Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 161: The Archbishop "comes back" 0 years ago

Latest URL: Imperial Capital Owental, Goblin Temple—

"Oh, this kind of thing happens all the time in the world. Obviously, I was really excited to watch the fighting crickets, but suddenly a guy jumped in and cleaned up all the crickets." Mei Li, who had just dealt with the aftermath of "Eight Fingers" Faith propped her face and said.

"Before I became, did something similar happen before I was born?" asked Fendirete, slightly interested.

"Fendilet, you don't seem to have any regrets, do you?"

"Although it's a pity, this is a good home for Nina, isn't it? Anyway, her natural ability is different from that of yours, Melifice. Only comprehension can be doubled. If it is like Like you, all aspects will be multiplied, if you can’t get her, you’d rather lose your bones than let her fall into the hands of outsiders.”

"Occasionally, you say things that are quite scary for humans in such a flat tone."

"It's just better than you at restraining your emotions."

"Are you mocking me?"

"No, just perform their duties. You have more chances to accompany the gods. Showing more emotions is more convenient to please the kind of demon spirit who sometimes takes pleasure in playing tricks on people, isn't it?"

"Sure enough, you're mocking me, right? If it weren't for your ability to work more than twice as high as your predecessor, I would regret getting you here."

As Melifice said, she picked up the bell on the table opposite and rang a few times to call Liz.

"The recent event that was held in the arena of the imperial capital... We don't have time to entertain that kind of businessman who doesn't know where he came from. You can just go... About an hour later, how does the former archbishop feel?"

The corner of Liz's mouth twitched, and she said, "Osko? If that's a "merchant from nowhere", then the empire doesn't have a merchant from nowhere, right? "

"I'm begging you too, it's okay to take a Midori, my ex." Fendilet looked up at Liz and smiled.

"...Yes, I understand." In the end, Liz could only nod her head in agreement, and turned to leave.

Apparently, their focus was not on the entertainment itself, but on her status as a "former archbishop", which meant that someone who appeared to be pompous but could not represent a position would be present, and that she would not be held accountable for speaking casually.

After Liz resigned from the post of Archbishop, she was really uncomfortable for a while, but she quickly figured it out, or—at the beginning, she didn’t think that just being a mere squire was so suitable for her, and she didn’t have to use her brain or think about what to do at any time. To use and deal with subordinates, you only need to complete the daily work according to the schedule, and occasionally have an extra assignment and have no chance to live a life of God War. Maybe the workload is relatively heavy by the standards of ordinary people, but Even without "Fantasy Summoning", it was very easy for her, whose level was above 40.

If there is any shortcoming, it is that her salary has been reduced by 70%. However, for her, who has lost most of her material desires due to physical transformation, how to spend the money happily is also difficult when the basic demands of the temple can be met and reimbursed. It has become a science.

Well, it is estimated that some important person will go to the arena of the largest businessman in the empire to watch the game this time. All he has to do is sit by the side in a daze and cater a few words.

Although I didn't know why I only informed one hour in advance, there was nothing to prepare. If I set off immediately, I would have plenty of time; so it took less than ten minutes for her to change out of the attendant's clothes and change into a suit that resembled the archbishop but had no status symbolic meaning. Dressed up, I went out directly and chose to walk.

However, when she came near the arena, she looked up at the sky.

"There is a strange smell of undead in the sky...Although I don't think I will be used as a bait to lure those monsters to some kind of conspiracy, but..." She didn't look for Midori, but she held her class card.

[The app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, which is used by old bookworms

Fortunately, she died, but she was able to continue to retain the control over the class card as if she had picked up a leak.

"I hope you don't let me use it." She withdrew her upward gaze and walked into the arena. Anyway, there is no way out, as long as she puts away her thoughts of coping and coping at the beginning.

The arena is a circular building, and one block has a large entrance—a place where only a few people enter the VIP room, and there is also a parking lot.

She walked between the two guard knights, passed through the parking lot where the royal carriages were parked, and walked up the stairs to the floor of the VIP room.

"I remember... the VIP room at the end."

But as soon as he walked over, he was stopped by a group of people whose clothes were incompatible with the gorgeous decoration belonging to the VIP area.

Several people were fully armed, and the equipment seemed to have no sense of ceremony, completely incompatible with knight status, and more suitable for field battles and adventures. One person even had a bare upper body with tattoos.

"It's really rare. The guards in the VIP room hired steel-ranked adventurers." Liz said to them.

The first person whose behavior could be considered elegant took off his hat and put it on his chest, saluted, and said, "Your Excellency is a guest invited by His Majesty the Emperor? I saw you when I visited the temple. people?"

Liz didn't remember this person at all, and there was nothing she could do about it. No matter whether there were many or few people going to the temple, it was like running water, and she didn't have the opportunity to communicate with those people specifically.

But the scene still has to say: "...It is true, but I am a former archbishop. Although I still serve in the temple, the position of archbishop has been resigned for many years for some reason. UU Reading is now here as a guest, No need to take out the etiquette of the temple."

"I understand, but just in case, in order to ensure His Majesty's safety, we need to verify the situation with His Majesty, please wait for a while."

"I leave it to you, I'll just wait for a while."

The adventurer knocked on the door, and a few seconds later, the door opened, and one of the Four Horsemen of the Empire appeared, "Thunder Light" Badjed Peshme.

"Your Majesty, the guests have arrived. It seems to be right!" He turned back to the room and said carelessly.

"Then invite her in." This was the voice of the Blood Emperor.

Liz went in and saw that besides Bajaid, there was also Nazami Ainek who was "immobile". There was no movement.

This made Liz wonder for a moment if he suddenly attacked the emperor, would it make him move, but it was just a thought.

(to be continued)