Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 199: Blocking the door achieved

The latest website: "Wait, Madara." "Voss" said urgently, "In the rules of this world, you will become a soul-type undead when you 'die' like this, so as to reflect your strength and the current undead In the state of thinking about life again, it will become unconscious, directing the horrible souls that devour and destroy all life by instinct, and become a natural disaster that destroys the world, so... Even if you are going, please think about the beauty of life."

"Hahahahahahahaha, is it like the skeletons, zombies, and ghosts I met before? I really don't want to become that kind of thing, but if it still becomes like that, the battle will be left to you. His xinxing will definitely regain his consciousness, so let’s talk about whether to go or stay. It’s a pity that if he dies in this world, he won’t be able to see Zhujian laughing at him.”

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, he ascended to heaven, leaving behind a field of plant debris.

"Peng!" With a click, An Qiya lost the support of the technique because of the disappearance of Uchiha Madara who was psychic Nine Tails, and disappeared by the reverse psychic.

"Eh? What should I do?" Qian Hezi was dumbfounded, "This floor is not bad, staying here for a while...isn't possible?"

"Fuss" took a step closer to her, and said with a smile: "Calm down, it's okay. Although we don't know your mission, there must be a part that will further weaken Nazarick. There is no possibility of continuing to attack, and the above seems to be destroying It's too serious, even the original defense mechanism has been pierced, is it the result of using the power of the six realms? In short, I can now let the main body activate [Shenwei] to pick you up."

"Fuier" interjected, "Well, Qian Hezi's eyes are the characteristics of [Wood Dun·Reincarnation], right? Wouldn't it be enough for the caster to cancel the spell?"

"Fuss" retorted in a teaching tone: "That's so ignorant, since she is still here, she just wants to continue to experience life, doesn't she? You should mention others and think about it."

"Ah, thank you very much." Qian Hezi bowed and thanked for not long before being taken away by a vortex space distortion.


"This, what is it..." After Meiyou led Xi Luoai and Jack to break through the first three floors of the maze, what he saw along the way was a scene like the end of the world, and he couldn't help frowning.

She is very "skilled" in stimulating the psychological shadow in this area.

"See clearly, these are just maze sets. If it is powerful, it will be destroyed if it is destroyed." Xi Luoai pointed to the cracks on the set map.

"However, it seems a pity to destroy such a magnificent place," Meiyou said.

"The maze of trees from a hundred years ago is also very beautiful, do you want to keep it?"

"Hiroi, you know I didn't mean that..."

"Haha, just kidding. But luckily, I didn't see that guy Francesca this time, otherwise things would get complicated again."

Jack said: "That guy won't make a move in the face of a purely crusade against the enemy of the world. That guy prefers to face disasters and have all kinds of intricate internal conflicts to disrupt the overall situation. Then, let's continue Going forward?"

Although Uchiha Madara destroyed a lot, he only cared about destroying and rushing all the way, excluding those parts that would refresh automatically, there are still many monsters and organs surviving in terms of numbers.

"Under the condition of ensuring safety, let's wipe out all the parts that the ordinary army can't handle." Miyu said.

Jack: "Okay. I'm not sleepy about that."

Xi Luoai: "I agree. Let's continue the treasure hunt by the way."


Kaz Plains, Nazarick Great Tomb—

A team composed of most ordinary skeleton soldiers and a few skeleton magicians and archers walked out from the gate leading to the surface from the tomb.

The stone road leading to the spiritual temple and the gate is quiet, scattered everywhere are the wreckage of the collapsed [Tianyan Zhenxing] and the wooden tunnel, which is more dilapidated than ever before.

If the Great Tomb of Nazarick is indeed a relic, this is not a strange phenomenon, but a feeling that it will be buried by nature. But it is not, this is a place where the appearance of a tomb is like another world inside, and it is the meaning, symbol and pride of living here. Keeping it clean is normal.

The next moment, a large cloud of shells fell and exploded continuously around the skeleton. Although they immediately launched an attack, it was a drop in the bucket, and the long-range attack methods could not completely intercept them.

This team was easily wiped out, but soon, a team with a similar number and composition came out again.

More than 20 kilometers away, six warships with a length of more than 100 meters or even close to 200 meters were parked on the ground. Not only were the turrets all pointing directly in the direction of Nazarick, but there were also a lot of cannons that had to be fixed in the defensive towers or on the ground to be fired normally in the open areas of the deck.

The warships are temporarily assembled and connected with prefabricated large building materials to form a temporary barracks.

This is the army of the Dragon Kingdom, because the empire was once again attacked by Jaldabaoth on a large scale. Although it is said that Jaldabaoth and many senior subordinates have been killed, the dispatch of troops has to be delayed. . As a successor, the Dragon Kingdom, which also borders the Kaz Plain, had to assume this responsibility.

At a distance of 100 meters in front of them, three warships of a larger size were arranged in a staggered circle, and the flag flying on the mast was the coat of arms of the Bajas Empire—the warship of the third ship of the Imperial Observation Group. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Of course, after verifying the veracity of the battle results of the Empire and Ainz Ooal Gown, and Titania's assurance that Nazarick absolutely does not have sufficient funds to revive the monster army with high-end combat power and at least beyond the realm of abnormal heroes. , there are at most one or two level 100 combat powers, and the Titania army that was responsible for cleaning up the interior of the Silian Theocracy will also form a semi-encircled circle on the south side to support it. The Dragon Queen dares to dispatch troops like this. Observe The team dares to work together.

It stands to reason that in order to completely block Nazarick, the distance should be closer so that more weapons and magic can be effective, but even in Nazarick now, it would cost krypton to dispatch the few remaining high-end combat forces or drain the remaining resources. Jin's summoning of high-level mercenaries is also enough to destroy an army without transcendents, so a buffer area must be left to leave room for contact support or retreat.

Fortunately, the technical principle of undead guidance is simple and easy to use. It has been used since it appeared in the "Hundred Days of Hundred Days of Millions/Hundred Days of Humanity" more than a hundred years ago, and there is no sign of falling behind.

However, this also worried the commander who was sitting on the flagship, and he looked at the adjutant in charge of ordering.

(to be continued)