Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 60: Meet the Exiled Manager for the first ti

In order to collect information, Cardinal will still use the familiar to observe when the integrity knight leaves the cathedral on a mission. This is not the first time that someone has gone berserk because the memory that should have been triggered by the artifact cannot be found.

Then deal with it as usual.

She went deep into Alice's heart and said:

[It's okay, your important people, I've been watching them all the time, they're doing well, and they will definitely come to you, in the not-too-distant future...]

Alice's soul gradually stabilized.

【Ha, I found you. 】Crown Piss, who suddenly crossed the line, laughed.

【Quinella's puppet... Do you think this can pose a threat to me? ] Cardinal was calm about this.

[It’s true that I can’t hit you like this, but it’s still possible to say hello and find out part of your action patterns. It's strange that an al is so kind. Logically speaking, shouldn't Alice, who ran wild and left alone to damage the balance of the world, be eliminated directly? That being the case, it can be like this - get out of here, or I will wipe out all the people you follow and their family and friends, methods like this...]

He couldn't go on, it wasn't a joke, but Crohnpiss was forced to cover his right eye, which was starting to redden and hurt.

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books,,]

[No way, this right eye seal is so powerful that it should be effective for me without most of the restrictions in the "Taboo Index"? ! 】

【Hmph, if it could be done, Quinella would have done it long ago. As long as the seal of the right eye is not broken, the legal and moral rules that Quinella understood before becoming Adominian Doret will still restrict her behavior. You will never be allowed to continue to be arrogant this time, that boy is not something you can fully see the details of. ] Now that the target of observation has been exposed, Cardinal also knew that he couldn't continue acting, so he simply said.

【Hee hee, do you think you are the only one observing them? Adominus Doret had long been interested in him. 】

【Hmph, I've been following him since he fought for Rulid Village. 】

【Hee, but I personally dealt with him a little earlier. Not only did I save Alice's sister, but I also convinced those people to accept that Alice's crime was definitely not an unreasonable crime. At that time, it will be clear which side they believe more? 】

[That is because you have concealed part of the truth, which is more terrifying than lying. If I expose everything—]

[The premise is that the persuasiveness of something that subverts the three views is said by a child with an appearance? Even if it is believed, most people will probably die of a broken soul due to logical failure. 】

【Hmph, it's not been a few years since the final stress test, this is the last chance, and I will put all my eggs in one basket, just wait and see. Never let Quinella destroy the world. 】

[To put it nicely, even if you win, the world will be destroyed, right? 】

【At least I will make everything disappear without pain. 】

【Life will be beautiful if it develops and innovates for survival. Even though we may be in dire straits, we will definitely make the world and creatures under our **** last longer and develop better. You can really laugh at fifty steps. 】

Cardinal judged that it would be useless to continue the debate, disconnected, and began to figure out how to contact the spider Charlotte who was in charge of monitoring Kirito and his party for corresponding cover.

Although I don't know the reason why Adominus Doret didn't attack those people immediately, but Cardinal, who has inherited a lot of Quinella's memories, guesses that Kirito's variability may benefit the Axiom Church. It would be too wasteful to directly make an integrity knight who only obeys orders and fights.

Well, she still has a chance.


"I, what the hell..." Alice looked blankly at the messy scene, then looked at Bercouli, "Why is uncle here? Has the volcano stopped erupting?"

"Hey, miss, I'm just 'dropping in' to inspect the work. As for the volcano... It seems that during the period of time you fought for, the child chanted a lengthy sacred spell to temporarily calm the volcano. But it is still possible to accumulate energy It will erupt, right? Except for the miracle of the highest priest, there should be no existence that can defeat the volcano. However, miss, you really don’t remember what happened just now?” Bercouli asked after explaining.

"Eh... I don't remember." Alice felt a little uncomfortable in her head.

"...In short, it's fine. Missy's [ReleaseRe] of Weapon Memory is too dangerous, and it must be used with caution before it is fully mastered. Then Hobre and Kiro explained on the way back, remember to report the truth to the superior. I still I have a task, let's go first."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Knight Commander." x3

Even though Alice regarded Bercouli as her uncle, he really didn't have that much time. After receiving the response, he immediately rode on the flying dragon to meet Ainz and flew towards the direction of the East Gate.

"Is Ainz okay?" He asked concerned.

"It still hurts, but it's enough to recover before reaching the destination, and it doesn't affect the battle. I really want to kill them quickly, UU reading Dark knights, dark warlocks, those **** people, or giants, goblins, Ogre monsters, I really want to kill them, haha." Ainz shook his head and almost danced while talking.

"It's a good thing to be motivated, but don't be too reluctant. Don't forget that the main force in this battle is the Knights of the Eastern Empire."

"Yes! Vomit..." Ayinzi suddenly retched.

"Hey, are you really okay?"

"No, it's just that the dizzy dragon hasn't healed yet."

Bercouli sighed inwardly, thinking why he didn't summon more decent guys when he wanted to summon knights.

There are serious knights, but weak-tempered, sick, sister-in-law, frivolous talkers, people who want to demolish from time to time, people who wield swords like hoes, and cowards who are too scared to move when pointed at the sword , there are all kinds of people, and half of them will faint when they first come.

Although Bercouli had confidence in his own strength, he could train better than him with the same amount of time and effort, and there were quite a few non-sick dragons.

If the battle is successful this time, take advantage of the opportunity to make the people in the Senate feel better and give your opinion. At least Clampis Bichu Delkin will listen to the opinion.


Instabaliyas Eastern Empire, Gate of the East—

"Oh oh oh, is that the elite of the ordinary army of the human world?" Ainz on the flying dragon looked down at the camp that could accommodate a thousand people, and said.

"Ah, that's right." Bercouli said.

"If I stand behind them and let me focus on the sacred spell, I feel safe. Isn't there such a tactic?"

"This tactic is not bad, I think so. Unfortunately, it is not allowed in practice and law." Bercouli said angrily.

(to be continued)