Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 63: The fruitful results of the tunnel raid

"Did reinforcements come so soon? Or was that man just using himself as a bait to delay time?"

Bercouli immediately called out to his flying dragons, and before he could get on them, he saw that Ainz had escaped with him. Although his body was on fire and injured, his life was safe, so he immediately grabbed them with his claws and took off to evacuate.

The rapid flight of the flying dragon quickly extinguished the flames on Ayinzi's body, and the holy robe was not easily broken by the attack of a flying dragon. The scorched black on her body began to fall off quickly, revealing new skin.

Of course, this artifact is not so convenient that it can recover infinitely. It just transfers the destiny of the holy robe to the wearer, but the destiny of the holy robe is more than ten times that of ordinary people, and it can make the wearer "die" several times.

"Hey, little Ayinzi, are you okay? You are really messing around."

" doesn't matter, as long as I can kill more enemies, as long as I don't die, it doesn't matter if I get a little more injuries...Can I... help,?" Ai Yinziqiang smiled.

"I hope you can cherish yourself more. We still don't have enough integrity knights. One less is a huge loss... The order to capture prisoners can only be placed on the Knights of the Eastern Empire." Bercouli said.

Another interesting thing is that the leader's new deputy seems to know Ainz the same way, but that is logically impossible. But this world is not without people who look similar or even exactly the same. The integrity knights summoned by the Axiom Church may have some personality problems, but they must be trustworthy people. Bercouli put this matter behind him and focused on the gains from this battle. with reflection.


Human World, Central Capital Centoria, Axiom Church, Central Cathedral, Outer Areas—

"Hugh, huh, huh~" Klauen Piss whistled, watching the Eastern Empire Knights present a large pile of captives tied into rice dumplings and a considerable number of corpses.

Elder Chudelkin also came to join in the fun, jumping up and down at the group of guys, poking his fingers from time to time and making sarcastic remarks.

"The living ones are all blindfolded. They are sent to the ninety-fifth to ninety-eighth floors together with the corpses." Cloenpiss gave an order to the lower-level knights and monks who brought the "crowd".

"Hey, how can it be possible for these guys to defile the high-level people..."

Without waiting for Chudelkin's comments, Klaumpis covered his mouth and said, "Anyway, the second half of the sentence is 'half of half of half of half of half of half of half...'? To the highest priest Isn't it our responsibility to plan ahead? This also requires your help."

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"Don't you also think integrity knights are not good enough? The 'that' plan was also temporarily interrupted because the highest priest went to sleep (going out). Let's try to find someone who can be used first, shall we?" Kraunpiss said. .

"Oh, I also know that we are short on military strength, but we can't ignore this sentence. Can they find a better way to deal with the Kingdom of Darkness more easily?" Bercouli asked.

"Huhu, shut up, it's your uselessness that makes us busy with these things!" Chudelkin said nonsense.

"In short, I can guarantee that researching these guys and making some corresponding weapons will make it easier for you in the future. If you are unlucky, you may lose your vocation as an integrity knight." Croynpiss joked.

"Oh, then do we have to choose another vocation?"

"Who knows, it depends on the meaning of the highest priest."

"Speaking of which, when did the highest priest wake up?" Bercouli recalled the incident of the highest priest participating in the battle.

"Eh?" Crohnpiss said he didn't know, but Chudelkin immediately choked on—

"It's so noisy, how can you understand the deep plot of the highest priest, just obey me and fight!"

"Ah, yes." Seeing this, Bercouli lost interest in talking about it, arguing with Chudelkin would only be exhausting in vain, anyway, getting the direct help of the highest priest is a good thing no matter what, let's be content.

"However, they are near the floor where we live, so it won't affect our showering, right?" Bercouli was even more worried about this.

Crohnpiss narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "Don't worry, they won't live long, and the corpses will be exhausted soon, you don't want to say such stupid things as giving preferential treatment to the captives and respecting the enemy's corpses Right? Like goblins, orcs, ogres, and even giants, they are a race that treats us as food and livestock."

"Don't worry. If the enemy is a good person, let's not talk about it. I still understand the truth that showing mercy to the enemy is cruel to oneself. We have been fighting against them for three hundred years, haven't we?" Bercouli said.

"That's good, heh. Don't worry, it will be over soon." Cloenpiss kindly promised.

It is a "good thing" to stop the volcano by one person, but Crohnpiss accidentally upgraded the authority to a higher level.

Although it can't be compared with Adominian Doret who has half administrator rights anyway, it's better to say that it will be wiped out, but at least it seems that things like turning people into other things can be done, probably .

After all, you can't just experiment with your own people, so you haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Now the opportunity is here.

But the knight commander is here again.

"By the way, about the matter of Eldest Miss Alice and Little Ainz..." Originally, he planned to send someone to report it, but since he met here, he just said it directly.

Chudelkin has always only made antics to find fault with this kind of internal problems of the integrity knights, or reported to the highest priest if he felt any I see, let them rest for a week and observe by themselves, this part Try to avoid contact with the conversation for a while and let them sort out their memories. If you still feel uncomfortable, come to me. said Crompiss, smiling kindly.


A week later, on the 100th floor, Adominius Doret's bedroom—

"Tsk, haha..."

Crounpiss looked at the pile of jewel-tipped weapons before him, and felt the melancholy of a model child.

During this time, she searched the memories of the captives one by one to confirm their relationship with the corpses, and divided the living and the dead into several groups according to the degree of intimacy (not only relatives and friends, but also the consciousness of racial companionship).

Reserve a little mind for the living and turn it into a gem, and all the dead use [Material Transformation] to make weapons. The gem is embedded in the weapon as the master of the weapon, and then use the god-respecting module and the gem to fuse and manipulate its mind, and then it can be made into a self-disciplined attack weapon. .

(to be continued)