Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 181: Desperate struggle in the streets

Latest website: The current situation is unclear, and the source of mana is not enough, so Yin Lihao, the cruiser's mother, was ordered to keep her mana warm—even if she had to give up her position for this.

[No, they are probably demons who can use breathing skills, and are allowed to use high-explosive grenades, negative explosive grenades, and shoot. 】The command communication of the vampire came.

"But this distance... those guards who are covering for me... understand, load the negative explosive grenade and shoot." Yin Lihao, who could not disobey the order, hesitated for a moment, chose the optional ammunition that might cause the least damage to her side, and quickly finished reloading , Then, after shaking the gun barrel elevation angle to the limit, lean back further to raise the gun barrel, and fire the shell with the minimum propulsion.

Unlike iron mound bullets that can pierce a row with one blow but will not explode, in this small battlefield, grenade launches like this are more effective.

However, that short moment of hesitation was fatal. Before the shells fired high fell down, the demons standing in a row protruded a red breath towards the bunker position set up by the guards on the street.

In this way, most of the bunkers were wiped out together with the guards hiding in them.

The next moment, the shell fell on the top of the demon's head, blowing them up to howl.

The explosion did not affect the own guards, which would have been affected, because the guards who might have been in the range of the explosion were all killed by the demons before the grenades fell.

"Damn it! It's all my fault!" Yin Lihao gritted her teeth, and a cannon spewed smoke into the sky one after another. Since the person who was supposed to protect died, what choice did she have besides doing this?

[Be careful with the top of your head. 】

She leaned back further and raised her head, only to see a shadow rapidly enlarged in the night sky, she jumped back abruptly, dodging the blow that shattered the ground completely.

"This power...cruiser armor can't stop it!" She looked up at the huge demon. She had scales that looked like steel but exuded magical colors. She had large wings on her back and held an ax with a surface larger than her external battleship equipment. Also a big axe.

[Sorry, I am also haunted by such a demon... Please judge the camera independently. 】The communication of the vampire commander was interrupted.

"Damn...shoot!" Yin Lishao fired a full salvo at the unknown demon.

The other demons that continued to approach from behind the demon were still easily wiped out, but the guy swung the ax a few times, and the shells that were absolutely invisible to the naked eye flew away.

It is true that the cannonball has shrunk, but the original huge mass remains the same, and the velocity of the cannonball obtained at this extremely close range is almost not attenuated by more than twice the speed of sound.

Yin Lilou was not good at physical skills. Facing the huge ax that was coming down at her, she reflexively raised her arms and manipulated a floating armored turret beside her as a shield to resist.

"Dang!" She was blown away by the impact, the turret was not penetrated, but the huge crack and twisted barrel said it was temporarily useless.

There were bursts of explosions in the air in the nearby blocks, as if a dragon knight flew through the air and continued to bombard.

"It's not like the Dragon Knights of the Air Force...Even if it's reinforcements from other places, can't they help here?" Thinking, she immediately rolled back to avoid the attack of a demon with red eyes that was two-thirds the size of an adult. Pounce stood up, had no time to fire, and used the floating turret as a hammer to knock it flying to the side of the road.

The speed of the turret's movement was not fast, and the Scarlet Eyed Demon didn't die because of it, but it could only be handed over to the surviving guards. She saw the huge demon rushing towards her, and hurriedly smashed the damaged turret towards him. This time it was different from just now, it was a blow that tried to separate the turret from its own equipment, and the speed was much faster than before.

The gigantic demon grinned grinningly, turned its head away from the turret that no longer had control effects and flew past in a pure parabola.

"Oh, naive. Everyone, run!" she yelled, turning and running.

She is not the guard's boss, but the strongest firepower output sitting here has all run away, and the guards also fled towards this side yelling.

The turret that was just avoided by the giant demon was quickly enlarged back to its original size because it was separated from the ship, and it just hit the giant demon and the demon behind him

On the group!

The part of the demon that was crushed below and not yet dead spewed out flames in response to stress, and the training bombs and iron mound bombs were all fired. There were not many bullets left in the turret, but more than half of the remaining bullets were high-explosive grenades, so—instantly died burst!

She immediately summoned part of the armor to raise the wall to isolate the shock wave from the opposite side.

"Get rid of...?" He hesitated because he was convinced that there was no such thing in his heart but still contradictoryly hoped to become like that.

The armored wall took a heavy hit, one hit, two hits, and quickly deformed. If this continues, it feels like the hull itself will be destroyed, but she can't stay too far away from these components, unless...

Most of the guards ran away when she yelled, but there were still a few guards of uncle's age who stood in front of her.

"You want?"

"...So, although I don't know much about this kind of patchwork battleship, the situation is not good, right?"

"In short, you are much more important than us. You should run quickly. I heard that some demons like to play tricks on humans, so...we, it's okay to delay the time a little bit."

Two people said separately, obviously their legs were shaking.

Yin Liluo subconsciously said: "But, peeling the skin, roasting it on the fire, and slowly eating it alive... If it is a torture demon, it will use its barbed fingers and arms to reach into every possible place in the body."

"Hey! Don't say it, UU Reading is already scary enough, isn't this even more scary?!"

"Ah... Are you angry? Actually, we all have children, and you are about the same age as my children... Shouldn't you? Anyway, it's impossible to run away by yourself while watching you die."

"..." The corners of Yin Lichao's eyes twitched a little, and the corners of her mouth turned into a "^" shape for a moment.

It wasn't until the next second that the armor plate that blocked the demons was almost torn, that I recovered and grabbed their collars and pulled them back: "Really! We are not those women who are rude to tell their age face to face! I am almost Fifty years old (16 years for humans + 32 years for ship girls)! Older than you! I still have a trick! You are the ones who get in the way!"

No, the turret can't do enough damage even if the turret is killed, it is actually really poor.

But she also has an almost complete battleship with a displacement of more than 4,000 tons. If this mass is landed here...

"I know what you're thinking. If it was me, I would never let you do this." A man's voice appeared from the corner behind the street.

(to be continued)