Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 208: 1 end of everything

Latest URL: In fact, the reason why so many enemies flooded out after Ainz and his party entered the tomb was because Ainz slowed down before teleporting to the tenth floor.

He used the magic props prepared in advance to activate all the combat units in the entire Nazarick for free and take action outside.

Even Ainz, who had cultivated so far, couldn't control so many combat units at once and command them to fight with the arms, so he only slightly adjusted their direction of action, which could cause a disaster-like effect.

Doing this is to prevent people from outside following them down. Even if those people promised him to attack in the first wave, if there was no response or contact for a while, they would definitely send someone in to look for it.

Ainz didn't want them to disturb his work, but if something happened to the "teammate" who came to find someone or assist in the attack, and Ainz and his party were safe and sound, it would also increase doubts. Although it is impossible to be completely clean in theory, it can be clean and natural It has to be as clean as possible.

Fortunately, after living in this world for so long, Ainz discovered that once an undead lair is forcibly broken through to the core by elite combat power, the peripheral combat power may not shrink to the center, but the probability of spreading out like a rampage is actually very high. , in fact many are like this.

The reason is also very simple, that is, monster groups with low spiritual intelligence and negative justice value all have the nature of actively attacking outwards, and unless there is a ruler who controls them at any time, they will spread autonomously. However, because of that spontaneity, if there is no ruler to control it, the country, adventurers, mercenaries, and even wild monsters and wild beasts will kill it due to dispersion and discovery.

And when a situation occurs that impacts the core of domination, the dominator may not care about domination, causing the monster group to lose control.

This gave Ainz a good excuse.

In order to hold back those top combat powers, Ainz also specially prepared a few levels 85-95, which can also use the root elements of mass annihilation magic—these are the goblins of Titania and the Gorgon sisters. The things that Sarick has seen, even if they take them out, there will be no doubt that they are not monsters that exist in Nazarick.

At present, the only guild masters who know that Ainz used Nazarick as his base during the game era are those few. If the time comes because of them, all Ainz can do is to say that he has left before time travel, and has not been connected for more than a hundred years. Although there may be criticisms, he can still let him take over the Nazarick Transformation Take it for granted.

The end times of the battles inside and outside Nazarick were similar, both before midnight, with a difference of less than five minutes.


Central Continent, Titania Country, Central Underground Hollow—

The three fairies of light are holding a meeting here that has nothing to do with the overall situation, but in fact, the world may be destroyed if they are not careful.

"Yeah, it ended neatly like this. With Ainz Ooal Gown here, the capture of Nazarick will be more effective with less effort." Star looked at the report sent by fax and nodded easily.

"Oh, this is really boring." Sunny sat upside down on the chair, leaned her chin on the back of the chair, and said to Star and Luna who were sitting at the table with their backs facing her, "It's rare that we did it here too. With so much preparation, everyone who Pith created and cultivated back then is gearing up. As a result, Nazarick was even more unbeaten than expected, and it ended like this?"

"Probably due to the fact that the treasure house was emptied—including all world-class props and artifacts, right? If Nazarick can use those world-class props, the possibility of being beaten by the True Dragon King back then can be reversed." It's huge, not to mention that Nazarick holds more world-class props than the guilds that have traveled through in the past, and it is several times more than the sum of them. Alfin and Winkavoz decided to save Anna , This was also used by Ainz Ooal Gown, that guy is no longer a mere social animal." Star said.

"So, is there peace?"

"If there is no struggle for Nazarick's dividends, then peace will indeed be achieved for the time being, right?"


"When has there been a lack of war in this world? Conflicts between countries and races, interests and beliefs are everywhere. Isn't it? Countries perished fifteen and thirty years ago."

Sunny put her hands together in front of her chest immediately after hearing what Star said, and said in a pope's tone, switching to a slightly numbing ethereal voice: "As long as we can respect each other's position, both sides should exchange ideas and try to establish Good relationship, so we don't have to be hostile to each other, don't we?"

Star said: "No way, it won't work. There is no end to desire, and you will not be willing to give in. Once the other party gives in, they will ask for more, and intelligent creatures are like this. As long as we give in, the other party will show kindness—is it true? Does anyone think that might be true?"

"Ah, that's right. Sure enough, it's fine to play the role of the pope once in a while."

"Oh, that's it."

"Ah, my ability alone can prevent all creatures in this world from starting a war." Luna sighed, shrunk her body, hugged her knees and raised her head, looking at the direction of the invisible sky.

"Luna, what are you talking about." Sunny shivered, and said, "The small satellite that was launched with Star's ability... the one that carried the Star Destroyer that you made a long time ago, Luna? Did you use that?" This method is very easy to target anywhere on the planet, even if something goes wrong and explodes out of control, it will not have a great impact on the planet, is UU Reading really reliable?"

"I don't know, and it's impossible to really try to fire a cannon. But the power of the one used on the territory of Theocracy before is about 0.5% of the power of the normal launch of the Star Destroyer Cannon."

"That is to say, the theoretically safe version of the Star Destroyer cannon has two hundred rounds in one hit? It's too early to destroy the Stars, but it's exaggerated enough."

At this time, another fax came.

Star picked it up and looked at it, and almost burst out laughing: "Hey, is it true, Ainz Ooal Gown invited dignitaries and meritorious persons from various countries who participated in the fight against Jaldabaoth to visit Nazarick, hahaha Hahahahahahahahahahaha..."

"It's true, it seems that the bone's mood has really changed. If it was the original, he would definitely not be able to tolerate such a thing." Luna sighed.

Sunny said: "However, he is willing to bring Pisi's family members and Gorgon sisters into Nazarick for his own purposes. We should also consider this possibility?"

(to be continued)