle. It's daytime, and there are windows. Why?" Lineel asked with his eyes downcast.

"Create an atmosphere that is easy to be blinded by flashes, sleep, and sneak attacks in the dark, maybe it's the skills of monsters." Kroenpiss said.

At the same time, she secretly said that you all dreamed about the original work.

"Is the swordsman who turned against you the black swordsman with black hair, black clothes, black child and black sword? The other one is blue?" she asked.

"Hey, I can't remember clearly, it seems, is it? It can't be the one I met in the north last time, right?"

"The big brother of the black-haired black boy is indeed very interesting in swordsmanship. It's not surprising that he was the opponent in the dream, isn't it?"

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Feijieer and Linel looked at each other and smiled at this moment, making Crompiss suspect that the talk in the dream had wiped out their favorability.

Crown Piss put his hands together and said with a smile: "Hee hee hee, that's great. Judging from the description of your investigation results, it's possible that you woke up because you felt danger before you were attacked in your dream. It’s really good to wake up after training your nerves in this aspect during the mutual killing. Let’s go and find the village chief. You also know the sacred arts, so you can help me as I said.”

A moment later, the house of the headman of Feldis Village—

"Oh, oh, are you from the Axiom Church? For generations, we have been worried about that castle, but we suffer from the fact that there is no land suitable for developing a village around this area. Our troubles have finally spread to the central capital, and we will soon Submit everything you know, please be sure to bring the news to I hope the Axiom Church will send someone to solve the problem in the city of nightmares."

The village chief enthusiastically shook Clounpis's hand up and down.

Klaumpis was speechless, that is to say, the previous investigation by Figel and Linel did not disturb the village senior management at all, let alone ask them to find out the situation, just ran around in the residence of the investigation team, right?

"You two came to the village chief at the beginning and asked him to order the people who concentrated the investigation team to give an explanation, wouldn't it be all over? Both of you have to make repairs." Croynpiss secretly despised the embarrassing two one glance.

However, probably because of the children's appearance, the village head took them as messengers who came here to get a preliminary understanding of the situation.

"Mr. Village Chief, we are here to help you solve your problems. Can you gather the hunters, guards and all capable people in the village who know how to use bows and arrows?"

"What? But even if the better local guards form an investigation team—"

Without waiting for a rebuttal, Crohnpiss put his finger on his mouth and said, "Don't worry, listen to me."

(to be continued)