Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v16 Chapter 98: bloody drama

Indis's 【Release Re of Weapon Memory [ReleaseRe]】can create a large area of ​​blindness, so it's reasonable for Croynpiss to suggest her to carry out a sneak attack to rescue the hostages.

However, there are still problems that cannot be ignored, Bercouli said: "But that [Weapon Memory Release [Release Re]] has been ordered to be used only when there are companions around. What will happen if you use it forcibly, Your Highness the Grand Elder Fuzuo Have you experienced it too?"

"Oh, the seal of the right eye, right? But according to Vinas Moore's description, she should be able to do it." Crohnpiss said confidently, after all, she was given a lot of Kirito's skills.

"It is true that she is trustworthy to be able to leave the battlefield on her own and bring back samples of the enemy's new weapons under such circumstances, but her current strength is still a little insufficient, and it is difficult for her to undertake all the tasks His Royal Highness Fu Zuo said." Bercouli said.

"I'm very sorry." Binas Moer bowed his head.

Cloenpiss shrugged: "Oh, I can't help it. Let Feijieer and Lineel go. Although it seems that you knights who are dignified and upright don't like their behavior, you can be knights against despicable enemies. It's no good either."

"Huh...understood. It is true that they can do what they say." Bercouli bowed his head to show his compromise.

"I will act as a liaison relay to your command remotely." After finishing speaking, Klauen Piss turned and went to the upper floor.

"Thank you." When Bercouli led Binasmore away, four familiar bugs got into their hair respectively.

Not long after, the two-body dragon set off from the landing platform on the 30th floor of the Central Cathedral.


Ninety-eighth floor—

"Hee hee hee, it's the first time to direct command from the perspective of several subordinates on four screens. In the past, Sta was the one who did this kind of work."

Crohnpiss was interested in the event.

What kind of race the other party was, made her wonder. The other party not only had a group of goblins, but also a few more with a body similar to the ogre of this world, but with a head like a lion's head on it.

There should be no such race in the Underworld all race data.

"Have you learned [humanized] monsters? If this continues, the 'population' may increase dramatically. Probably the difficulty of the stress test has gradually increased. Obviously, the number of combat powers in the human world has not changed... unless the highest priest wants to Obtaining priority experimental materials without paying a price to continuously hunt and kill mythical beasts or powerful monsters...for the sake of your own immortality...there is a picture."

In the screen, it could be seen that Bercouli was gradually approaching the enemy line, and Alice and the others could already be seen being restrained, their weapons surrendered, and their armor losing most of their fighting power.

Instku was tied behind Alice with his head down, and at first glance he thought it was Eugeo and Alice Ziberku together.

"Bercouli, you really are here! As expected of a knight commander who is considerate of his subordinates, hahahahahaha!" The largest lion-headed man laughed.

"Ah, here I come. Your target is me, then let them go, I'll come—" Bercouli was speeding forward—

"Stop! Or is it okay to let their heads fall to the ground immediately? It's a pity that you can't put such a convenient amulet before you die!" said the lion-headed man.

[Recommended, changing the source app to chase books is really easy to use, download it here and try it quickly. 】

The trouble is, the destiny of those few people has been cut to a dangerous level.

If they were caught simply because they were unprepared, they could also consider the gap between the Goblin's Destiny and the Knight's Destiny to strike a cover blow.

The other party is really not a fool.

"Little ones, the leader of the Integrity Knights can't move now, let's kill him!" The goblin rushed forward shouting at the yelling of a big goblin.

The other lion-headed men also started to use long-range skills, their manes "beep beep" with lightning flashes, and the arc struck Bercouli across the distance.

Then, the goblins also surrounded him, raising their knives and dropping them.

"Uuuuuh!" Bercouli, who was under siege, soon collapsed with bruises all over his body.

Crohnpis calmly looked at the loss of life that hurt like scraping, and connected—

【Bercouli, the only troublesome thing is the lion head. Do you know each other? 】

[No, but when I was on duty in the past, I hunted down monsters that looked similar. Maybe there is some connection between them, and they teamed up with Goblins to take revenge. 】

【Well, come on, let's keep playing. Your muscles are good, the goblin's knife can't cut deep, but although there are many wounds, is it okay to have so little bleeding? 】

【I was worried too, but the electric shock helped a lot too. The wound has been burned, and the amount of bleeding is normal. 】

[Won't it be paralyzed? You'll be in trouble if you can't move. 】

[No problem, this level can only be survived by perseverance. 】

[Yes, come on. Even if the speed is slow, if you continue to be hit for less than two minutes at this consumption speed, you will lose your combat power. 】

Crohnpiss gaze turned to the screen from the perspective of the other three. UU reading www.

The enemy's location is very good. The plain area near the end of the mountain range is mostly open land, and the ups and downs are not without but very small. In order not to be noticed, the circle around it is a bit larger than that of Nassmore, Figel, and Linel. Being able to crawl forward makes the speed a little slow.

[Stop, you three! 】

【Piss, what's wrong? ] Fizel asked.

[I mean that you are in a good position now. Cooperate with the signal and directly use your artifacts to launch a long-range attack later. Now start chant. 】

【what about me? ] asked Vinas More.

[You approach directly in stealth, although that (Kirito's) ability is still being watched continuously, but now most of their eyes are attracted by the knight commander, as long as Alice, who can probably sense you, stops raising her head like an idiot to remind the enemy. . 】

【learn. 】

Binas Moer activated [Concealment] to temporarily hide his figure, and walked silently to avoid the intended attack range of Figel and Linel, which was close to the hostage-taking monster.

"Huh?!" Then Alice raised her head in surprise.

"What an idiot!" Crohn Piss made a lot of complaints.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Bercouli, who happened to be hit by another blow, suddenly bounced, spat out blood, and became more limp and paralyzed.

Jiu Falcon, Shutchari and Instku all showed expressions of remorse and regret.

"Uncle!" Alice immediately looked at Bercouli and shouted, "That's enough, leave us alone and kill these monsters!"

"Eh heh," Crohnpiss grinned, "Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency the Knight Commander bit his tongue for cover. Your remaining time is also decreasing at an accelerated rate."

[This nothing. Missy can still grow. 】

(to be continued)