Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 73: The sword of Tongzi has become the shape

Instaballies Eastern Empire, Belikulland—

"Miss Elvira, is this really alright?" Kirito said to Elvira who seemed very satisfied.

"Don't worry, it's because the student norms in the academy require everyone to be equal, so there's no way to force you to stay by your side, that's why you need to do this. Just put on this suit and go say hello to the future seniors, and you'll have to fight with other seniors in the future." The nobles should take care of you."

Elvira raised her hand to say hello, and several servants surrounded Kirito with different parts of a set of women's clothing.

"Miss, but... the academy rules allow this?!"

"In principle, there are procedures for boys to enter the girls' dormitory, but it's time for you to see the real power of the nobles. Power is not only manifested in the sword, Kirito."

"...It's definitely weird to use power in such a place!"

"Irreverent guy... very good, so that I can exercise the power of aristocrats. I order you to wear this outfit and dress up. If you don't do it, you will violate the "Taboo Index."

"Wait, wait, what if I met other classmates who knew me because of your relationship with Missy in the academy?"

"It's okay, you look in the mirror, I think as long as you don't deliberately introduce your gender, no one will see you as a man, right?"

(Kirito basically maintains the appearance of the original space-time GGO in Underworld)

"Damn it... I'll do it myself!" Anyway, it's not that Kirito hasn't worn it, feeling the bare legs under the long skirt, and said, "At least a pair of longer jeans or shark pants would be good."

One of the reasons why the rejection is not so big is that the virtual world omits many sexual or troublesome or troublesome physical problems. The second reason is that the world is conservative. It is probably not easy to find out even if you live in a dormitory. Then-

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, Yeguo Reading,; install the latest version. 】

"Yiyiyiyi...Why is it so natural? I always feel a little unacceptable." Avra ​​looked at Kirito behind the women's clothing, and skillfully **** twin ponytails that were similar to her but smoother. She was quite confident in her looks and felt that she was actually being compared.

Kirito felt that this scene was very familiar, as if there was something small on his head that was about to fall off but stuck to it.

Then go to see the most familiar people to confirm the effect.

" that Kirito?" Eugeo was taken aback when he saw Kirito in women's clothing.

"Yes, I'm Kirito. Sure enough, I can't hide it from Eugeo." Kirito said with a slightly low-pitched, slightly hoarse female voice with a smile—this was practiced in SAO.

Immediately, Eugeo's cheeks turned red.

Kirito was stared at by Eugeo like this, and thought that he was "speechless" when he thought that his clothes were being watched intently by his best friend who had been on the trip with him for several months, and he felt a little embarrassed, and felt a little sympathetic. It was a completely different feeling to be the object of the teasing of those girls, and he glanced away, not daring to look directly, and rubbed his hands and legs uncomfortably.

"Kirito, is it really uncomfortable to wear clothes that don't fit?" Eugeo panicked without knowing it, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to help, but before this happened——

"Hey! You are too qualified, let's go. Don't follow anyone else!"

For some reason, Elvira felt that the fire was coming up. She pushed away the two people who were looking at each other and were about to touch, pulled Kirito to walk loudly, took the weapon from a servant and carried it on her shoulder, and went out. On the bustling streets.

Even the top of the door hit a dent directly on the upper end of the weapon, but they didn't find it.

"That... Miss... Your Excellency?"

"Don't talk yet."

After walking for a while, Elvira stopped and let go of her hand, untied the sword with scabbard which seemed a little inconspicuous temporarily tied to her giant sword, and stretched out her hand to Kirito: "This is Say yes, here you are."

"This, so fast, so much ore, only a week."

"Of course, although I don't know much about smelting, so many of them must have been smelted together. Is it still like you knocking one by one? And I entrusted the first-level forging workshop of the Empire, with guaranteed efficiency and quality. As long as we can gather enough high-quality materials, even a weapon that can rival an integrity knight's divine weapon can be forged."

"Uh... how much is it?"

"It's not expensive. Your remaining two years' salary plus some savings are enough to pay for it."

"It's not expensive?! But the materials are all our own..."

"That's right, this is the forging fee. I know you want to obtain excellent weapons through your own efforts, so try your best to serve me for free in the next two years."

"Woo! Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity."

Kirito had no choice but to lower his head, seeing Avril grabbing the sword so casually, he was careless, and when he took the sword solemnly, he almost fell over due to the unexpected weight.

But after holding it tightly and savoring it carefully, I miss the heaviness very much. It is the feeling that I pursue to increase power by weight.

Pulling the sword out of its sheath, it was a single-edged long sword with a simple shape. It was exactly the same as the design drawing of the Night Sky Sword given by a certain demon except for the shape of the sword. It was a familiar feeling, although the sword The whole body is black, but the polished blade has the translucent texture of the spar itself, reflecting the golden light.

Confirming that the priority is 41, Kirito is very surprised, because it is a weapon directly forged from simple material sources, he thought it would be thankful to have 35-38, but even if it is not as good as the weapons of Missy and Eugeo, I don’t know if it counts. It is considered an artifact, but at least it has reached the peak level of the magic sword. With this sense of weight, you don’t feel that you will lose the wind when you use high-level sword skills and artifacts to slash each He raised it high and swung it in the air After a while, Xin Dao seemed to be fine.

"How is it? In fact, the blacksmith was also very surprised when he typed it out. Did something happen when you were mining?"

"Hey... Could it be because of that necklace? Or because I prayed to the God of Blacksmithing?"

"Hmm, it is true that there are special auxiliary materials and praying to the gods with heart will assist sacred arts and certain professions that require the protection of gods, but are there gods for forging?"

"This...that's it, that's the combination of the words 'forging'+'God'...probably." Kirito said in his heart that at that time he only thought about Lisbeth's use of him without any complaints. To improve the success rate, the huge amount of material collected is used to forge and strengthen the night sky sword attached to the elder daughter with a greater workload than other customer services.

Avella looked around and said, "It's a shame that you dare to say something like a non-existent God. Even if it doesn't violate the "Taboo Index" to this extent, it will be very troublesome for people in the church to hear it. Let's talk about it at home. It doesn't matter, it's forbidden in public places."

(to be continued)