Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 56: Disciple of the Great Noble

Kirito had four opponents. Facing the three who charged from three and a half sides and swung horizontal slashes from different heights with a good grasp of the distance, he rolled back in the direction of the gap to dodge.

As expected, the fourth person seized the opportunity to slash at him vigorously with an upper slash.

But then he turned around and kicked the leg of the first person closest to the three people who surrounded him at the beginning. The deliberately chosen kicking position made the direction of its fall controllable—it fell directly on Kirito and became Kirito's shield.

The fourth person had no choice but to hastily stop the vertically falling slash.

Tongren immediately grabbed the first person and rolled, and hit that person's head with a wooden sword to show that person to leave the stage, and immediately stood up.

The fourth person hastily stopped the very powerful slash, and Kirito had already attacked the second and third person like a black flash.

He easily fought one against two. After dodging the wave of attacks by the two, he moved a little to make their positions obstruct each other, and immediately counterattacked and hit the second person, causing him to leave the field.

The fourth person attacked Kirito's body while the third person was still barely parrying Kirito's sword attack.

But Kirito kicked the third person's wrist with a high leg and knocked his sword off. Taking advantage of his surprise, he immediately threw his wooden sword, grabbed his arm, turned around and threw him to the fourth person. people.

The fourth person saw that his slash was directed at his companion again, and he couldn't stop the opponent from flying towards him. He just watched his sword slash up, causing the third person to leave the field and at the same time, he was smashed into chaos.

In the next moment, Kirito grabbed the sword that fell back and rushed forward with a stride, and pressed the tip of the sword against his neck.

Helpless, the fourth person dropped his sword and raised his hands.

"It's too despicable!"

"It's like the taboo-carrying Celurut flow!"

"Miss, learning swordsmanship from such a person will ruin your reputation!"

The servants cursed and got up and chattered. Most of the commoner servants had nothing to do with swordsmanship. Of course, they must be nobles if they are qualified to guard the upper-level nobles. balanced.

Kirito ignored them, put the wooden sword back on his waist and bowed to Elvira.

He deliberately used this kind of tactics and also planned to test the bottom line of the nobles. He had seen Elvira's battles, and it seemed that he didn't even have a swordsmanship teacher, and he only learned powerful sword skills in a way like book dogma. Well acted, and can also be used in "kill your opponent before you get hit" one-hit fights - typical pedantic aristocratic swordplay.

If they can be accepted, they may have to meet more nobles in the future when they enter the Central Capital, and there will be more room for maneuver; if they cannot be accepted, they will be expelled, and it is not bad to return to their original vocation and try to get a letter of recommendation to enter the Central Capital, but they have to avoid it as much as possible. The nobleman is gone.


Kate Insabella is still dutifully watching.

It's just that the main monitoring target has become Eugeo.

The eldest lady accepted Kirito's combat skills, probably related to the restructuring of the Imperial Sword Cultivation Academy to make it closer to actual combat. The superior nobles got the news really quickly.

Is this also within the master's expectation? I really care more and more about the meaning of building this pair of master and servant and dismantling Kirito and Eugeo.

But although Kirito and Eugeo had less time to meet each other, Eugeo would always review what Kirito had taught him about the Aincrad style, and always overtrain. Kirito couldn't help but misunderstand Eugeo's talent.

But maybe even though Kirito showed a little reluctance to serve the lady in front of Eugeo, maybe this was what he wanted instead.

On the one hand, his knowledge of axes is limited to knowledge, but people who don't use axes have a lot of knowledge of ax combat skills and other common weapon combat skills, which can only show that he has made careful preparations for dealing with various opponents Let’s not talk about what enemy he was fighting before the so-called amnesia—that’s something the master needs to consider, and becoming this kind of teaching mode can indeed prevent him from losing the chain as a master.

On the other hand, there is the issue of weapons.

About a month later, Elvira expressed her dissatisfaction with Kirito's refusal to demonstrate the higher-level secrets of the Aincrad style.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Elvira, but I found that this is due to the low priority of weapons."

"Weapon priority will affect the power, but it will not affect the performance of the secret technique itself, right?" Avra ​​said and took the low-grade cast iron sword and swung it again in the [Tianshan Liebo] posture.

"But in this way, miss, you can't find the original rushing and jumping fluency, and it's difficult to swing the feeling of cutting open the tree trunk and killing a large number of wild beasts, isn't it?" Kirito said.

"Isn't this a question of the power of the secret technique?"

"No, I think it's Missy who confuses the high and low level sword skills of the same school... the secret technique."

"Hey... Sorry, I can't understand what Kirito you are talking about." Elvira was baffled.

Kate secretly thought it was.

The following is the knowledge that the master receives from the grand master for integration:

Holding the sword with both hands and rushing forward to perform a large upper vertical slash, the sword skill launched is the secret technique [Tianshan Liebo] used by Haiyin Norugia-ryu in the final blow.

Using this stance, you can activate the skill [Flying Speed] and then use the basic sword skill [Vertical Slash] that relies on sprinting to increase power; you can also directly use the two-handed sword rushing skill [Avalanche] that is a high-level sword skill; other swords with nearly vertical slashing trajectories Skills relying on willpower to forcibly twist the sword path, or taking the vertical slashing part of other sword skills alone, can also achieve the effect of [Tianshan Liebo], Ye Guo reads the chasing book It's really easy to use, download it here; everyone can try it soon. 】

Which method will be activated depends entirely on the individual's feeling, but because the results are similar, and the influence of the mind on the sword skill, different people may not have the same effect when launching the same sword skill. It seems that the world has never discovered the truth of the sword skill.

Elvira's [Tianshan Liebo] uses the falling and slashing sword skill [Thunderbolt Fall], which uses running instead of jumping, and adds some mind blessing effects.

Kirito didn’t seem to know how to explain it without overturning other people’s three views, so he had to give an example that Elvira used a wooden sword to forcibly launch the mysterious weapon that would cut down trees and wild beasts, and Elvira reluctantly accepted it. .

If Avra ​​wants to use Kirito to reassure herself and her family, she must investigate. Then, the huge pile of spoils that Kirito pulled out when he left Rulid Village cannot be hidden.

Elvira ordered Kirito to take out her "good sword", but she had to use the weapon pulled by a cart to send it to the gate of her courtyard, which made everyone including Elvira and her uncle Daimen dumbfounded.

(to be continued)