Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 72: chain of attention

Yuuki put down the book and picked up the sword, pulled out a section of the sword from the scabbard, and said, "It's the first time I've seen it, but I miss it very much, thank you, Ms. Cardinal."

"You're welcome, you'll have to do it well in return." Cardinal said, "Even though your structure can't bear it, I still have to teach you the corresponding [Armed Full Control Technique] knowledge, maybe it can be used when."

She sneaked out and took two sealed beasts from all over the human world—Aincrad BOSS related objects and made them into sword artifacts.

Of course, she was kind enough to choose two places that would not harm the human world immediately but would add a lot of fatigue to the integrity knights.

However, even with Cardinal's authority, it is impossible to create a life carrier that holds the soul. Without a soul, there is no heart that can carry the mind. Unless it follows the normal birth pattern, this is absolutely impossible for Cardinal. .

After learning the knowledge related to [Armed Full Control Art], Yuuki asked: "But, what about the admission recommendation letter?"

"It's as easy for rich people to enroll as for nobles." Cardinal said that there are many valuable and unsuspicious items in the library.

"Hey, is this a good way?" Yuuki asked embarrassingly.

"You can bring this kind of question to the emperor after you gain power in the Axiom Church." Cardinal tapped Yuuki lightly, "It really looks like a human. How is it different from a human?"


"No, it's fine."

Yuuki was kicked out a long time ago because she and Kirito deduced an "ending" that was far from the purpose of the experiment. Yuuki here is all the recorded data and materials of Yuuki who is an external registrant. The produced NPC, whose physical and mental age is compared with reality, pretends to have no real memory, and the nature of life is the same as the spider Charlotte and Kate Insabella above Kirito's head.

Obviously, it was just such an existence, but it also made Cardinal feel a little guilty about using her.

Adominus Doret can do the same thing, but Cardinal is not worried about her using this method to increase her combat power. If Adominis Doret is willing to use more NPC combat power, she will not use the beast and the end The guardian dragon of the mountains has been sealed or crusaded, and the NPC is as "horrifying" to him as the monsters in the dark realm.

At present, the veteran Fuzuo, who has replaced part of Adominian Doret's functions at the high level, is probably a combination of resurrection experiments, memory backup with its own resources, and many other factors to preserve its non-repeatable existence.

However, Cardinal couldn't generate more combat power, and all the logged-out user data she could retrieve, except for Yuuki, were researchers who couldn't fight. Behavioral habits are not only useless in fighting, but you don't know what they will do.

"Next, I will send you as far away as possible. You can first use the swordsman's day job to do random activities to increase your real resume. After getting acquainted with him, you can act according to your own heart."

"Yes. Ms. Cardinal took care of me, and I won't let you down."

Before leaving, Yuuki hugged Cardinal and rubbed her a few times.

After sending Yuuki away, Cardinal hugged himself for a moment, and said to himself: "This feeling... Huh... It can be considered that the part of me as a human has not gone through this world in vain. But—"

She suddenly jumped up and knocked down the door that was inconvenient to be reused, and said in a harmonious tone: "Although it is to improve the chances of winning, I actually want to give such a good girl to that girl who has been attracting bees and butterflies for a year. Guy, I really want him to experience the feeling of being cut when I fight Quinella... Forget it, he will naturally experience the feeling of being cut when he really needs to fight."

Then, continue to observe Kirito through Charlotte.

"...Huh?" She couldn't hold back for a while, even though she had observed countless times before, she hadn't wavered.


At the same time, the ninety-eighth floor—

"This, this... Has Kirito finally fallen completely? I didn't expect the influence of that maze to extend here. Is it easy to achieve things that I can't achieve by being the girl next to him?"

Crohnpiss couldn't hold back either.

Just when Chudelkin passed by, seeing the picture on the crystal panel, he jumped up and down and accused him: "Hehehehe—it's indecent to watch a video of a girl changing clothes!"

"You are the least qualified to say this! Which eye of yours can see that this is a girl?! By the way, what's the matter with you in a hurry?"

"Hun Dan... two divine beasts suppressed in the Western Empire have been broken! Integrity knights must be dispatched immediately to deal with it!"

"Mythical beast? Wait a moment, go to the Senate to confirm."

Klaumpis pushed the chubby Chudelkin like a big ball to the Senate, and with the help of a large number of self-conscious elders, he chanted the sacred art that can spy on the past of all parts of the world: "System-erate-Umbra -Elemee-e-Element...-to-past-log-data."

Two screens similar to Stacia's Window appeared, one was a huge existence wandering back and forth in the forest temple - a skeleton wearing a black tattered hood and holding a long-handled scythe; the other was a background with a huge In the mountain stream connected by the stone bridge, a snow-white winged dragon sleeps on the bridge.

"'The Fatal Scythe (The Fatal Scythe)'?! The other one... Isn't this Fei? It should not be logged in or quantized to enter, but a divine beast generated from her data as the domain BOSS." Croynpiss thought.

Will other children who have served as boss-level monsters show their faces?

But let's brush this copy first.

"Call all the integrity knights who can act immediately in the current temple. Those who can be unfrozen will also be unfrozen. No matter how weak or problematic, they are still a combat Leave them to guard the temple. That one looks like the **** of death I am afraid that the beasts are a threat of this level." Klauenpiss said.

"Hey hey hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee - are you crazy? Besides, the only ones that can be barely used after unfreezing are the thirteenth and twenty-seventh!"

"I'm talking about these two! As for the dragon... I happen to be short of my own mount, and I'm getting tired of using the public dragon."

Chudelkin wanted to go back, but he felt that it would be better to deploy the maximum force for insurance without the highest priest, so he went to thaw and call up the manpower with curses.

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Crohnpiss looked at the crystal panel again, even if he couldn't hold back, he really wanted to look at it, but he didn't have time.

"Damn it, why can't the crystal board be taken out of the sanctuary? The commands that need to be input for the video recording function are so complicated and consume too much resources! By the way, my system operation authority has been elevated, so I can try that. System-ect-to-the -address.ates..."

(to be continued)