Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 89: Elvira VS Medina

Seeing that a time limit that was not good for civilians and "defective products" was approaching, Elvira opened her mouth to remind Yuuki and Medina, who were in full swing.

"Since she said that she ran out of time, there's nothing I can do." Medina raised her sword to the upper right and posed in the shape of [Tianshan Liebo].

Yuuki changed the sword in his left hand into a defensive posture, while his right hand used a single heavy sword skill [Magic Sword Invasion].



The two stepped on the ground at the same time and rushed towards each other. Yuuki planned to block [Tianshan Rieppo] and then attack directly. Even if he couldn't block it, it was enough to buy a little time for himself to stab Medina first.

Unexpectedly, Medina's sword path was surprisingly stable. The moment Yuuki touched her, she immediately made a decision that she couldn't change the opponent's sword path, and instead tilted the sword body to rush past Medina and take the opportunity to stab her waist. .

However, this was a contingency blow that was enough to knock down almost everyone in the academy, and Medina suddenly changed [Tianshan Liebo]'s direction and pushed the sword to make the two of them stagger.

The two stood with their backs to each other again without any results.

"Hey, so far, this round is considered a tie." Elvira clapped her hands again and said loudly.

There were sporadic applause all around.

"As expected, you are amazing." Yuuki turned around and praised.

Medina turned her attention, and said like a high-speed chanting: "The real Haiyin Norugia style is not the style that those people arbitrarily extract the [Mengyan Shape] as the core to pursue shape and slashing power. Including the dodging method I showed just now, my father taught me to be precise, it is a flexible skill passed down from generation to generation. The martial arts of the Ortinanos family were excellent three hundred years ago, and they are proficient in actual combat. The unearthed moves have been familiarized and developed so that they have been passed down from generation to generation. The third generation even discovered the most powerful secret technique [Tianshan Liebo] and completed the move..."

"Well, Medina, I know your family is very powerful, but won't you bite your tongue at the speed of your speech?" Yuuki said, maintaining the smile that had been maintained until now when the war started.

Medina: "Is there anything wrong with me praising my ancestors and genre?"

Yuuki: "No, as long as you are happy, after all you used to have a sad face before."

Kirito knew that Medina was often bullied, so he stepped forward and said, "Media, if you have this strength—"

"I know what you're going to say." Medina raised her hand and stopped unwillingly, and said, "Among those who laugh at me are families that can have influence in the empire's parliament. It's fine if I'm the only one. Therefore, it will be troublesome for my family and citizens to be tricked by them behind the scenes. As long as I can become an integrity knight, it will be enough to restore my family's reputation, and now I just have to bear the humiliation."

Kirito was a little concerned about why Medina was bullied by the High Priest but still took this vocation to serve the High Priest as an ideal, but he could only think of the fact that the authority of the Axiom Church was really supreme.

Suddenly, the bangs on his forehead tingled. He often had this phenomenon after he left Rulid Village. I don't know if it was a sixth sense, but there must be something in the direction of the hair being pulled vaguely.

There were eager glances from that direction that seemed to lure him past.

He talked to others, and Elvira told him to go and have a look.

When Kirito went out, he passed by a certain noble girl, and after disappearing from Elvira's eyes, Elvira passed Yuki and came very close to Medina, and said, "Can you please give up that dream just now? "

"I refuse, you don't have this power."

"It's true that the game just now was very exciting, and it must be very popular to perform."

"You guy—" Medina felt insulted, obviously she still respects the "Love Meow Club".

"If it's about cats, I'd be more than happy to invite you to my house. It's okay if you want to be a swordsman, but you can't be a knight alone. If you don't believe me—" Medina snapped , pulled out his two-meter-long black-gray wooden sword.

"Prove it with a sword? It's just what I want. If the 'performance' just now doesn't suit you, then I'll just prove it to you." Medina also pulled out her own wooden sword.

There was a burst of laughter from the sidelines, the voices of a few noble boys and girls who had just arrived. Because the hilt and blade of Medina's wooden sword were actually tied and fixed with a rope.

"Even if it's a sword for training, is it really good not to borrow one? No matter how poor you can afford it, why not cut one yourself?" Elvira was a little speechless.

"It doesn't matter, if you can hit the target in the competition, you are qualified as a training sword." Medina stepped back ten steps and took a stance.

"You will regret it, I don't intend to accompany you to show that dazzling performance." Avra ​​directly raised the sword above her head with both hands, and the slightly purplish red light enveloped the blade like fireworks.

"Come up and use [Mengyan Form · Second Form] to cast [Tianshan Liebo]?"

"Ha!" Elvira took a step, and then jumped at a high speed, spanning a distance of ten steps, as if the blade of the sword splashed with crimson sparks hit Medina's shoulder.

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This is a trick Medina is familiar with. Knowing that a hard attack will definitely make her wooden sword fall off, she immediately leans her body to avoid the familiar sword path.

Medina's micro-manipulation was intended to take advantage of the situation and forcefully sink the falling sword to the ground and hit Avilla's hand immediately when it hit Avril's hand. Unexpectedly, the falling wooden sword actually created a crack on the ground like digging three feet into the ground!

Just like that, Elvira turned the sword around at high speed, and slashed at Medina again.

"Haeyin Norrugia style [Tianshan Liebo] plus Aincrad style's characteristic double combo?! What is the hardness of the wooden sword?" Medina wondered in surprise.

Not knowing how many laps her opponent can spin, she wanted to take a step, the sword light generated by Avra's high-speed whirl was like a tornado, and the purple-red shock wave knocked her back severely.

Even so, she managed to block the blow with her sword.

Facing Elvira who was rushing again with a two-meter-long wooden sword backwards, Medina's heart sank: "That moment just now... unexpectedly the whole body was numb? Can't move..."

"Peng!" She was knocked off the ground by the wooden sword that flashed red again from behind and slashed three feet across the ground in a semicircle.

Elvira thought: "If you let go of the sword, you won't be in such a mess. Kirito will definitely let go of the sword at the moment of the collision and let me swing, and then take the opportunity to kick."

But even under such an attack that was almost certain to fall, Medina still insisted on maintaining an extremely backward posture and stood still. Elvira still admired this, but because of this—

Elvira slashed back and forth obliquely. She kept stepping forward, sweeping across the wooden sword to expand the range, without giving Medina any time or space to dodge.

(to be continued)