Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 153: fall, smooth slip

Latest URL: After confirming Nina's alarm magic settings, the supervising staff said to her: "Thank you, it just so happens that the meal time here is also here. If you don't think the taste is different, do you want to eat?"


When Nina came to the cafeteria, she was a little surprised that the treatment of female employees was not as bad as imagined.

"Are you surprised? It's natural. In order to keep them in a state where they can make more money, naturally they can't be too casual."

"Really." Compared to her own job, she didn't care much about these things. She went to the window to pick up the meal as usual, and walked along the long dining table to find an empty seat to sit down.

Suddenly noticed that a certain blond woman looked at her and dropped her spoon into the soup made of vegetable scraps and cheese, covered her mouth and widened her eyes.

"Huh? Is there something scary on my face?" Nina asked over her shoulder.

"No... a bit kind, may I ask who you are?"


"Nina...Nina Veron?"

"Huh? Know my family name? Why?"

"...No, it's okay. I just happened to know." The other party looked like he was about to cry for some reason, "Why, did you come here? Because... you owe money, right?"

"No, it's very comfortable to work here." Nina said with a smile.

The other party seemed to bury his head and continue eating in order to hold back something. As for what to hold back...Nina couldn't figure it out.

Forget it, Nina thinks that she basically has nothing to do with receiving guests, and she may not be more beautiful than she is now, and she must make more money for synthesizing special spices and medicines than here. These people who rely on their bodies to make money are incomparable.

Go back after dinner, and work hard in the afternoon.


Salier watched Nina casually say a few words to her sister Xi Ailei in the dark of the cafeteria, then went to other tables to eat in silence, and sighed: "Obviously you have gathered the sister flowers, but you didn't send the sister, I I thought you guys were sabotage, so I’m really sorry. I didn’t expect my sister’s face and figure to be like this, it’s my fault.”

Although Nina's material is quite good, it is different from Xi Ailei, who has been trained by a lord who has stepped down and has been packaged as an official employee here. Maybe Nina has always insisted on being upright and decent, but it is easy to mix with passers-by. It just became like this, and it would be a little troublesome to "correct".

On the other hand, it is almost impossible to be recognized by Shiere who is suspected of using Nazarick's valuable props to completely cure Sebas and further package and maintain it in order to increase the price. Shi Ailei, who lost Sebastian, dared not and did not want to recognize each other.

This calm passing by made Sariel feel somewhat bored.

Says Succulent: "Where, isn't this a real treasure trove for us? There is a real need for more employees who can assist in the synthesis of drugs that make people happy and energetic."

Frequently bathed in the processing environment, people will gradually lose their minds, become extremely satisfied with the status quo, stop relatively complicated thinking, and even save costs by special means of restricting employees. When real management personnel come in and out, they use magic props that increase the relevant resistance or take antidote in advance to solve the problem.

From the third perspective, Nina is as full of addictions as the employees she first saw. Although she may feel good, she actually looks a little sick, her eyes are yellow and bloodshot.

But Sariel still sighed: "I remember originally planning that if my sister was found to have any problems, you, Succulent, would come and fight with her. For this reason, you even set up a game, but you couldn't create a natural fight." There is no other way.”

Although I'm a little sorry for the student council president who is a descendant of the Fendirette family who was kept in the dark, I can't complete the scheduled game after selling my outstanding classmates.

"Little girl Nina is now obedient. If we need to have a show fight to make those people spend money, we can go to the underground arena to have a round at any time. Although I must win - there is no suspense." Succulent is confident. road.

As a magic caster, Succulent's level is slightly lower than Nina's, but Succulent is still a light fighter who can equalize his own magic power. In duels, the combination of abilities is reasonable enough to stumble many opponents with comparable strength on paper.

"Okay, since the bet doesn't work out, there's nothing you can do. It's almost time to go to the meeting, Succulent, you should go first."

"Oh, that's right. But, since I've been dispatched here for the past few days, I'm sure I won't be responsible for the hotel's loss, right?"

"Of course, but as an important person in the security department, you still have to go to the meeting, and by the way, you have the same obligation to be scolded and write a report."

"Oh, that's true." Succulent forced a smile. Since the lord said this, it means that the security department as a whole is being punished, and there is nothing to do with him.

What about writing a report? As an important person in the security department, he is not a bald commander, so leave it to his subordinates.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Sariel patted his shoulder and turned to leave.

Succulent took out the communication card and prepared to draw the password of the security department. It is very important to confirm before going to the meeting.

"Wait a little bit." Sarier came back again, "Since that little girl at least has good materials, if you have spare time to find a part-time job, please help me to ask if there is any spare time for vocational training there. How to make the painful and numb work Generating happiness and pleasure is one of the tenets of my Eight Fingers."


After finishing the communication with, Hilma Sygnath casually threw the communication card on the bedside table, and then fell asleep.

By the way, she was the head of the trade of various special spices and medicines produced in that place before, and she also worked as a receptionist there before getting this position, because she dealt with various people and gradually revealed and improved her skills. With various abilities, he was appreciated by the "Eight Fingers" executives and got his current status.

But it happened to stay up late last night, and there should be more than half an hour before the car from the meeting party to pick her up. It is very important for health to take a lunch break. Lack of sleep is the enemy of a woman's appearance.

However, when he woke up, he found something extremely unusual—is it dark? The light coming through the bedroom curtains was very weak.

How could it be possible to sleep for so long?

She grabbed the clock beside the bed and looked at it, which showed that it was almost time for those people to pick her up, but the light outside the window was still weird.

Hilma put on her clothes and got out of bed and came to the window. The vigilance she had developed through her occupation made her open a crack slightly to confirm the situation.