Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 53: love meow club

The latest website: Facing the oncoming beast, the girl raised the fir giant sword that condensed red light, and slashed towards the ground with a slanted sword.

Eugeo was wondering about this. Unexpectedly, the moment the blade of the sword hit the ground and swept across the ground due to inertia, the red light turned into a shock wave and knocked the attacking beasts away. Although none of them died, they all fell into immobility. serious injury.

If Kirito hadn't stopped him, Eugeo might have been affected by the aftermath.

However, there were still wild beasts nearby that were not hit, and at the same time, there were new wild beasts galloping over. The girl showed an impatient face. Seeing a wild beast dodging the attack range just now and rushing from the side, she directly pointed the tip of her sword off the ground and pointed in that direction. A horizontal chop.

"Crack!" The sword just happened to cut into the trunk of a tree and got stuck for a moment.

"You idiot!"

Kirito immediately stepped forward to cut down the beast with a sword, and shouted: "Miss, your sword skills... mysteries are indeed very strong, but such a large and heavy weapon is not suitable for fighting in this kind of forest with many obstacles. ! Leave it to us!"

"Ah... hey, you mere guards, what are you doing..."

"Eugeo, come on!"


Even if there are hordes of beasts, Kirito and his disciple Eugeo, who are used to fighting, are not difficult to deal with.

However, after the arrival of powerful monsters, they immediately fell into trouble.

That monster is very powerful. The beasts I met before were basically chased and ran. Kirito's fighting skills are not a problem, but the weapons of the civilian guards are not very good. In addition, they are still worn out after continuous fighting. spelled out.

Why do you still say "again"?

In the end, everyone cooperated together, Kirito and Eugeo attracted the attention of the monster, and created an attack opportunity for the girl with a strong and heavy weapon. In the end, the girl chopped off the monster's head with a sword.

"Huh, next..." The girl skillfully ordered the two of them while cleaning the blood on the sword, "The flaxen-haired one, go and inform my servants to clean up these corpses, and the black-haired one to help me find Alulu. By the way, since I am a newcomer, I have to let you all know my honorable name. I am Elvira Altimias, the niece of Second Class Sir Daemon Altimias, "Love The eleventh member of the Meow Society, and Uncle is the chairman of the Meow Love Society, the person who loves cats the most in the empire... Hey, black-haired guy, what is your expression?"

Compared with Eugeo, who showed the iconic appearance of ordinary people looking at superior nobles, Kirito's expression of desperately holding back his complaints made Elvira quite unhappy.

Eugeo hurriedly pressed Kirito's head down, and said, "I'm very sorry, Kirito used to be the "Lost Person of Vector". "

"Ah, have you lost your memory? That's really helpless. I'll forgive your rudeness to highlight our family's kindness and sense. The "Loving Meow Society" gathers all the cat-loving nobles of the empire, and has a considerable influence on the country's decision-making. remember the ancient council of the

"Thank you very much." Kirito had no choice but to bow his head deeply. There were too many flaws, and his expression couldn't be stretched. If it exceeded the tolerance limit of the young lady, it might be troublesome.

"Now that you know, follow my orders quickly."

Eugeo was about to explain, but Kirito pouted: "If we are simple civilians and it is a little troublesome, the guards belonging to the empire can indeed be dispatched. There is an order that the nobles are higher than the rank of the guards as a reason, we should be able to Are you free from punishment?"

"It's legally true, but..."

"Isn't it good to leave Kate and Alulu alone?"

In the end, they decided to "helplessly" carry out the girl's order.

After a while, Kirito and Elvira first found Kate, who was clinging to the base of a big tree whose trunk was as smooth as oil, raising its head to scratch the bark.

Following Kate's line of sight, I looked up and saw a big fat cat with brown patterns lying on a forked branch, bending the not-so-thick branches, showing faint signs of fracture.

"Alulu! How did you get there?" Elvira hurriedly ran to the edge of the tree trunk to climb, but it turned out that the trunk was too bare.

Kirito looked at other nearby trees with twists and turns and more branches, held his chin and said, "Because I was frightened by a wild animal, I came back from the tree.

Other trees scrambled up to higher ground, then fell to that branch... but that didn't look like it could climb very high either. "

"Hey, come here and help me catch Alulu." Seeing that she couldn't climb the tree, Avilla picked up her sword, which was the same as a two-meter-long iron whip, and was about to cut at the tree trunk.

"Hey, wait, wait, this is too risky. Your Alulu is only half as high as our height from the ground. It should be high enough to use your sword on the ground as a step."

"Huh? Do you think I'm an acrobat?"

"Then, I'll-"

"So that's it, okay, you come."

Kirito was about to replace Elvira to "step on stilts" to save the big fat cat. Unexpectedly, Ivy stretched her hands and pressed him on his shoulders, forcing him to squat down, and then stretched out her feet to step on his shoulders superior.

"Grab my legs and stand up and lift me up. If you dare to touch strange places or look up, you will be judged."

"Too unreasonable." Kirito complained inwardly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but marvel at the strange strength. It's not surprising that he can wield such a huge sword. Perhaps it also has the influence of his arrogance as a second-class jazz superior.

"Yeah...move a little to the right...a little forward."

"Yes, my lord."

"Yoxi, yoxi, Alulu...don't move, yoxi...come into my arms..."

Kirito was wondering about the difference between Elvira's attitude towards the cat and her attitude towards him, when suddenly, he felt a heavy sinking on his shoulders.

He gritted his teeth, his veins bulged, and couldn't help but recall the first time he was injured by a heavy object in this world, and thought to himself: "Wow, how heavy is that big fat cat! There is the Blue Rose Sword... No, It must be as heavy as two Blue Rose Swords!"

Fortunately, defeating the kobold lord Irfangu and training as a guard have improved his authority and strength a Two Blue Rose Swords and the weight of an ordinary girl can barely support it. However-

"Okay, let me go. Hey, did you hear that? How dare you ignore me?"

It's not that Kirito didn't want to quickly lift the weight, it's just that the girl hugged the cat—the center of gravity was too high, and he felt like he would fall down if he moved casually.

But Aiweila couldn't bear it anymore, she kicked her feet, jumped to the ground with Alulu in her arms, and squatted down firmly to the ground. Poor Kirito was cut off more than 100 points of life by this blow.

"Hmph. SysteCall—Generate-Lunous-Elent..."

Ivy stretched out **** to create a small light element, which slightly healed Kirito's shoulder.

"You, not only do you know sword skills...can you also know the sacred art?" Kirito moved his shoulders and stood up.

(to be continued)