Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 67: Judgment Trap, Excellent Hunter

Miss Elvira is going to take her friends and servants to hunt, and Kate, who is in charge of maintaining the sword, will not be exempt from the queue. Kirito has confidence in the strength of the young lady he educated, knowing that he can't show off in front of the nobles, so he asked Kate to meet When in danger, retreat behind him.

Kate nodded slightly and said to Kirito, "Thank you for your concern."

There are other guards with swords around who whistle secretly. Kate has observed human beings for so long and knows what it means. Compared with Miss Pan, it is really suitable for a person with low status like herself to hug Kirito here. , but that is impossible, not to mention that her heart has never been here, it is better to say that there is not even a normal human heart in her body.

Not long after the team set off, they encountered a monster that looked like a yak but had the size of an adult elephant.

The situation that Kirito was most worried about did not happen, not even a chance for the attendants to swarm up to **** him. The monster fell down within a few minutes under the siege of several nobles with swords.

The huge bull's head was chopped off neatly by Elvira's sword.

"Good sword!"

Even if other people's swords can cut through the flesh of a monster, it will consume a lot of life of the weapon, and even the arm will be numb due to the shock when it touches a bone, but Avella's sword cuts it like cutting butter with a kitchen knife.

Kate saw Elvira flicking the sword back and forth a few times, shaking off the blood stains on it, and walking towards her, she knew that it was almost time for her to work, so she stepped forward to meet her.

At this time, a few people came from the opposite side of the hillside not far away.

From the looks of his clothes, he could tell that he was a high-ranking nobleman and several servants with swords.

"Eugeo!" Kirito was shocked, because Eugeo was escorted by those people.

"Oh, isn't this Miss Altimias who became the heir with 'good luck', gathering those low-ranking nobles to play with the knight's house again?"

"Your Excellency Latino, what do you mean by escorting the guards from the territory of Altimias into my private hunting ground?" Elvira said angrily.

"We happened to be hunting in the hunting ground next door, but this man—" Latino pointed to Eugeo, who was detained by two servants with swords, "he led the prey that should belong to us into your hunting ground, miss. Of course I want to ask for an explanation."

Eugeo: "I...I didn't! I just—"

Latino: "Shut up, civilian, you have no right to speak here!"

Kirito took a step with glaring eyes, and saw Eugeonu beckoning not to mess around, and Elvira also said: "I should send someone to discuss the distribution of prey with your housekeeper."

Latino plausibly replied: "Then, your guards made a mistake. We are hunting this monster. The other end should have been given to you, right? Perhaps due to the negligence of your guards, that guy is in your yard What about wandering around? Your mistake has affected our legal activities, but after all, you are a second-class knight, and I have no right to ask for compensation, as long as you kowtow to me and apologize—in front of friends who respect you!"

"," a lower-level nobleman beside Avilla said politely, "Missy is a second-class knight. As a fourth-class knight, is it really okay for you to be so overrepresented in front of the higher-ranking nobles?"

"Indeed, but my territory and position have no intersection with the Altimias family, so as long as I do not violate the law, the Altimemis family has no right to punish me. If you want to speak to His Majesty the Emperor—" Do you have to consider whether this eldest lady who only depends on the "good luck" of Daimen's death and the whole family to become the heir is qualified for her duties? How about I also speak to the emperor about this matter?" Latino said arrogantly, obviously there is something to rely on Backstage.

Elvira gritted her teeth. If both she and the head of the family are dead and the whole family can be considered "good luck", then is there any misfortune in the world?

However, as Latino said, even if she will be fine in the end, she will lose her face as a high-ranking nobleman, and maybe she will implicate her family and the "Love Meow Society" to reduce her influence. It is absolutely unbearable.

Elvira glanced at Eugeo from the corner of her eyes, and if she put all the blame on him at this time, according to the "Basic Law of the Empire", the other party should not be too entangled, at most not strong enough to disappoint the friends behind him a little bit Just a little bit.

The problem is that Eugeo is no ordinary civilian guard, he is...

"If it's just to keep your head down..." Elvira, who had never had relevant experience in the past, was about to bargain for an apology, but Kirito, who couldn't bear it any longer, walked up and touched the hilt of the sword at his waist with his left hand.

Kate looked at him and thought, "Don't tell me to kill the opponent directly. If this is the case, the master and the great master will be disappointed. In that case, there will only be the value of recycling into an integrity knight."

But no, he stepped forward and immediately turned almost 180 degrees to face Elvira, and put his right fist to his chest. This common aristocratic etiquette plus the sword touching gesture represented "offering my sword and my life together." "meaning. UU Reading www.

"There is no need for you, Miss, to speak out in person when negotiating with someone with two lower titles, and please leave it to your subordinates to handle it."

Seeing the salute that was equivalent to taking him as a scapegoat if the negotiation failed, Elvira subconsciously nodded slightly: "I'll leave it to you."

Kirito stepped forward and said: "Maybe we got the prey problem wrong, but there is no evidence to say that you must be right?"

"Are you saying that Uncle Ben is lying?" Latino said angrily.

"I didn't say that. But both parties have no evidence, and if verification is still needed, you want the eldest lady to apologize first. Don't you want to humiliate her?"

[To be honest, I have been using reading books recently to follow up, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, both Android and Apple. 】

"No... rude guy, do you know the consequences of speaking on behalf of the master in this tone? If you were my subordinate, I would have used the aristocratic jurisdiction against you long ago! I heard that the Altimias family invited a The swordsmanship teacher of the common people is actually such a person, it is completely embarrassing to the nobles!"

"If you want to use the noble adjudication power, how do you plan to adjudicate?" Kirito asked.

This proactive way of asking made many people stare wide-eyed.

Kate, who watched silently, said inwardly: "If he is not reckless, but after serving the eldest lady and observing the behavior of many visiting nobles during this period, he came to the conclusion that it is beneficial to provoke here in his own capacity, that would be quite Powerful. But, you, who have never really confronted a nobleman, how would you deal with the nobleman's half-step mind skill for the first time?"

"Well, since you are Miss's swordsmanship teacher, of course I have to teach you a good lesson in swordsmanship. Noble swordsmanship is not worthy of education for people like you!" Latino said.

That's right, the dignity of the nobility makes them like to engage in this kind of targeting.

(to be continued)