Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 151: Step 1 of Nina's Journey

The latest website: "Although I have known it before, it really takes care of everything after preparing the money and vouchers." Nina said while holding a stack of papers handed out by the counter lady on a tray.

"This is also the embodiment of Ms. Veron's excellent graduation certificate." Momoka said.

"That's the case, but if you don't have enough money, you still can't do anything." Nina took out the letter of introduction from the designated business unit, glanced at the address marked on it, and wrinkled her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Although it was expected, Rei Yestiger... seems to be far away from my hometown." She said, that is to say, after her sister was taken away by the lord, she continued to be tossed around, and she might be in a lot of hands. The situation must be even worse. it's not good.

"Well, we also want to leave as soon as possible, so it's not too late."

"Well, in terms of transportation options..."

"It's not necessary. Come with us," Momoka said.

"Yes?" Nina thought that those two seemed to be very rich, and their status was not low, so they might indeed have good means of transportation. Who would have thought that they would take her into a deserted alley, which made her feel tight.

Just as she regained her vigilance, Momoka spoke again: "Miss Veron, since you are a top student at the Magic Academy, you must know space magic, right?"

"Yes, I know, could it be... But, long-distance space magic can only go to places that have already been, right? If that is the place Mr. Momoka has been to, then there is no need to ask me to help you guarantee that you will go to the counter to confirm all the places. Is it the requested location?"

"Generally speaking, this is true, but there are exceptions. Shalltear, since you already know that it is a famous city, let's use it."

"Yes ~ Lord Momoka." The girl called Shalltear who looked like a villainous lady turned around briskly, and stretched out her hand towards the open space to open a magic circle that Nina didn't recognize.

A pitch-black "door" with ever-changing glare glowing inside appeared there.

"Please come in, Lord Momoka." Shalltear stepped aside. At this time, she was completely not as arrogant as she was before facing other people, just like an innocent girl who fell in love with a master-like relationship.

"Hey, it's against the law to teleport directly into the city without going through the security check at the city gate." Nina reminded.

"Shalltear, you won't make such a mistake, right?" Momoka asked, turning to look at Shalltear.

"That's natural. Of course I understand that the teleportation cannot be directly teleported to the enemy's lair."

"...Although it's a little different. Well, that's it, just walk in." Momoka said, the first to step in, and disappeared into the darkness.

Nina probed into the "door". It takes courage to enter such a place. However, the phenomenon caused by this level of magic may be above the fifth level. Could it be that they are actually very powerful existences?

"What are you dawdling about? How dare you prolong the time between me and Lord Momoka, you lowly creature!" Shalltear returned to that terrifying attitude and kicked Nina on the buttocks.

Even though his body is so slender, his strength is so great!

Nina staggered a few steps forward, and after a moment of weightlessness, the surrounding scenery turned into a wild road, and then just threw herself into Momoka's arms.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" She hurriedly supported Ainz with both hands to retreat, but suddenly felt a chill coming from behind her, and she couldn't move for a while.

Shalltear walked out of the "door" with **** fog coming out of her eyes and body: "You bastard! You are so brave to do something that only I have the right to do before I come here! If it wasn't for Lord Momoka's kindness, I would put you—"

"Stop, stop! Shalltear, that's enough, it's your fault, put away the aura!" Momoka yelled.

"...Yes." Shalltear immediately shrank like a little girl who made a mistake, as if the aura just now had never existed.

Nina was still in shock: "Huh...Mr. Momoka, your eldest lady, could it be that..."

"I know, so I don't need to say any more. By the way, as an apology, I hope you accept it as a kindness." Momoka took out a silver carved pendant that could be held with one hand.

Nina could feel the faint but real magic power above: "...Magic items? Such a valuable thing, I can't..."

"It's not a big deal to me, just keep it as a souvenir."

"...Then, I will accept it gratefully." Nina hesitated to take the silver pendant and put it in her pocket.

I always feel that if I don't answer, the villainous lady will shout something like "How dare a mere low-level creature refute Lord Momoka's face".

After entering the city, Nina showed Momoka and Shalltear the way as agreed, and said goodbye.

Their mutual aid relationship is nothing more than that. Nina feels that she has made money in a sense, but once the two of them commit identity crimes, if the military police can't catch them, they will investigate her. But now I should find my sister first. important.

" should be in this area. But don't you have the number plate of that kind of shop? I don't think the president will lie to me. Logically speaking, the Nightingale shop that can be left now should have a license and won't hide. It’s hidden, and if you ask for directions, you will only get news that it has been shut down a long time ago. Is it really an illegal industry? Or are the rumors from other places not reliable?” She walked around a block and looked around.

It would be pointless to directly confront the legal business organization that may be involved in that type of crime. If it was those two people just now, things of this level might be easily handled in terms of strength and power.

She took out the silver pendant from before and looked at it, thinking that if she sold it for money, she might be able to redeem her sister as long as she found the store where she bought it, although it was strange to say this—Nina didn’t think that the villager like her sister Aunts are very valuable. UU reading

But it's meaningless to think about something that can't be relied on and unstable.

By the way, due to the psychological shadow of past experience, the official channel has never been considered.

Nor did she come unprepared.

"At least they still have an open's the trademark coat of arms." She opened a store door and walked in.

The front desk is no different from a general grocery store, but the groceries here also seem to include some expensive medicines and spices. Of course, they are all products that can be seen without any problem.

After explaining at the counter that she wanted to apply for the job and showing the chamber of commerce introduction letter and professional graduation certificate, the clerk let Nina into the reception room to take a rest for a while, and also brought tea and snacks.

This is a natural treatment for the outstanding graduates of the Imperial Academy of Magic.

But Nina didn't touch it.