Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 13: Anna VS Jaldabaoth

After listening to Jaldabaoth's declaration, Anna realized that she had lost all meaning in deliberately leading the wrong way from the beginning.

The Shattered Altar has been discovered, and the other party has a fairly large-scale surveillance method, perhaps like the overlooking eyes in the sky. After that demon killed her, was he going to kill the sisters and the many snake subhumans they had sheltered on a whim more than a hundred years ago?

The aura exuded by this demon is very powerful, weaker than in the heyday of Gorgon, but much stronger than her now. The sisters and the snake subhumans are definitely not his opponents, so they must stop him here.

No, it may not be useful, and now maybe other demons or undead have been sent to destroy the altar.

Then there is no choice but to defeat him, who seems to be the leader first.

It was a test and an attack with all her strength. She released the [Petrification Ray] from her eyes, concentrated her magic power on the blade of the sickle, and vigorously threw the chained sickle towards Jaldabaoth.

However, [Petrochemical Ray] seems to have no effect on the opponent. From the feeling of countering skills, it looks like [Magic Nullification], or it may be [High-level Action Blocking Resistance]. Is it also effective against the magic eye?

In response: "[Aspects of the Devil: Sharp Broken Claws]."

Jaldabaoth's claws instantly extended, almost reaching the length of the one-handed sword. He swung at the whirling scythe, and under a burst of sparks, he hit the hilt and easily bounced it into the air behind him.

"Is my blade blunt to this extent..."

But Anna was not discouraged, and continued to attack, pulling the chain to pull the sickle back, and the inner arc of the blade pointed straight at the back of Jaldabaoth's neck like a guillotine.

However, this was also knocked away by the opponent's back claw hitting the handle of the knife, and the chain "hula la" twisted and seemed to be running around uncontrollably.

"Always attacking the handle of the knife, has the ability of the 'harpe' been exposed? If so—"

But Jaldabaoth continued to swing his hands unrelentingly, and his claws completely flicked the chain far away.

"The subsequent traps have also been seen through!"

Anna, who originally planned to take the opportunity to wrap chains around the surrounding trees to create a solid three-dimensional maneuvering foothold and bypass the [high-level movement resistance] hindering the opponent's movement space, faced the rushing Jaldabaoth, but it was too late Withdrawing the sickle, he had to hold tightly the chain with the sharp pendulum on the other end. After all, this is a very high-level treasure, even if it hit it directly, it was enough to smash the flesh of a demon of this level to pieces.

If he is fighting with his claws, swinging the pendulum with chains at close range, even if he temporarily raises his hand to block, the chains can turn around and hit him in the head!

But the next moment the battle was shattered.

"[The Aspects of the Devil: The Great Demon's Wrist]."

Jaldabaoth's right hand suddenly became gigantic. Not only did it increase in size, but it was even as hard as Cai's claw.

Although it is no longer sharp, its size is like a crushing wall hitting at high speed in front of Anna, and there is no room to dodge. With only the chain in hand, she is almost irresistible, and she is blown away with a punch.

"Woo!" Anna let out a mournful cry. This blow was not light. Although it wasn't to the point where she would easily lose her fighting power, she was suppressed like this after a few rounds, and her chances of winning the next round were slim.

"Obviously my treasure can permanently weaken him with just one slash... But now I can't even do that... I have got the perfect drive like my sisters who are light and soft, but at this time I am so eager for swords The power of Argon..."

Thinking angrily, she turned over to avoid the giant fist that shattered the earth, took the opportunity to drag the scythe back and ran towards the depths of the forest far away from the human village and the ruined altar.

"It's too sad to say goodbye so soon. Do you run in a direction that has nothing to do with something you want to protect? Then, let me help you erase that reason."

There was a demon's voice behind her, and she felt that the sky suddenly became a little brighter, just like the color of the rising sun, and it was obviously still very early in the morning.

She looked up and her eyes widened.

A huge meteorite wrapped in flames is falling!

Isn't this Crohnpith's trick? That demon happens to be able to use it too? !

There is only one, is it going to attack the villagers and the village, or the home of her and her sisters?

Right here in a daze—

Jaldabaoth turned into a gigantic demon covered in flames, and his wall-like fist came crashing down, pushing her hard into the ground, and flames rose from his fist, igniting her and the surroundings.

For a moment, what made her wonder was, did the fist become lighter? But the successive fists and high-level magic attacks that hit the back of her head with burning sensation made her lose her chance to regain consciousness.

Through the flames that even burned the treetops, she saw that the meteorite suddenly began to twist like a spiral. Its falling speed seemed to be attracted by gravity, and it shrank rapidly as if it was sucked in. Then, a huge golden-pink arrow disappeared. It pierced through the meteorite, causing it to explode and shatter, and the fragments turned into light particles and disappeared as they fell.

"Great... everyone... please." She didn't know if it would be useful to ask them, but she could only do this, and then she lost consciousness.


"Who is so good at throwing meteorites around our site? It's fine if it's Pisi, really." Wenkawozi put down the ancient Majia bow of the sky and complained.

"Winka...does it make sense for you to shoot that arrow?" Alfin who was standing next to her in the treetops raised his hand and said.

"Isn't this... Isn't your visual deterrent enough, Alfin? You need to give people a solid warning, right? Ah!"

Before Wenkaworth finished speaking, Alfin grabbed his Alfin approached and said loudly: "Let me calm down! You are not sure about the hardness and nature of that meteorite, are you?" ? What if it explodes and spreads to the ground? What if the hardness is too high and it doesn’t shatter and decompose, or the fragments won’t return to the magic power? What do you say!”

"This...can't your reincarnation eyes see it?"

"I can see it! But have you seen it! I haven't had time to explain it yet!"

"Calm down, Calm down, Alfin!"

"My mind is very calm, but I can't help it! But let's deal with the arsonist who bullied Anna first."

"Yes, yes, let's go."

Alfin activated [Shenwei] to inhale herself and Winkaworth, moved to the center of the fire scene together, and looked side by side at the huge demon that was picking up the fainted Anna.

Wenkavoz immediately called out [Xuzuo Nenghu], not a complete body but still a giant bigger than the angry demon general, looking down and saying indifferently: "Put her down."

(to be continued)