Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 96: artificial angel

"Oh, these wings are well made. They are really similar to the angels in mythology, and they still retain the performance of gargoyle wings." Klauen Piss caressed the white wings and said to the withering warlock Said.

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord. But this actually refers to the wings of the giant bird-type monsters that have been hunted, because during the research process, I found that to make a complete gargoyle of the same kind, it must be based on a dead object and have a strong enough The memory impression of the fake life can be successfully attached. At the same time, white clay, a large amount of ashes and relatively expensive mercury that will not change the nature of the gargoyle to replace the required flesh and blood are used. To fully meet the requirements of the highest priest, it is still necessary Work hard." The withering warlock said respectfully.

Kraunpiss thought while saying: "The reason why the dead object must be used as the prototype is probably that awakening life cannot occupy a non-vacant ID, and the strong impression is that the common 'Main-Visualizer (Main-Visualizer)' object image The necessary conditions for influence. Fortunately, the reference object does not matter, as long as it can be used. The highest priest hopes that the human world can also prepare a combat force similar to the gargoyle, but considering the material of the gargoyle, no matter how it is made, it will be ugly and criticized. If you rely on [Shape Changing Technique] This advanced technique to modify the appearance cannot be popularized into conventional combat power. Now that the first step has been made, the next step is to continue to work hard.”

"I will. But can you give a detailed explanation of the sacred language that was said at the beginning? Maybe it will help improve the technology."

"It's very difficult. Only the highest priest has the right to explain it." Klaumpis fooled the question and asked instead, "Then, how about the transformation of the horns and tail?"

"This is not a problem. The horns of gargoyles are not equivalent to weapons like the horns of cows, sheep, rhinos and other animals, but exposed cartilage that is sensitive to air flow and vibration, which plays a role similar to ears. Therefore, according to some Mythological image, I made it into this shape." The sculptor said, pointing to a pair of very small wings on the stage.

Crohnpiss imagined that the angel images in some works seem to have small wings inserted on both sides of the head, or even the ears are wings.

The engraving warlock took out another pair of whips and said: "Because the tail is allowed to be completely weaponized, it can be made according to the whip production method regardless of the part that needs to be incorporated into the body, but because it is still a part of the gargoyle, once the whip If you are too far away from the master, the master will lose the upper limit of life equivalent to having his tail chopped off."

"In short, let's use all these results first. Carving Warlock, put all these on Alice Ziberuku, and give her a period of time to observe the effect. By the way, also frustrate the fangs and nails ’” Crohnpiss ordered.

At the moment, Alice Ziberku is in a stone statue state equivalent to a gargoyle in standby and dormancy.

"Okay." The engraving warlock executed immediately.

Seeing that, Cloenpiss thought, why is it as if the whole body is a handicraft. But she has done similar things herself, so she didn't complain.

However, there is still a problem with ashes and mercury as materials to replace flesh and blood: although the corpses in this world will undergo a certain degree of corruption, they will eventually disappear just like in the game, so ashes can only be cremated fresh corpses, and the amount of mercury mined is only used in None of the current industry appears to be adequate. Therefore, alternative materials are also needed.

After finishing Alice Ziberuku, let the engraving warlock continue to study the main torso and develop more easily obtained replacement materials, and Crohnpiss changed the room to activate her again.

Alice Ziberku, who was flapping and stroking the white wings that replaced the ugly wings and horns, smiled happily, because the gargoyle organs are really disgusting for girls, and it is absolutely impossible to force them into the body with [Shape Transformation]. Comfortable.


"Is this a must?" Alice Ziberuk asked holding a whip that was equivalent to a removed tail.

"If you don't want to lose your destiny all the time, you can wear it close to your body." Klaumpis said silently.

"Then, let's use it as a belt. It seems good to make a rope if necessary." Alice Ziberku thought for a while and tied the whip around her waist.

"It's up to you. Next, it's time to decide your vocation here." Crohnpiss pretended to take out the work schedule of the Central Cathedral, looked at it a few times, and said, "The work is related to your original job." It was the same when you were tied up, but since your system operation authority is synchronized with your original body, there is no need to practice sacred arts. Instead, go to the kitchen on the tenth floor to help, and listen to me, the highest priest, and the knight when necessary Commander and Deputy Knight Commander are always on call."

"Understood... what about that guy Chudelkin?"

"Oh, that's not necessary. Anyway, he can't give any serious orders. If he needs you to do something, I or the knight commander will pass it on."

"That's okay... I really don't want to see that guy."

"This opinion is shared by everyone in the Axiom Church. Then you can go."

"Excuse me, where is my room?"

"You don't need it, do you? Go to the eighty-first to eighty-ninth floors during non-working hours and find a pedestal without statues to stand on and turn into a stone statue to sleep."

"But... what about taking a shower? Even if this body doesn't sweat, it might get dirty."

"No problem, you just need to turn into a stone statue and stand on the pedestal, and the maid in charge of cleaning will wipe it clean for you carefully."

"Hey... why is there such a thing?"

"That's it, it's infinitely better than turning into jewels and inlaid in the ceiling on the top floor, come on." Kroen Piss patted the wings of Alice turned and left.

There is nothing to worry about, just like the Integrity Knight whose memory is sealed and the monks and nuns who belong to the human world have no problem getting along. Although the content of the conversation is not included in the "Taboo Index" regulations, it is equally profound. Rules in the souls of the people in the central cathedral. Not to mention the summoning units that must obey orders.


five days later—

Chudelkin was losing his temper with the knight as usual.

But this time something really went wrong.

Apprentice knight Vinas Moore knelt in front of him, and the chief and deputy knight commanders Bercouli and Fanatio were also here, with serious expressions on their faces.

Not long ago, Binas Moer, who was supposed to go on a mission with Alice and several other trainee knights, came back riding Alice's flying dragon all covered in bruises.

He escaped alone.

(to be continued)