Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 202: The ruler who stepped in as a raider

Ainz only brought three guardians with special reasons to participate in the battle, because he believed that the chances of winning were certain, but the bigger reason for being so uncharacteristically "imprudent" was that he couldn't bear to watch the children who had the shadow of their previous life partners talk to each other. massacre.

Originally, Ainz was still a little nervous. He had only one spiritual marriage experience, and he was very worried that Messet and Shalltear would have an indescribable conflict when they met, but after a short period of tension, they were surprisingly peaceful.

Thanks to this world, in order to continue a better bloodline for the race, it is not uncommon for the strong and the superior to have polygamy; I also have to thank Peroroncino for the galga element that came from the harem for Shatierase.

"Sigh, although it's a good thing that everything goes well, it must have been my willfulness to become like this." Ainz sighed inwardly as he looked at the Nazarick buildings that continued to enlarge in his field of vision.

"If I really don't want to see the scenes where my companions kill each other, I just leave it all to them. Although I don't think I will lose at all with such a choice, isn't this putting my current companions in danger for the remnants of the previous life? Is it right? It’s been so many years, could it be that the spirit of the undead doesn’t change a lot, and they still can’t completely let go of the happy but short-lived memories of the past life.” He thought.

Not long after, probably because the rear knew that Ainz was about to step into the range of the tomb, the bombing stopped.

Amidst the gunpowder smoke, teams of skeleton soldiers, death cavalry, and death knights who looked a little more powerful than before, equipped with magic equipment, rushed out.

"Hmph, even though it's still a free force, you already have the qualifications to delay your progress a little bit. It's qualified as a bait." Ainz sneered.

"Hey, you bastards!" Shalltear raised his brows, blood erupted from his body, and he was obviously very angry, "It's obviously my subordinates, yet they show hostility towards me, towards Ainz-sama and what he got in this world. Companions face each other with swords and swords, are you tired of living!"

"They are all undead, so they are already dead. If you get tired of it, they shouldn't exist?" Hua Jing joked.

The enemy is too weak, and the relaxed atmosphere made everyone laugh.

Shalltear was even more angry, she went up and stabbed each of them with one finger, and the death knight stabbed them more, killing them all. He didn't plan to keep his hand, and he didn't feel sorry for the troops that were spawned for free, even those in his own domain. When he was in a bad mood, Shalltear would even kill a vampire bride for fun.

"Let's go." Ainz said, leading the crowd into the area of ​​the Great Tomb.

A large number of low-level undead rushed towards them.

"I'm here, there's no need to waste time and energy for this kind of thing." Barbara stopped those companions who wanted to start wielding weapons and walked to the front, and opened the [Resurrection Magic Eye] towards the torrent of undead.

As an undead, she suffered a reaction, and all the soldiers in her field of vision were reduced to ashes, and even some lifeless corpses that were supposed to be scenery textures turned into reality were gone.

[Resurrected Magic Eye] If you can control it freely and reach the ceiling level of the world, you can take away all the shapes that can hold life, and all the things that are taken away can absorb the nourishment of the magic eye, so for Barbara It is said that this trick is useless as long as it kills the opponent in seconds.

However, Ainz said, "Thank you, but it's not necessary this time. As long as you step here, you can use it even near the door."

He showed off the "Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown" he wore on his bone finger.

Seeing this, the others also stretched out their hands with the same ring. Although it is not necessary to activate the effect of the ring, it is like the sense of ritual of being a new student "Ainz Ooal Gown".

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, and the Sharingan and Samsara eyes were exposed. Anyone who has seen us will know this unique pattern, right?"

"Is it you?" Cocytus asked, "The guy who made Nazarick's capture of the Slen Theocracy go to waste, unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal, how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, and the Sharingan and Samsara eyes were exposed. Anyone who has seen us will know this unique pattern, right?"

"Is it you?" Cocytus asked, "The guy who made Nazarick's capture of the Slen Theocracy go to waste, unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal, how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, and the Sharingan and Samsara eyes were exposed. Anyone who has seen us will know this unique pattern, right?"

"Is it you?" Cocytus asked, "The guy who made Nazarick's capture of the Slen Theocracy go to waste, unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal, how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, and the Sharingan and the Samsara eyes were exposed. Anyone who has seen us will know this unique pattern, right?"

"Is it you?" Cocytus said, "The guy who made Nazarick's achievements in capturing the Slen Theocracy go to waste unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, and the Sharingan and the Samsara eyes were exposed. Anyone who has seen us will know this unique pattern, right?"

"Is it you?" Cocytus said, "The guy who made Nazarick's achievements in capturing the Slen Theocracy go to waste unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, and the Sharingan and the Samsara eyes were exposed. Anyone who has seen us will know this unique pattern, right?"

"Is it you?" Cocytus said, "The guy who made Nazarick's achievements in capturing the Slen Theocracy go to waste unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, and the Sharingan and the Samsara eyes were exposed. Anyone who has seen us will know this unique pattern, right?"

"Is it you?" Cocytus said, "The guy who made Nazarick's achievements in capturing the Slen Theocracy go to waste unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)

They disappeared on the spot, directly across the entire floor.

However, Ainz was slightly delayed.

"Although it may not be useful, it is better to use this. If there is an accident caused by the superposition, please work harder on Titania." He used up three seals under the premise of [Rapid Thinking] After the magic crystal and a demon statue, the floor jumping function of the ring was activated to keep up with everyone.

The time they came to the tenth floor was the same.

Space magic below the tenth tier cannot be used inside Nazarick. As a labyrinth that welcomes players to invade, Nazarick's internal structure is also very complicated and the passability is generally poor, so the members of "Ainz Ooal Gown" must Most of the internal movement has to be done with guild rings.

The corridor was empty, but there happened to be two ordinary maids with shortened skirts cleaning here.

The moment they teleported here, the two maids seemed to be in a state of battle, and there was an aura that everyone had to pay attention to.

Ainz raised his hand to stop his companions who seemed to want to use the "back of the blade" to attack collectively, stepped forward and said, "Are you guys on duty today?"

"No, Albedo knew that the invaders were coming, so she wasn't on duty in this regard."

"We stayed on our own, and she couldn't bring up anything when she spoke out about her responsibilities in Nazarick."

"Hmph, it's possession... No, it's just a simple attachment of part of the consciousness to control, you are Wenkavoz and Alfin Mint, right? Fighting with this body basically doesn't have much resistance. And do we have conflicting needs? Since we are here, your work should be over." Ainz snorted and said.

"Fuier" suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Why did you recognize it?"

"Fuss" said calmly: "Calm down, idiot, we used all our strength directly, UU Reading Sharingan and Samsara eyes are exposed, this unique pattern, anyone who has seen us will know it ?”

"Is it you?" Cocytus said, "The guy who made Nazarick's achievements in capturing the Slen Theocracy go to waste unexpectedly managed to sneak into the interior."

Even though he knew that if the current Ainz was the guide, the mistake was on this side, but the results obtained in exchange for death in battle were destroyed, which still made him very angry.

"Fuier" was immediately happy: "Hahaha, if you do something wrong and you can't bear the consequences, that's it. I can only say that you deserve it, Mr. Chang Defeated General?"

Cocytus was speechless, and could only blow a breath of freezing air in the unobstructed direction.

Ainz spoke out to stop the situation from getting worse: "Let's stop the joke. Now that I'm here, I've got all the 'Maid Demons', and of course I'm going to get all the other maids too... Hey, it's normal how do you feel about me? Like a perverted old man who became a cute maid?”

"Ainz, even if you try to dissuade your competitors, your jokes are still substandard." Messette covered her mouth and said.

(to be continued)