Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 77: Forest of Death

Crohnpis looked down at Fei, who was drained and collapsed by himself, and said with a wanton smile: "My body structure is based on Gigas Cedar, which not only has strength, but also absorbs all the resources of earth and light. Because of the properties of nutrition, the possibility of you hurting me is just the heat converted from light and the physical properties of the soil, what a pity, your dragon's breath properties make me feel really, too sweet."

"... again, was it taken away?" Fei said weakly.

"What? The thing about taking your life, or the thing about taking your freedom?"

"Damn humans...witches... You are the latecomers, but you just increase your numbers and run to my land, fear and worship my power, and wait until you have the power to challenge me. Turn your face..."

"Then what are you doing? You were sleeping soundly just now, why didn't you kill people? Although I heard that you, a beast, have caused many natural disasters. If you really don't threaten people at all, you can still kill people." If you let them live comfortably (too lazy to level up), the highest priest will not seal you."

"...I don't know, it's hard to understand why humans are attracted to me... Humans... have incredible civilizations and life that is more vivid than anything in this world... I don't know why I can't resist the attraction...I want to watch them develop...To stop To fight, you only need to show a huge amount of power... that's enough. But... I'm not... not enough... I can't beat... the witch... I wasn't killed, but... I'm afraid there are countless... substitutes, that's all."

Crohnpiss held her chin and thought for a while. Sure enough, the remnant of humanity in this replica Fei made her aware of something. Although Fei here uses the super-large "Main-Visualizer (Main-Visualizer with The ability to think, but there is no soul.

If there is a unit with an artificial soul, apart from simple cutting, copying, and deleting to separate the hardware from the outside world, the current technology has no way to operate the inside of this unit that is as precise as the brain, but a unit without a soul only needs to move the mouse and keyboard You can operate at will - even if it is troublesome.

Although there are many means of interfering with the soul in the knowledge and technology of Kraunpiss, they are all the means of high-level beings. It is quite remarkable for ordinary human beings to be able to do this.

"Well, it seems that there is no intimate memory of me and her, and it would be troublesome to continue talking. Since it is an NPC, this old version of the worship module can be used. Don't worry... you in the 'Heaven Realm' exist, and you are here The set personality is very high, let me see how the integration of you and the real Fei will affect the overall personality. Before that, just sit and wait until the final stress test is over."

Cloenpiss released the dream, took out the triangular prism crystal of the worship module before the actually intact Fei returned to her senses, and stuffed it into her forehead before the actually intact Fei returned to her senses. Neither resistance nor doubt can do it.

"Since you can still use [Humanization], it's okay to turn into a smaller flying dragon. What... forgot to update the binding skills?" Klauenpiss hurriedly took out half of the god-respecting module, and re-entered the latest After the god-respecting module is bound to the function of the skill, push it in again.

"Full integration will take some time."

Crompis took advantage of this time to contact Bercouli by chanting a sacred art.

[Chief Knight, how is it? Is it difficult to conquer? 】

[It's not so much difficult...the situation is a bit complicated. Compared with going back and reporting it, only an on-site explanation can truly confirm the situation. Can I implore His Royal Highness Yuan Lao Fuzuo to condescend to come to the Forest of Death? 】

【Hmph, at least I had some expectation of the result. My side is almost over, and I'll be there in a while. I'm not the old elder who can only point fingers, thank me well. 】

【Thank you so much. 】

"It's a waste to use Fei as a means of transportation, but I really don't lack combat power now, but I lack flying dragons." Crohnpiss muttered, jumping on the back of Fei, who had become a moderate size...I found that there was no saddle, so I didn't want to. Clamp the straddle so that you can pat it with your hands and send her flying towards the forest of death.


Wisdalas Western Empire, Forest of Death—

Crohnpis looked down and saw that the forest temple was surrounded by a hemispherical fog.

Crohnpiss patted his clothes and summoned a mass of fire meteors, causing them to fall into the mist—like stones sinking into the sea.

"Responses look different to different things, Fee, rush in."

"Hey, this is even Huoyun...I don't care what it turns into."

Fei opened the all-round barrier to wrap her whole body just in case, and then slowly fell down.

For a moment, the thick fog that had made the visibility less than ten meters thick became as dense as a hand could not see their fingers. After passing through the fog, they quickly came to the entrance of the forest leading to the temple—here refers to leaving the forest from the entrance . UU reading

"Hehe, as expected, His Highness Clampis was also drawn out." Bercouli who happened to be at the entrance said.

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The other Integrity Knights were also there, gathered in twos and threes, some were lighting a fire for a picnic, some were eating, some were talking, and even the tents were set up.

"Why, are you still going to stand against each other for a long time? It's not the border. The elder will definitely be furious when he sees it." Croynpiss jumped off Fei, looked around and said.

"These were originally used by hunters. Because of the appearance of that monster, they sometimes left the forest, so they have already escaped. We just requisitioned them temporarily and rested here." Bercouli replied.

"You couldn't be...the ones who fled back with their tails between their legs after the defeat, right?" Croyn Piss said embarrassingly.

"No, because it's an attack on foot, so I didn't bring a flying dragon, and I didn't have a tail."

"Well, you don't need to answer this. Isn't there such a metaphor here? So you said you escaped after losing the battle?"

"It's not so much that he lost the battle, it's better to say that that guy can't kill him at all...Let me explain briefly. There are two roads to enter the forest. If you go in, you will encounter a girl ghost with only the upper body and the lower body. Attack They are very powerful, but fortunately, they only target the upper body and lower body respectively, so it is very easy to defeat them after figuring out the rules."

"The lower body... are the men all right?"

"No, to be more precise, they should only be able to decapitate attacks and seppuku attacks respectively, but that girl doesn't seem to be very good at slashing, so she's not very accurate. Let's continue, defeat them, and the mist will move away and appear The third way, only teams with bow-wielding girls can enter."

(to be continued)