Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 33: Fizel vs Solterina

Instaballies Eastern Empire, Belikulland—

"Phew, I underestimated this festival." Feijieer walked off the arena a little out of breath amid the cheers of the audience.

Fighting Festival, this is a unique local event, originally attended by gladiators, but it was quickly canceled because the vocation was too small, and anyone who is confident in their own skills can participate.

Because of Adominus Doret's unchanging rule, the lack of violence in the human world, and the long intervals between swordsmanship tournaments to select guards, swordsmen, and knights, such exciting activities have become very popular in the local area.

This is the kind of activity that Feijieer participated in at this time. It wasn't that she wanted to show off, but that the local nobles used the relics and treasures thrown out by Crompiss for observation as prizes for fighting sacrifices, because everything was legal. You have to win the game to get it again.

There are a large number of participants, and it is necessary to play a hundred games in a row. Even if Figel continues to win, there are still more severe challenges ahead. It's not a question of strength, but the rules of the fighting festival are loose, and it's okay for unconvinced people to rush into the field collectively. Of course, if you give away a head in this situation, you will give the opponent a victory record and reduce the number of remaining games that the opponent needs to win, so as to prevent some people from It is a fair balance to consume the energy of the enemy and hire villagers to surround him and play tricks.

The Fighting Ritual stipulates that the proportion of the opponent's destiny should be consumed, and poisoning, limb amputation, binding and other methods cannot be used, and the fight must be upright. This made Figel, who originally used short-term kills to reduce the opponent's pain or completely block the action as a means of combat I'm not used to it, and the fight is miserable.

Fortunately, most people's strength is not very good.

"Huh... this is ninety-nine matches." She came to the stone bench next to the arena and sat down to catch her breath, trying to recover her strength as much as possible.

Fortunately, before the finals, a nobleman came to the stage to give a speech, so he could take the opportunity to take a rest.

Host: "Then, before the finals, we first invite the host of the conference—Master Jestanto Beliku, to give us a speech!"

A middle-aged man dressed luxuriously and elegantly came to the front of the stage and said: "This year, many weapons have dyed the arena a beautiful red color. I am very satisfied. But! The climax of the festival is next, and the finals can be said to be sacred." The highlight of the fight festival!"

The audience cheered and booed loudly.

At this time, Feijieer felt the footsteps of acquaintances approaching faintly mixed with the noise behind him, so he turned his head, and saw Crohnpiss and Linel passing through the crowd step by step in the stepped auditorium Gradually drilled over.

"Jier, is this okay? The practice of the Axiom Church when going out to carry out missions should be to avoid having more than acquaintance relationships with the public." Lineel recalled according to the knowledge he had learned.

"It's okay, I didn't report my name and real identity. It's just a trainee of the Axiom Church." Feijieer said.

Since it was a chaotic fighting festival rather than a rigorous swordsmanship tournament, the rules were also loose.

"Do you want to drink Xilaru water?" Crohnpiss smiled and took out a bottle of drink—a sweet and sour liquid from an unknown language, which is a common sports drink in Underworld.

Seeing that Feijieer opened it and sniffed it, Crohnpiss complained: "I won't bury scares in the food like you gave me, and I won't do it with something as simple as Xilaru water. do it!"

At this time, Justando Bellicu's speech and the booing of the audience were also over. The auditorium was not full, and the two people who had just arrived found an empty seat in the front row and sat down casually.

Host: "Thank you very much for your speech, Mr. Beliku. Then, we are about to start the finals! Let everyone wait for a long time, and invite the challengers to come on stage."

After Feijieer came on stage, the host continued: "Next, Soltilina Serulut, the four-time champion who successfully entered the glorious Imperial Sword Cultivation Academy last year, has also passed all the way this year. Please come on stage, the female sword king, commoners, tremble and kneel before the mighty power!"

Holding a sword in one hand and a whip in the other, a tall girl swordsman with long tea hair tied into a high ponytail at the back of her head entered the arena, and Crohnpiss felt a little delicate.

Soltilina seems to be Kirito's senior sister at the Sword Mastery Academy in the future, and she is also one of Kirito's girls, but now that Kirito is in the Northern Empire, she should be in the Northern Empire. How did she come to the Eastern Empire? College vacation to travel here?

"Well, anyway, the original book only has stories that are limited to a small number of regions, so it's not surprising that this is the case." Crohnpiss quickly relaxed, and it would be okay if the future Kirito girl appeared here.

As the announcement began, Fizel and Soltilina started fighting immediately. They didn't know each other, so there would be no words above greetings in the preceding words.

In order to practice long spears, Feijieer used long spears instead of familiar short swords in the fighting festival. It was the same this time. Fortunately, after ninety-nine games and the theoretical foundation he had learned in the Axiom Church, he had already swung it with style. There are samples.

But she, who once killed the integrity knight in a flash, didn't gain the advantage at this time.

When she was about to strike first, she thrust out her spear and was dodged sideways, followed by a powerful sweep and was dodged back.

Soltilina then launched a counterattack, swinging forward with her left hand a whip that was longer than the spear.

The whip whipped towards Feijieer with flashes of sword skills. This kind of attack is more deadly to the battle situation than the loss of destiny, the severe pain it causes, and the impact on mobility.

Feijieer drew back the long spear in time, and quickly turned the gun body to prevent the soft whip from going around the gun body and continuing to draw, only to find out when he regained consciousness—this caused the long gun to be entangled by the whip.

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The long spear he used was not the divine silver purple orchid spear that would be unfair in the competition, but the spear he chose was provided by the organizer in a similar shape, the arrowhead-shaped spear head contained barbs that hooked the whip, making it impossible for her to Draw the gun out.

Soltilina turned around and launched the whip-type sword skill again. The huge force formed by the sword skill made Feijieer have to let go of the spear to avoid being dragged down.

Although there are all kinds of weapons in the Axiom Church, swords are generally used, and most of them are of various kinds. Figel and Lineel hold short swords due to the inertia of experimentation, but they are all swords anyway, and they have a corresponding inertia when they are trained. .

Right now, it's the unfavorable battle of using an unfamiliar weapon against an even more unfamiliar weapon.

Soltilina, who just turned around and threw the gun away, immediately let go of the whip, her body continued to spin, and the sword in her right hand slashed towards Feijieer's body.

Fizel nimbly backed up a few steps to avoid Solterina's whirling cut, untied the scabbard at his waist in a hurry, and tied the scabbard and dagger together to launch a counterattack.

"Winter!" Her quick sword strike that instantly killed the integrity knight did stab her opponent this time.

(to be continued)