Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 2: This name was engraved deep in my soul

Regardless of the cost, Ainz was sure that the Great Tomb of Nazarick might descend at some point, but he was not sure about controlling the psychology of the "children" created by his companions in his previous life.

Naturally, except for the first discussion with Sunny and Ruo Luji who exposed the matter, there was no further discussion about this matter, and I never talked about it with anyone else, including everyone around me.

However, the next "Hundred Years of Aftershock" may not be his guild friends from the previous life. Considering the carnival before the final closing of the server, there may be a lot of players left until the last moment, let alone NPCs, let alone everyone offline The state may be larger. Regardless of whether it is an enemy or a friend, the probability of seeing an old friend is too low.

With that in mind, he stood up.

"Wow! Gulululu..." Messette was concentrating on inserting the brush into the inside of Ainz's ribs and brushing carefully again and again, but the brush got stuck and dragged her down, her face into the water.

"Ah, sorry."

"Damn it, what happened all of a sudden?"

"Just thinking about who will come and where they will appear in this 'Hundred Years Aftershock'." Ainz had nothing to hide about this, and asked casually, "What does Messet think?"

"Hmm... I think it's better to go to the enclave in the northwest." Messet said.

"There... why?" Ainz remembered that the enclave obtained there was E-Rantel and the narrow east-west appendages, which were basically sandwiched between the spheres of influence of the group of fairies and the six great gods.

For them, this is like a buffer zone that can prevent wars from easily breaking out. Ainz may one day play the role of a peacemaker when the conflict between the Bahas Empire and the Slan Ecclesiastical State deepens—it feels similar to what he did when he was the guild leader in his previous life. Things are alike. He doesn't have the talent to be the guild leader. As Rumordred said, he is really a peacemaker who mediates the relationship between members. He is very popular. Everyone will help him share the task of the guild leader.

Ainz accidentally fell into self-reminiscence, and now he is saying that the independent city of E-Rantel is an important buffer zone between the Bajas Empire and the Slan Theocracy.

But from Ainz's point of view, as far as the level of regional importance is concerned, unless he wants to go to war with them, it is actually not very useful, but he can confirm the activities and development of the two major forces at any time according to the wind and grass. After all, he is the first A player force who came to this world, a force mainly composed of original npcs, and technical exchanges with other worlds are of sufficient value in this regard.

Messet replied: "Xiao Mu, who is in charge of intelligence work, has reported that a demon's lair appeared there not long ago. After investigation, it is very likely that it is the residence of the demon god."

No wonder she said it here, you must know that she, the hostess, is not very idle, and things far away—even if they are at the level of destroying the country, as long as they have nothing to do with her family, it is easy to rely on them.

"A demon, is it?"

"Probably not only demons, but also undead. Even if the opponent uses high-level concealment skills or magic, the truth cannot be detected; but just confirming the presence or absence, it is very simple to determine the aura of the two through experience."

"...Indeed. Is there any information on the name?" Ainz thought that the Dungeon Labyrinth might have appeared again. If he knew the name, it would be helpful to refer to some game information for the strategy... No, crusade.

The brush in Messet's hand gradually slowed down, and after a while, she recalled and said: "Hmm... Xiao Mu has never seen it with her own eyes, but the stone tablet outside the building has some characters from another world... It is called English or Japanese... It seems It's called 'Nazarick', and it's a tomb."

"...Eh?" Ainz's mandible almost fell off.


Bajas Empire, Imperial Capital Owental—

On the stone road of Central Avenue, surrounded by two teams of knights, a luxurious carriage galloped by like the wind.

In this era of magic steam, when buses that can travel on fixed routes in the city have long been popularized, most of the carriages have become objects of nobles' feelings to highlight their status.

But a few carriages also have other functions. The ones pulling the luxury carriages are not ordinary horses, but Graham horses. They are extremely powerful, and they will never be frightened no matter what kind of accidents happen. Combat power, even when the car is damaged, it can be ridden alone, and the four corners of the roof are equipped with four magic guns with gun shields.

The knights on both sides are indeed horses, and they do have eight-legged monster eight-legged horses. The speed and load are not comparable to ordinary military horses, so the knights are also very armed.

The guards, which seemed to be redundant in the city, were naturally for the people in the carriage—the identity was different from the affairs at this time.

The three people in the carriage were all well-known figures in the empire, and two of them had been famous nearly two hundred years ago.

Fluder Lapadine and one of his proud disciples who can use fifth-tier magic, and the Marquis of Korn Freed.

Border Marquis is naturally Yayaka, and her appearance has not changed since she became a vampire Marquis. The post of Border Marquis was obtained by her exploits a hundred years ago, together with the noble-related dignitaries in the Goblin Temple, to expand her power. The status is equivalent to that of a duke.

As for the second person, even though he is a proud disciple, he can use fifth-level magic and is close to the peak level of ordinary humans, but he can be with the other two elders with three-digit ages here, especially since he was born not long ago. When the emperor received a troublesome task, the disciple was under a lot of pressure staying here.

In fact, the reason why he is here is that Fluder's key cultivation wants him to show his face in front of the emperor more, UU reading to show more.

As if finally unable to bear the heavy pressure, the disciple said tremblingly, "Teacher, how do you plan to deal with His Majesty's order?"

"This is His Majesty's wish. As a subject, the old man can only carry out investigations. However, considering the countermeasures, it is too dangerous to use magic to directly investigate. First, start the investigation with information and visits to the transcendent, and then summon high-level demons Let's gather information," Fluder said.

"The teacher doesn't even know?"

"It's a pity that I'm ignorant, and I've never heard of the powerful demon named Jaldabaoth." Fluder looked regretful.

Not long ago, an army of demons that appeared out of nowhere attacked the western city of Yestij, which was far away from the capital of the Bajas Empire and relatively low in control but had a relatively good population and finances.

The damage caused can be said to be a once-in-a-century disaster for the Bajas Empire.

(to be continued)