Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 51: kate isabella record channel

Kraunpiss looked at the document and was a little surprised: "Oh, the army of the kingdom of darkness wants to adopt the tactic of digging tunnels from under the eastern gate? It is true that the geology of the east is easier to dig than other directions. Wait... Now that the tunnel is discovered And counterattack, the number of enemies wiped out is still zero?"

Bercouli replied: "Because the enemy's large forces come very quickly, we usually can only act with one or two people, and we can only retreat when encountering large forces."

"Then why don't you blow up the tunnel with one shot? Your sacred arts are not as good as swordsmanship, but it's not bad to cooperate with the dragon's breath, right? At least it will cause some damage to the laborers who dig the tunnels? Since you lead the team yourself, when you launch The sword-piercing [Armed Full Control Technique] is good to leave some traps to attack the enemies who pass through the passage in the future... Wait, since they have no results, don't harass them when they regroup, and let them in on purpose next time to fight." Crowe Enpis thought of one thing and ordered.

Bercouli thought for a while and asked, "Do you mean to ask the troops of the Eastern Empire to assist?"

"That's it. Anyway, there is no record in history that the enemy broke through the mountain range at the end and penetrated into the human world for a certain distance, right? Well, it gave the emperors of the Four Empires a chance to become famous, and it is a shame to you integrity knights, hehehe. You You should still remember, so please learn from the lesson and cooperate well." Crohnpiss covered her mouth and smiled.

"Indeed. Then, I understand. I'll make preparations now." Bercouli took the order and turned around to prepare to leave.

Cloenpis stopped him and said, "Wait, it's a bit late to ask this now—why do you send me all the things that should be reported to the elder?" She shook a pile of expensive sheepskins said the paper.

"Even if you say so, Chudelkin..."

"Yes, I know what you're going to say, but please take it back and dispose of it for reuse. It's easy for me to scrape off a layer with a sacred technique, but the loss of the paper will not be worth the loss." Crohn Piss said lazily Lazily pointing to a large pile of parchment paper in the corner.

Strong and durable paper is a very expensive thing nowadays, so the paper used for those disposable materials will be written with easily washable ink and recycled - of course there is no related industry, and users have to do it themselves.

Crohnpiss began to feel very strange, because the current level of folk technology should be able to produce cheap and easy-to-use hemp paper, but there is no trace of it, so he can only guess that this is the purpose of the highest priest in order to maintain the stability of the human world and hinder the dissemination of knowledge and technology information. Blocked.

"If there is nothing else, I will step back first." Bercouli said.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Have you found any students worthy of your training at this year's swordsmanship conference?"

"No, it feels like there are too many swordsman cultivators putting on airs. At least this year, I can't find anyone to cultivate."

Crohn Piss complained, if it was so easy to choose the right one, and the Four Empires Unified Swordsmanship Conference has been held more than 200 times so far, then there should be so many integrity knights. There are only more than 30 integrity knights and half of them are criminals. , which shows that the right person is hard to find.

"Hmph, then instruct them to use the same training sword as yours for training in the future. This will not work." She pretended to be lazily leaning on the back of the chair covered with soft pillows, and said.

Academy training uses wooden swords that will break after a long time, and integrity knight training uses sharp weapons. After all, they all wear armor in training, and sacred healing is also a compulsory content. It is only natural to increase combat power as much as possible against the dark realm .

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres; both Android and Apple are available. 】

"Understood. In the name of the Integrity Knights, I will send people to various sword training academies in the central capital to inform."

"Ah, please. Also, can you get rid of your habit of inserting your hands into your clothes and scratching your belly when you talk?"

"Excuse me." Bercouli bowed and left after knowing that there was no additional order.

After Kraunpiss threw all the remaining documents to Sophie Liss, she picked up the crystal tablet and began to watch Kate Insabella's documentary.


While sticking out its tongue to lick the cake in front of it, it secretly sighed that the child was incredible.

I have been observing that black-haired black boy for several months, and at first I thought it was unreasonable that he had no plan in addition to his long hair.

But now I probably understand why the master who gave the name "Kate" and the master who gave the name "Yin Sabella" should pay attention to this person.

Doing things without a plan sometimes also means being good at adapting to the situation. There were a few times when it brushed aside the rules for its own convenience, and it was so scared that it almost wanted to call the Integrity Knight to arrest this person.

Just passing by his legs pretending to be a passing stray cat and being fed is a violation of the "Taboo Catalog".

It is not illegal to feed livestock and pets raised by others without authorization. Feeding ownerless or wild animals is a kind of feeding behavior, which is equivalent to exceeding the bounden duty and breaking the law. Go" is not an illegal explanation.

This person is too dangerous, and if he doesn't become an integrity knight, he will be too sorry for his master.

But since the master Adominius Doret's order is only to observe, and other specific action requirements are issued by the master Crampis, it has no choice but to obey it, which is not under any legal constraints.

I saw a lot of interesting things during this time.

Feeding cakes to cats is really rare in history. Obviously that person has a high degree of obsession with catering, but he still uses his salary as a guard to feed several animals including How much is it? Kindness?

As for why it can get the cake, the reason is not a happy thing.

Cake is a kind of dessert that can add all kinds of sweets as you like. That person has a problem with some nobles, but he is cautious and keeps playing around with the law so that there is no reason for revenge, so this "pet" is targeted. It is illegal to harm other people's pets, and feeding is permitted.

It turned out that the guy brought a cake with fruit slices that were not poisonous to humans but poisonous to cats, but it was not a real cat and it liked it.

The result is that the person who finds the other animals dead and can't find a reason treats it as "the only pet" and takes good care of it.

If it weren't for the fact that the owner still connects with it from time to time, observes that person through its eyes and ears, and occasionally issues some irrelevant orders to confirm loyalty, it will really treat itself as a pet.

Although it feels unreasonable to worry about, but thinking about the impact of that person's action pattern on his thinking ability... Well, it's better to be cautious, and he will never be forgiven for imitating that guy's edgeball.

(to be continued)