Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 105: intelligence warfare

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After Alice 0 explained the beam of light that descended from the sky like super magic on the screen, Arche expressed doubts: "Is that beam of light achievable by people of our level?"

"Yes, but you have to pay a relatively high price. However, everyone here probably doesn't have the relevant knowledge, so I won't explain further. If you want to know, you can do it through diplomatic channels after the war." Alice No. 0 replied.

"Master Shenzi, I heard from the teacher that in the past, in the struggle with the Theocracy, I once obtained a magic item that can arbitrarily activate the magic that exists in my own knowledge as long as I have enough magic power. Is it related to the technology of that magic item? ?” Arche asked.

"Oh, little Arche has the right to know about that kind of thing? Bingo, you got the answer right again. But compared to that time, the level is different. In the past, it really required a large number of magic casters to build a suitable ritual field and inject magic power together. There needs to be someone who can adapt to magic props to bear the burden of carrying such a large amount of magic power and the consequences that are extremely bad for the head-already close to sacrifice. Now it is possible to use large weapons with a structure equivalent to the life of Graeme to replace people and rituals Field, the magic power crystallization is fully charged. As you can see, the ammunition material that can carry this power is really hard to obtain. Now it is the result of hundreds of years of accumulation to be able to shoot continuously. Fortunately, this kind of ammunition with the ability to destroy the world Enemies do meet at most once in a hundred years."

The giant cannon outside roared again, and a battlefield on the screen was shrouded in a beam of light like the sky falling.

"Hoo...thank you." Archer breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed his head to thank Alice 0 for her praise and explanation. Although I feel a little awkward about being called "Little Aixue", from the perspective of being a creature, she really has the qualifications.

Alice No. 0 picked up her hand, continued to fiddle with the screen, and said: "There will be no new technologies and knowledge in the future, only a head-to-head battle between the two sides."


"Successful! It was successful once!"

"Yeah, great."

Winkaworth jumped on Alfin and she hugged each other.

The Great Tomb of Nazarick has collected a large amount of materials that can be exchanged for gold coins in the land order of the Theocracy of Slane, and established a happy small ranch that can mass-produce the two-legged sheep material of slightly higher-level magic props. When returning to Nazarick, it was destroyed all at once.

This time, part of the old Nazarick Tomb that was supposed to occupy the land that can produce wealth, if we can annihilate the Nazarick Guardians exposed on the surface for another round, we must restore the original troop configuration and maintain the highest defense Configuration, most of the remaining available gold coins in the treasury have to be cleaned up.

It will be another discussion if the textured objects in Nazarikli, which originally required krypton gold to buy, can be cut out and thrown into the gold coin exchange box.

The reason why these two are so happy is because the maids under their control, Voss and Fuel, played a huge role.

This is an extravagant trouble—ordinary maids are obviously weak, but their status in Nazarick is really too high, basically second only to guardians. Especially with regard to the two-legged sheep, the kind-hearted dog-headed headmaid would always intervene in advance, and even joined hands with Albedo's sister to save the child.

It's hard to pretend not to know a few words with the maid, and the maids often chat with each other.


Bibish Kla Gracis leaned against the turret with the gun barrel of the moving black chariot between her legs, and a pair of large and thick fusiform blades on her head fluttered with the wind along with her hair.

"According to Alice 35's instructions, there are enemy generals in the small town in front of me. My luck is really bad. Why did the meteorites that were supposed to attack here miss so much... It's almost here, isn't it? It seems that they can't be let go." Change the direction of attack to bypass."

She knew that including Midori in the chariot under her buttocks, they actually did not accept her strategic dispatch at all, even if she was stronger than them all.

It is a good thing that the patriarch forbids commanding the troops of his own race to avoid being "easy to be intimidated", but strategic autonomy is also equivalent to no.

The real commander is Master Alice who is hiding in the sky and using other magic to stare at this place from a distant home country. She and some other types of fairies can be called leaders, but it is too much for them to publicize as Titania. It's just a kanban girl for the signboard of the racial co-prosperity policy.

"I absolutely don't want to die. I heard that if you become a guardian, you can be resurrected even if you have enough gold. But isn't that really a recreated existence? Why did it become like this?" She looked Looking at the gray sky, thought.

Once upon a time, she was just an ordinary goblin living carefree on the But now it is too much to say that she was very ordinary at that time, based on the popularized new method of calculating strength Look, her level was above level 30 back then, and she was considered the best among ordinary creatures in the world. But he has nothing to do with the world, so he has no self-awareness.

Although she didn't realize it, her ethnic group actually caused the grassland where she lived to be lush, but due to "unexplained reasons", it was impossible to cultivate and graze. In addition, there is a flat river, so it is equivalent to that no civilized country is willing to consume resources. Occupied "wasteland".

Once or twice, she saw strong men who could only shrink their heads and wait for their fate to come, but they all ignored them and drifted past.

The only thing her group needs to beware of is a nearby large forest that periodically expands and contracts due to mysterious forces, causing some villages and towns at the other end of the forest to be abandoned by civilized races. They will aggressively provoke them, and there are also other plant-type monsters that were driven out by the tree fairies to her grassland forcibly due to excessive reproduction.

But once the forest shrinks, those plant-type monsters that forcibly enter the grassland to take root will fall into a tight siege and be surrounded and strangled by the grassland fairies.

Back then, she didn't understand the meaning of this struggle at all, but she was deeply annoyed by the tree goblin. After learning a lot of knowledge, thinking about it now, it is probably because when the forest becomes luxuriant due to the power of the true artifact "Two Worlds Mandala", the soil nutrition inside will not really increase, and the competition for resources and sites will actually intensify , As a result, some races with low intelligence were induced by the relatively smarter tree elves, and deliberately provoked this side so that they could use their swords to kill monsters.

Of course, no matter what the reason is, a struggle is a struggle, and their hearts are not yet to the point where they want to fight each other to death.

(to be continued)

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