Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 52: The double ponytail 0 gold that is not e

Appearance Maomao—Kate Yinsabella, eating the cake given by that person, while being ordered to continue to observe everything about that person.

"Yoxi, today is the time for me to go on patrol. If I'm not here, I might be targeted. Go for a walk with me." Seeing that it was still licking the cake after eating, the man picked it up and left it The attic of the guard's dormitory building that serves as one of the strongholds.

"Hey, Kirito, are you alright! You can't be late!" the man's companion below shouted.

"Eugeo? Oh, it's ready!"

"Kirito, do you really want to bring it?"

"Well, although it's not allowed to walk pets at work, it's okay to have an animal with you. This little guy is also very spiritual." The man patted its head and said.

"It's still called little guy, shouldn't it be time for you to name it?"

"Ehhh...then it's called Cat, which means 'cat' in the sacred language."

"You are too casual..."

Although Eugeo's companion complained, and similar speechlessness often happened, but this time he was very satisfied, and it was exactly the same as what his master saw.

The job of the guards patrolling the avenue in groups of two or three is to deal with issues that may endanger the life of pedestrians within the scope of the patrol. Depending on the situation, it may be easy or dangerous.

It was not surprising that those two civilians were squeezed into a more troublesome area by the nobles who wanted to live an easy life with their connections in the guards.

The two didn't add other teammates, they worked hard, occasionally killed wild beasts and monsters, and sometimes met or directly cooperated with other teams to kill stronger monsters. That person seemed to have the habit of going to grab the fatal blow when the monster's destiny was almost exhausted. , was once awarded the best meat reward by the guards, and was envied by some people.

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Sometimes it also helps people who have broken down on the axle of the carriage, etc. Although it does not violate the "Taboo Index" at present, based on long-term experience, it seriously suspects that the two are deliberately leveling.

There is a "prohibition of overwork" clause in the "Taboo Catalog". On the one hand, it actually sympathizes with the laborers and prevents them from being overly squeezed by the nobles; Win-Win Law. It's just that things of the level of "overwork" are not as easy for the Senate to detect as major crimes such as injury crimes and cross-border crimes.

Since it was invited to patrol together this time, it must confirm with its own eyes whether these two are overworked. If so, it cannot cover it up, and must immediately call the integrity knights to capture them.

But today it seems to be quite safe, and there are no pedestrians or wild animals along the way.

Just when they had almost entered the Centoria subsidiary area, and when it was getting late and they were about to turn back, the master's contact came.

It's not a routine contact, it's a mission.

Um? Leaving the current range of activities and shooting at that "Meat Ball Cat"? Test them to think about the level of breakthrough in action?

"Meow—" it yelled, and ran across the patrolling range of the two towards the subordinate territories of other nobles living in Centoria.


"Wait, Kate! Are you frightened by something..."

Kirito was about to catch up, but Eugeo held him back. Although he hesitated, he said, "It's out of our patrol range any further."

"But at this time I was suddenly startled, maybe something happened."

Eugeo thought for a while, and recalled: "Ah, I was rescued once. If it hadn't barked and made me stop and turn around, I would have been hit by a frightened galloping horse. But that... wasn't it. A coincidence of being scared by a horse earlier?"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

From that direction came the roar of a beast.

"This feels... a ferocious beast, no... a monster!" Kirito immediately stepped across the boundary.

"Ah, I knew it would be like this, but I will leave it to you to be scolded and take the main responsibility." Eugeo caught up and said.

"That makes sense, partner."

The "Taboo Catalog" stipulates that even this trivial matter will not be included. The rules in the guards have punishment items in this regard, but at most it is to do more physical work and deduct wages according to the division of responsibilities.

"However, if you, Kirito, have difficulties in life because of this, I will try my best to help you." Eugeo added.

"This is really very grateful."

At this time, a female voice came from the forest where the roar came from: "Alulu, Alulu! Where are you?"

"Is anyone there!" Kirito and Eugeo turned around and started running.

Soon, they saw the yelling owner—a silver-gray girl with neck-length ponytails who could be seen as an aristocrat at first glance. She was about the same age as them, or maybe a year or two younger.

"Hey, what are you doing, there are monsters around here, it's very dangerous!" Kirito shouted.

"Huh? Are you the guards of my territory? It's just in time. Help me find Alulu." The girl ordered directly.

"Alulu is your friend or relative?" Kirito asked hastily.

"Huh? Are you new here? Everyone knows that Alulu is my favorite cat."

"What does the cat... look like?" Kirito immediately wondered if it was Kate, but hearing the girl's vivid and loving description, it was obviously not.

But isn't Kate frightened because her equivalent cat is in danger?

At this moment, several beasts galloped through the trees and bushes.

"Hey, it's not hunting time, I don't have time to talk to you guys." The girl walked towards a tree not far away with a grumbling look on her face.

"What are you doing, we are fighting here! You run!" Eugeo was in a hurry. This girl is a nobleman, but she doesn't look like the kind of ghostly nobleman she has seen before, so she can't help but watch.

But Kirito took a look at her but stopped him who wanted to rush up and grab her.

"How dare you order me? Civilian, I'm going to exercise the power of judgment. I'll deal with you later." The girl said, reaching out and taking down a two-meter-long object leaning against the tree.

Because of the angle of sight, Eugeo thought it was a shovel or something like a shovel, but the long and narrow wooden part in the lower half turned out to be a scabbard.

The girl pulled out a giant black-gray cedar sword whose length was one-third higher than her height and whose width was comparable to that of a wide-edged sword. Wooden stick (similar to the weapon called "mace" in China in another time and space).

"Let me use the secret technique [Tianshan Liebo] to finish you all in one go!"

The girl raised the giant sword high above her head, and tilted it slightly. The red light and the flickering light like fireworks converged on the sword body, and slashed heavily to the lower left.

Eugeo wondered why she slashed to the ground, could it be that she couldn't use cover-ups in the face of the beast who wanted to stir up dust?

(to be continued)