Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 175: group battle

Remember [New] in a second! "Hmph." Jaldabaoth smiled at Yayaka's question without saying a word.

Yayaka can launch an attack at any time now, but it is a bit difficult to act. The opponent's combat power is overwhelming, and even if he tries hard, he can only kill about half of the opponent. But if naval guns are used for support, the ship girls are basically entangled by other demons now, and the most cutting-edge ship girls need to be dispatched to deal with those powerful guys in the city. They have strong attack power but are not real transcendents. , If you don’t form a team to cover each other, you will only be torn apart like confetti after inflicting a certain amount of damage in front of the transcendent monsters—insufficient troops.

Communications were also blocked, making it impossible to call for help directly. Although the level of communication technology here is higher than that of the opponent who just passed through, it is low-level magic after all. If they **** other people's communication cards for analysis, they can use high-level magic at will, and they can quickly crack and find the shield. The means are also uncertain.

"It seems that you are in trouble." Ainz's voice sounded behind her.

Without looking back, he knew that it was Ainz who brought Shalltear.

"Since I want to subdue Jaldabaoth's subordinates, I have naturally considered a decisive battle with him. It is better to hit the sun than another day, so I will settle it here." Ainz said.

"Are you sure it won't be taken back under such circumstances?" Yayaka retorted without looking back.

"If you care about Jaldabaoth's layout in the empire, you can easily confirm that Sebastian is a kind person, and the twins of the dark elves are of royal blood, and the relationship between undead and demons such as the true ancestor of vampires is absolutely impossible. It can be seen that Jaldabaoth used some unconventional method to recruit these subordinates. It is my specialty to solve this problem." Ainz said.

Shalltear also hugged Ainz's arm tightly with affection on her face, announcing that she belonged.

"Besides," Ainz continued, "as a Marquis of the Border, 'Imperial Valkyrie', what you need to do most now is to protect the territory and people of the Empire, not for an unwinnable duel. Isn't it? Go ahead. , my other companions will also assist you."

"Other companions? You bring enough combat power to deal with this force. Do you have an entry permit?"

"Don't worry, there is a permit. Although it's just an incidental travel and business permit, no one would have thought of such an accident, would they?"

"If any other troubles are caused, the responsibility must be investigated at the diplomatic level, remember!" Yayaka said, turned and flew away from this place, heading for the urban area surrounded by fire walls.


"Next...Jaldabaoth. Also, the Demon General of Anger, Greed, Envy, and the Devil with the High Hat." Ainz slowly walked towards the other party, knowing that the leader must be Demiu created by Ulbert. Goss, but the surveillance line arranged by Yayaka is still there, so he can't tell his real name.

"It seems that you don't want to retreat." He said.

"Naturally, I'm here to fight to the death, until the last life is killed, including you of course." Demiurge said.

"That's right, then there's nothing I can do. Shalltear, I'll leave those four to you."

"Yes~ Ainz-sama. [Summoning Animals]! [Heroic Warriors]! [Summoning Tenth Rank Monster [Summoh]]."

Shalltear summoned a large swarm of bats in one breath, surrounded the Demon General of Envy and the Demon General of Greed, and rushed forward to bring the two Demon Generals into his battle circle in one breath.

The heroic warrior avatar and the tenth-rank monster confronted the angry general and the high-hat demon respectively.

In the melee that turned into a series of explosions on a large scale, Demiurge took Ainz's attack hard and smashed down a lot of buildings opposite Yayaka's mansion, and Ainz did not let the other side go. Plans, fire and vibrations burst out from the ruins from time to time, showing how fierce the battle was.

"Wow...I'm witnessing the battle of gods with my own eyes." The monitoring vampire who couldn't get close at all could only sigh.

However, Ainz and Demiurge were walking around in a half-collapsed house that was slightly reinforced with magic. When they came to a slightly spacious place, Ainz stopped Demiurge from kneeling, Magically make two chairs and a table, and ask him to sit opposite.

"Mr. Momonga, who commands all the supreme beings... now I should be Mr. Ainz Ooal Gown. As expected of you, you can understand my real intention of coming here." Demiurge said.

"You can just call me Ainz, please explain a little bit." Ainz put his hands on the table and rested his chin, and said, "I have achieved considerable achievements in this world, and when I take these achievements to prepare to meet When you were here, you were using actions to destroy everything, and even launched an attack on my territory, what is this for?"

Not all of it was true, but it contained his wishes.

Demiurge lowered his head: "Apologize here... The reason for expanding abroad is to build a reputation and find Lord Ainz who left at the last moment. A gift to you."

Ainz fell into memory. Even if time has passed for a long time, it cannot be denied that the game era was a very pleasant time. He and his companions took adventures as they wished on different game maps, and sometimes they would bring NPCs to supplement their combat power. From Shalltear's memories See, those will also become precious memories of the original NPC.

However, UU Reading At that time, they really took everything casually and killed most of the things they encountered, but it was all a game. The resources and industries are all normal. But none of this can be said.

"I understand your good intentions. However, different worlds have different rules. Doing so in this world will only become a virus that will be eliminated by the world. Demiurge should be Nazarick's think tank, why didn't he consider this. "Even though Ainz knew that it would be difficult for a strong demon to consider this point, he still had to say it.

"My wisdom is far inferior to that of Lord Ainz. I am very sorry. I am willing to accept any punishment to make up for my mistakes." Demiurge sincerely apologized again.

"So, how are you going to punish yourself?"

"As long as I die here completely, and I kill him for Lord Ainz, it must be of great benefit to Lord Ainz's reputation and status. In this way, it is justifiable to take over the subordinates who were defeated and captured before, which can reassure the outside world. domination."

"I see. So the reason you put on the high-hat devil is to take part of the crimes of the Holy Kingdom that you originally planned to hide, right?" Ainz nodded slightly. This series of things is easier for him to understand now.

(to be continued)