Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 80: Imperial Sword Academy

Figel and Linel were still shaking Crohnpiss's arm, and Crohnpiss could only say, "I know, I know, now there is a nest of eggs in the dragon house, if you don't mind raising them from the eggs, go and raise them." Take an egg."

"Oh, really? What kind of dragon is there?"

"Do you really want a wind dragon?"

"To be more powerful, it must be a fire dragon or a thunder dragon, right?"

They talked excitedly, climbed out of the bath, quickly changed and ran away.

"Regarding this, no matter what the attributes of the flying dragons are, their breaths are all light cannons. It seems that the highest priest doesn't want them to evolve more skills...don't you listen?" Croynpiss muttered.

"Then, I'm fucked. Turn around and lie down by the bathtub, okay?" Yin Disi sharpened her "knife".

"Yes, yes, I'll leave it to you." Croynpiss obeyed honestly. Through the memory of peeking into the seal, it can be seen that she loves and takes care of her handicapped sister at home. She does similar things every time she goes home. The method should be different will be bad.


In the 377th year of the Human Realm, Norlancarus Northern Empire, Central Capital Northern Centoria, Imperial Sword Cultivation Academy—

Kirito, who entered school and became a junior trainee, lay face up on the ground, staring blankly at the twinkling stars that appeared in his vision.

He has been forced to take advantage of the loopholes in the academy's regulations to enroll girls in school for a month, and he doesn't think he can defeat his mentor just after entering school, but he thinks he has more sword skills than most people in this world and even defeated the beast. Even the sword can't touch the opponent.

This result really hit Kirito's self-confidence as a "swordsman".

Obviously, this senior sister will definitely be blown away instantly when she encounters a beast. I heard that she encountered something like this when she first entered school. She was easily blown away by the guards who were eroded by the magic gun and turned into monsters. , if there were no people from the Axiom Church present, the ending would probably be miserable. But even though he defeated the divine beast, he couldn't beat the senior sister. The human battle in this world is very different from SAO's PK.

"Huh? Broken?" Soltilina's anxious voice sounded.

Kirito sat up reflexively, and found that Solterina-senpai was staring at the broken whip in her hand, jumped up and knelt down on one knee and put the sword in her right hand on the ground, bowed her head and shouted: "I'm very sorry, Solterina-senpai, I apologize for this... I will definitely compensate you!"

Although the owner is usually responsible for the damage of the self-bred weapon in the competition, Kirito has heard about the origin of the whip when chatting with his senior sister. Generations, carrying quite a lot of memory. Even if I try my best, I can only pay a new whip, which is also a matter of attitude.

"No, this whip has been used for nearly a hundred years. Even if it is properly maintained, it should be dead. Besides, this whip has also collided with countless swordsmen's swords. My failure to protect it well is a manifestation of my lack of skill." Solti Lena said loudly.

"Where, I have never defeated Solterina-senpai once."

"I appreciate your kindness, then the competition will come here first, and the next step is to exercise the sword and arm strength..."

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, change the source app,; install the latest version. 】


After the training and attendant tasks were over, Kirito made a special trip to the market in North Centoria, but he heard that the goatskins of the Southern Empire were in high demand, but they hadn't been purchased for more than a month, and they were already sold out.

Originally, the training was a bit overtime, but as the top twelve junior trainees, Kirito was also selected by the elite swordsman Sortirina as an attendant trainee, and had the task of cleaning his room. About this matter, it has been nearly 50 minutes since I returned to the dormitory.

Although Kirito was thinking of sneaking under the window of the dormitory supervisor's duty room at the door when he entered the door, unexpectedly, he was caught by the dorm supervisor Mr. Azlica who stood behind the door for some reason, even though he immediately moved out as an attendant The trainee must complete the task as a shield, but Azlica said—

"Since this is the case, there is no other way. After all, accepting the guidance of a swordsman is the obligation of accompanying trainees. But junior trainee Kirito, I heard that the guidance you receive is more about skills and tactics, as well as general training. There is still time. Giving swordsmanship instruction to Altimias trainees who have monopolized a dormitory. It seems that you are extremely confident in swordsmanship. With the recent overtime training, you should be more motivated. I am happy to be a training partner to verify you Oh, the result."

"I hate it, Mr. Azlica, how long can I bother you with my studies?" Kirito knows, this dormitory supervisor can be said to be more terrifying than all swordsmanship teachers when he was in school. I am also very afraid of the dormitory supervisor. Sure enough, the dormitory supervisor is the strongest creature?

"That's it, I'll confirm your strength after you finish your basic studies."

"...Okay, I hope you will enlighten me when the time comes." As he said this, he hoped that the matter would be settled by then.

"By the way, the Altimias trainer next door to you was injured again during exercise today, so take care of her."

Kirito gave a "thud" in his heart, said "I see", then walked quickly, opened the door of Room 106, and walked in.

The dormitory for trainees is shared by men and women. Of course, men and women will not share rooms. It can be prevented that there are enough beds in both men's and women's dormitories. Even large dormitories are rarely full. People are divided into three, six, or nine classes, and besides her, the only girl who became a follower trainer this time is Kirito (?), so he took advantage of the loophole and gave them (?) an exclusive ten-bed dormitory— That was the original plan.

By the way Eugeo's room is upstairs, and he lived with eight trainees who were also civilian guards, and it was quite enjoyable.

Kirito walked into the room and saw Elvira sitting by the window reading a book with a bandage wrapped around her left calf.

"Miss, is it the same this time?" Kirito asked tentatively.

"Well, as usual."

"That's it, it's okay." Kirito breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be the collective labor time before the dinner for elementary trainees. Miss Aiweila of his family fell in love with getting injured during the exercise not long after entering school so as to avoid labor.

Of course, falsification is against the rules. It is true that she was injured due to exercise, but they are all innocuous injuries that can be healed by simple sacred arts, even if there is no such thing as a high-level person who can heal instantly. Healing sacred art, but the basic injury will not stay overnight, plus her mentor is the academy's chief senior swordsman Uolo Liponti, whose family is famous for swordsmanship competitions (the first strike decisive victory) is bound to see blood, so no one will Suspect.

(to be continued)