Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 30: Cheers to his stunning 1 hit

Clementine's lightning strike on the ground blinded the eyes of everyone present, but almost immediately, Clementine's voice sounded from the direction they came from: "Their goal may be to recover That demon statue, I'll take it away, buy me time, please!"

She walked away quickly and still carried an echoing voice, which seemed to be a bit teasing.

"Prepare so much just to escape?!" Yin Mina shouted angrily.

It's just running away, not using [Super Evasion], a martial skill that is only effective in a fight. It must be to confuse the demon and make the other party think that Clementine is preparing to fight face-to-face... No, maybe they are also confusing the few of them Maybe.

"You guys go, I'll stall for time." Bryan came to the center of the aisle, put on a sword-drawing posture, and said to the others.

"...Okay, I'll leave it to you."

The few people who knew that staying was also a hindrance immediately evacuated. And Bryan was at least more likely than them to escape in person.

Only when Arche left, she turned her head and looked at her with a "wouldn't it be better to stay?" expression.

"Thank you." Bryan said to the demon, because the demon could cast magic directly at other people's backs before they disappeared, and it was impossible for him to resist the seventh-level magic.

"Your aptitude is very interesting, and you have the potential to become a magical creature... If you are willing to kneel down and kowtow to beg for body modification, it's okay not to chase after it. We have already confirmed the possible whereabouts of the lost props. If you give Ya Master Dabawo sent rare talents, I believe that master will be happy." said the devil.

"Unfortunately, I didn't have that plan." Bryan said with a strong smile, wondering if he was the kind of person who didn't have deep friendship with others and only wanted to pursue the sword.

Perhaps, he was moved by the feeling of being able to entrust each other with the identities of the "Four Advisors", who could not build a good relationship based on common sense of race. Obviously, his strength is not very strong in his eyes. Before fighting Showing off made him feel refreshed.

If I didn't choose to hang out with mercenaries with low moral standards, but instead went to be an adventurer to find someone to form a team, would I have a similar experience? I can't even imagine it until now.

Moreover, he didn't intend to die by himself.

It is true that demons beyond human limits would be quite scary, but since that woman Clementine can use dodge to deal with it, it means that although the magic power is great, there is a possibility that he can dodge it, so what he has to do is to use Piccolo. Lementing sent the blade into the opponent's body at a faster speed.

It doesn't matter which is faster, the fastest run or the fastest arm swing.

Suddenly, the demon turned his head to the back, showed the back of his head to him, and said, "Won't you plot with me?"

Although I don't know what happened, maybe something unfavorable to the devil has happened elsewhere, but there must be no better chance.

"【Secret Sword·Tiger's Flute】!"

Because the effect of the medicine is still there, he used this trick for the second time today, which made him feel that time has slowed down, and he still maintained his original actions in this space where time was like flowing water turning into viscous syrup, and his vision was somewhat blurred. Reddish, I don't know if the eyes are bloodshot, but it doesn't matter until the attack is completed.

With a sound of "Bang!", the blade slightly sank into the opponent's raised arm reflexively, while his own wrist and nostrils were bleeding from the backlash.

No, there was nothing commendable about this blow that was all on the gamble. With a closer look, one could find that what was cut was not the demon's body, but a few leaves that bloomed on its arm.

Could it be that the devil can also use the natural magic of the forest priest?

When Bryan thought of this, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. He was blocked with a full blow, so how could he have time to think about the opponent's magic profession?

The demon's defensive hand just now deployed a magic circle.

For an instant, Brian felt as if he saw the wings of an angel, and his body was covered by the wings of light.

He couldn't recognize the opponent's move, but even if he could recognize it, it wouldn't make sense, he couldn't dodge it at all, followed by high-speed continuous pain all over his body.

It can only be said to be a miracle that he did not lose consciousness, and even his limbs are still connected.

No, if it was me before taking drugs, I would definitely have lost my whole body. Maybe the activated magic item and the drug that seems to be maddened have other unknown effects. Selling items bought by adventurers who have collected equipment and props that they don’t need—saving intermediary fees and handling fees is good for both buyers and sellers, and there may be effects that they haven’t identified.

"You're still alive. Are you really a human being? You're lucky. But now that you understand your own powerlessness, if you figure it out, your previous promise will still be valid." The demon said a harsh word, and then disappeared on the spot.

"Hmph, so what if you can use seventh-level magic, it's also stubborn." Bryan couldn't help thinking like this.

His [Field] is still there, and it can be confirmed that it is not space magic at all, but invisibility. In order to pretend to disappear, that guy also tiptoed to the distance with small steps - just the speed of this movement caught up He and Clementine's running speed just now showed that the other party didn't take them seriously at all.

But even though he didn't intend to chase after him, he didn't have the energy to fight anymore.

Even with the luck that the other party made a mistake, as a result of fighting for time, it is not bad.


"Wow, what's the matter with that human? It obviously feels like it's not even level 30, but it almost lifted the mimesis in my arm with a knife."

Seeing Xue Lisi who came to join her, An Linie covered her arms and complained, the wound had already been healed by magic, but that hurt her self-esteem just now.

As if she thought she would really attack with seventh-tier magic, using the only seventh-tier magic she could use [treepu] could definitely defeat the opponent, but it was not an attack but a binding spell , The traces left by killing with a make-up knife are also obvious. Once used, it is almost equivalent to exposing that he is not a demon, and it may also lead his boss to investigate.

Even so, she did come up with a magic that can kill a level 30 human without a whole body.

"An Linie, you're okay. I was almost killed. My strength was completely seen through. I've never heard that the other party has that kind of ability to see through." Xue Lisi said almost sadly.

"But since the identity has not been revealed, it is not completely seen through, so maybe it is better."

"You've been hacked by that guy and you'll know."

"Sorry, I've been hacked."

(to be continued)