Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 205: return of the human ace

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Although the bone dragon's wound indicated that Nimble had the upper hand, but the sword in his hand and the bone dragon didn't match well, so it was difficult to make a decisive attack.

"Hey, does this knight need help?" Brian called to him.

"Thank you for your concern, but I have no problem here." Nimble said, resting his sword on the claw of the Skeletal Dragon.

There is no need for bravado or face-saving. If some enemies can be separated occasionally, it will also help maintain the continuation of the battle of the most important combat force, Brian Anglaus. Everyone knows that Bryan can instantly kill anything as long as he slashes it. Thanks to the power of the "Knife Emperor", but there is no other knight in the empire who can use that rare weapon. Shunliu, people who need the skill of drawing swords.

However, they are not the ones who have induced the truly powerful enemy, but have played the role of human guardians since ancient times—

"Damn monster, today is the time to repay the hatred of my Theocracy!" Captain Nigan Gullid Luin of the Sunshine Codex felt the wound left by the retreat in the catastrophe—healed up but still in front of him. I still feel phantom pain after seeing these undead.

Their target was an undead man with the shape of a giant. His black full body armor was covered with blood vessel-like bright red lines, his face was open, revealing an almost rotten human face, and his empty eye sockets revealed a red light of hatred for all living beings. Even the common sense undead, such as the death knight, who is enough to destroy the city for ordinary people, may not be more deterrent than this one.

Different from his angry mood, he commanded the troops extremely calmly but coldly: "Summon the next batch of angels, use the angels as bait, and attack that undead with magic!"

It doesn't even need to specify the type of magic and the order of attack. The Sunshine Codex has already memorized all kinds of situations that need to be annihilated.

Most of the angels didn't attack directly, except for a few who tried to fight for weapons, most of them rushed forward and hugged the undead's face, neck, hands and feet, just like a group of rogues facing regular soldiers.

This tactic was very effective. Although the undead were easily flying and destroying the angels, their movements became chaotic and they had to roll on the ground.

Multiple invisible spells bombarded him, and solid stone pillars rose directly from his armpits, crotches, and the sides of his neck, making him so powerful that he had nowhere to use them. Then there were other magic spells, which opened up his original and rubbing power. The wound is no different from a tiny wound, pouring light and flames with sacred attributes into the wound.

The powerful undead who could soak a city in blood if left unattended, was solved like this.

"Start to lure the next target." Negan commanded calmly, and at the same time felt anxious about the combat efficiency. If it weren't for the catastrophe that had to give up a lot, his troops obviously had a lot of heavy weapons, and obviously the original position It's an annihilation force, but now it's working as a guerrilla.

Compared with the Sunshine Sacred Code, another Dark Sacred Code, which is also the main battle, seems to be in line with the former's positioning.

"Oh, do you want me to play in person against an opponent of this level?" Kuro was a little bored, and with a single blow from his gun, he smashed the undead that Negan led the troops to annihilate just now.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward and stabbed another deceased great magician with almost the same level, and lifted the dead body that was instantly emptied of negative energy and became stiffer from the body of the gun, causing it to fall to the ground and become a dead body. debris.

Every undead who is left alone is enough to cause serious harm to the city, in his hands is not an all-in-one enemy.

And there are still many such enemies on the battlefield of the dark scripture.

"Hey, wouldn't it be easier to work?" said "Infinity Magic", who seemed to be falling asleep if there were no enemies, tossed a random shot and set several undead on fire.

"Agreed, does the captain still want to have the catastrophe that happened not long ago? If it happens again, the Theocracy will really be destroyed." "One-Man Division" Quinn Esai agreed very much.

The high-level combat units he could use had all been sacrificed when blocking Yaura. Although the ones he acquired during this time were not too bad with his skills, they still had to besiege the undead to win.

"Since that's the case, how about going to assist the eldest lady? It doesn't look easy for her, thanks to this we can maintain the front line." A strong member holding a double shield titled "Giant Shield Wanbi" suggested.

"Forget it... I'm afraid that the eldest lady will be unhappy and even fight with me." Ku Luo resolutely persuaded, "Recently she seems to be laughing all the time, and it was also during the mock battle with that vampire ancestor, and it was also when training us... and It's not like being happy, no, it's impossible to be happy about these things these days?"

"Isn't that the atmosphere of fighting madness?"

"After all, even if it is a fake controlled by a real artifact, UU Reading is also a nurturer for her who has lived longer than us. She killed it with her own hands, so there must be a feeling that we can't experience for the rest of our lives."

Everyone couldn't help but glanced at the "Infinite Magic Power" who said that, the lazy girl who did the tasks of "Infinite Magic Power" was pushing one step at a time (even so, she actually completed her duties well) Will say such a thing?

A hundred meters away from them, there was a battlefield where weapon collisions constantly erupted on the ground, causing circular shock waves.

It was a high-level demon that rarely appeared among the undead, exuding an aura no less than that of Jaldabaoth (the version of the angry demon general) or even stronger than that guy, so "Death and Desire" immediately became interesting Vigorously approached the door.

No, in addition to being "exuberant", there is also a sense of responsibility. After all, if such a monster goes to any other battlefield where there are no other transcendents, it will cause a massacre.

It is a root earth element that exists in Nazarick, has no uniqueness, and can be used as a high-level combat force for the time being. However, it is different from ordinary root earth elements.

But Yujiali didn't realize this yet.

The huge arm, which was definitely not just an ordinary physical attack, swung heavily towards Yujiali. This blow alone caused the entire ground to splash earth and rocks like an explosion magic.

Yujiali kept the upturned expression of her mouth, flew back from the aftermath of a storm of earth and rocks, and kicked the ground backwards to stop herself who could not control her strength in emergency dodge.

Her level is higher than that of the root earth element, but some of her professional levels are assigned to occupations that have nothing to do with warriors. Compared with the root earth element, which is specialized in physical attacks and enhanced with earth attributes, her strength is actually one level lower.

(to be continued)

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