Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 1: Bone King's seemingly ordinary day

In the overlord world, a certain mansion of a certain bone king—

Ainz lay on the table, took out a large notebook and a pen, and began to "scrape" to write the article.

It's not particularly important. Even if it's an important research, he will mostly hand it over to the undead subordinates he made. What makes him complain is that the undead he made himself, as long as it is related to the civil servants The relevant professional level is higher than him, and the handwriting and writing are actually better than him.

In general, he is just keeping a diary now.

For the undead who have a long life and have lost a lot of physical and psychological needs, keeping a diary seems to have little meaning. Unless there are very, very, very special things, there is no meaning to record.

The biggest significance is probably to make him feel more realistic about how many years he has passed than looking at the calendar.

In the middle of writing, I suddenly felt a soft and heavy object that I have been familiar with for many years pressing down from the back of my head. Of course, I didn’t feel any special feeling physically, but I still felt a little bit envious of the undead with a good physical body.

Messet hugged him from behind and said, "Oh, the last time Ainz wrote his diary was more than three years ago. Is there anything special today? Wow... It's so long. The last time I wrote this long, it was more than ninety years ago." When you came back from the Demon Kingdom Hekatia Tempest a few years ago? Show me?"

"Didn't you go take a shower?"

Although Messette's appearance of being wet with a bath towel and no after-bath aroma is obvious because she just crawled out of the bath for some reason, maybe something happened. But since he still has the leisure to tease the diary, it shouldn't be a big deal.

"The slime used for bathing just happened to die. Now I don't feel like taking a bath is boring. I can't do without slime in the bath now. Hurry up and get a new one." Messet said.

"You can do it yourself, too?"

"The slime I got is less smooth than Ainz's."

"But I'm only halfway through..."

"Then I'll write it later, can I still forget it? I haven't filled my head with corn porridge."

"Yes, my little princess."

Ainz agreed, although it's okay to ignore it for the time being. Like him, Messet has the same emotional suppression as "forced not to get angry", so he doesn't have to worry about violent rages and violent quarrels, but the long-term resentment that becomes slowly released is even worse. Toss the undead.

When he came to the bathroom, which was about the size of a swimming pool, Ainz used [Dimensional Movement [move]] to teleport a domesticated slime from the designated location, and then added several magic spells according to the formula, adjusting the slime so that it could automatically cooperate with it. The bather's state of bathing.

"Since we're here, why don't we wash together? It's been a long time since I brushed Ainz's bones." Messet smiled.

"So, don't you bother?"

"Where is it, you must carefully brush the pelvis, spine, ribs, and clavicle from the outside to the inside. Obviously you like Ainz, right?"

Ainz thought to himself that this was indeed the case. Although it was not an appropriate description, it was probably like the feeling that people with cleaning habits would feel uneasy if they didn't brush their teeth. But because it is a brush made up of filaments, I always worry about whether there will be any gaps leaking after brushing.

"No problem, just put slime on the brush."

"A slime is not toothpaste... No, it has nothing to do with this metaphor. I said, the slime before it died because it was scoured by a brush, right?"

"That... Ainz, I have skin. I won't use it like this."

"Oh, yes."

After such a nonsensical debate, Ainz lost his mind to write a diary, so he simply took off his clothes and took a shower before sitting in the bathtub.

Messette also hummed a ditty happily, and started brushing in the water.

It may seem like a chore to do this, but for an undead who has no third desire but retains a physical body and therefore has a certain ability to be a living being, it is the best way to carefully handle all the bones of the "spouse" from the outside to the inside. Getting close to being satisfied with that aspect of things.

"I'm very motivated today, what happened?" Ainz asked.

"Hey, every time Ainz writes a novel, either something big has just happened, or something big is about to happen, and he's about to go on a long trip again, right? Is it okay to give me a little satisfaction before leaving?" Messet said.

"Even if you go far away, you can come back to spend the night through the [portal gate]."

"But Ainz, don't you sometimes go straight to hotels? What's better than a home in those crappy hotels?"

"Well, after all, the money has already been paid... and you can also chat with your traveling companions who don't need to sleep." Ainz said.

Naturally, most of Ainz's trips did not bring Messet. When he was a nobleman, the necessity for the hostess to take care of all kinds of things was also highlighted. Let him feel at ease.

Ainz was silent for a moment, and said, "Actually, you've noticed Messet too. All countries have begun to expand their armaments and become active. Thanks to this, our family's industry has also received more orders."

"Well, it's been a hundred years. It's almost time for new players to appear. Thinking of the impact that the Six Great Gods, Eight Desire Kings, and Demon Gods have brought to the world, it's normal for countries to feel uneasy. UU Reading Ainz sure enough Do you still want to greet your former companion?" Messette suppressed some emotions and spoke slowly.

Ainz said silently in his heart that it was not a lie at all, but after so many years, he had indeed become despicable.

Of course, if they appear, they can still get along well, and everyone will be happy, and he has worked hard for many years for this. The title of nobility and territory are not for the sake of material comfort. If he has no worries, he has no physical needs and lives forever, he will definitely travel and explore all the time. He wants to create an old friend who may become a monster. A proud place to live.

But when he thought about the pursuit of game excitement, he deliberately added a lot of evil things to various settings... He has already taken root in this world, if he encounters the possibility of hostility, if he cannot persuade and overcome the reality "Setting" to become the culprit to destroy the world, all he can do is to finish it himself. If you want to say how confident you are when you are alone, you can't break through the 1,500-level 100-level army. Naturally, the most important world-class item, the guild staff and the full set of guild rings are in your hands. Judging from the current experience, since they can all function according to the settings, there is no reason why they cannot control the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The props stored in the guild can be easily retrieved, but even if they can control the maze and all resources, they are not confident in controlling it. It's just people's hearts.

(to be continued)