Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 34: imperial capital bombing

"The types of undead that appear there are all common types of undead in the Kaz Plain, but they are obviously cleaner and tidy. By the way, there are also maids. Although they are very similar to humans, our Ministry of Magic has combined various observations and agrees that they must be Not human." Fluder said.

"Maid?" said an official present, "Speaking of which, Jaldabaoth also has subordinates dressed as maids. Is there any connection?"

"There is no definite evidence. Maid outfits are not uncommon after all. But I hope so in my heart. No one wants to have two scourges suddenly appear, right?"

"Yeah, that's it. At least it's concluded that there are civilizations and intelligent beings managing the tomb, right?"

"Could it be that Jaldabaoth came out of there, or is he using that big tomb as his base? The undead and demons appeared in the turmoil in E-Rantel at the same time, although Jaldabaoth did not appear, but Could it be planned by him too?" Another official asked tentatively.

The time of appearance is approaching, and the superiors can't help but think of it. Of course, there are people who don't want the sudden appearance of evil forces to have multiple strands. This wish is included in it.

"There are no special clues, but the possibility is not ruled out." Fluder replied.

"Really, that's just right." Jilknever showed a cruel smile, making the officials present feel that the room temperature had dropped.

After the emperor showed such a smile last time, the title of "Blood Emperor" was attached to him.

"Since "Zhiranon" is doing clumsy tricks under my nose, then send them some news through those nobles who believe in the God of Death, and lure them to explore the large tomb that appeared in the Kaz Plain."

That's the end of the rather troublesome topic. After Fluder took over and left, Jilknif took out other documents related to domestic and foreign affairs, and while reviewing them himself, he also talked to the officials present from time to time to discuss one time.

There are quite a lot of things that the emperor has to deal with, especially the liquidation of many nobles, so many things have been backlogged here, and he has no time to focus on things that he, a person with no combat effectiveness, can't do it himself.

But at this time—

"Boom!" The mushroom cloud, which could be clearly seen even from the window overlooking the city, rose in a place in the city not far from the imperial palace.

"What's going on!" Jilknever burst into tears.

But even if everyone comes to the window, it is impossible to see the truth through the buildings.

Fluder and a few of his high-ranking disciples could use magic to confirm it right away, but those people would not exist at the scene where government affairs were being handled.

Jilknever ordered the guards to check.

After a while, the guards brought back a report from the dragon knight corps regularly patrolling the airspace of the imperial capital: "Your Majesty, a magic caster has attacked you...the aristocratic area of ​​the original imperial capital has been attacked. The magic features are very obvious, and it is the fourth-level magic of the magic power system [ Fuel Air Explosive]. Now going to suppress the situation."

[Fuelair Explosive] is a well-known and efficient range attack magic in the empire. Those who are able to comprehend it are all talents in the magic world, and those who can maximize their power while consuming magic power are indispensable to the country. pillars.

"Do you know who caused the explosion?" Gilkniver asked.

A big explosion near the imperial capital or the imperial palace will not only damage the face of the empire, but also make the people feel insecure and shake the stability of the country.

"The subordinates are about to continue reporting, but in fact the one who caused the explosion was Arche Yinfu Lil Field."

This made Jilknever a little confused. Just after seeing him to receive the reward, the back foot made an explosion near the palace? What is this operation?

"Have you confirmed the details?"

"The full situation has not been confirmed, but the mansion of Marquis Brucher was blown up."

"That's it..." Jilknif thought deeply. The territory of the Marquis of Brucher was very far from the center of the empire, and the mansion in the imperial capital had a greater symbolic meaning.

But he himself has been in the imperial capital for nearly a month.

By the way, that is also a noble who is about to be purged. Unlike other nobles who were deprived of their titles just because of incompetence, that person has considerable criminal evidence, and the information is kept secret, but it takes some preparations to settle his territory That's all.

Arche was considered by Fluder to be a disciple who might surpass him in the future, did Marquis Blucher have any conflicts with her at this time? Pulling the whole body, maybe the original plan of the two parties will be disrupted.

"Invite the Marquis of the Frontier and Mr. Fluder, and prepare for the guards. I will confirm it myself." Jirkniff believed that this situation must be confirmed by himself.


Back in time a little —

Arche, who was dressed up in a gorgeous dress, said goodbye to her fellow black workers one by one, and walked home with a wand with a top like curly ivy.

This dress was worn to meet the emperor. To be honest, after working in combat for a long time, I am not used to wearing this dress, even walking is a bit awkward. So much so that he almost used the new magic wand that was one of the rewards as a crutch.

Along the way, Arche kept smiling.

Although the work did not go well this time, the work that belonged to them was finally completed, and they got the last generous commission as a black worker. UU Reading I am working as an amateur priest to help the weak; Hekkeran and Yin Mina are going to get married. I heard that they plan to become regular adventurers. Even if they don’t plan to go on a long-term expedition, they can consider raising monsters after getting a high enough rating. The job of selling monster materials; she is going to make a break with the housework and raise her younger sisters in the future. I don't know if we will meet again in the future, but as a parting of the breakup, this ending is really good.

"Is your lord Anglaus still leaving? What are your plans?" Arche asked Brian, who was still following her. If she wanted to accept long-term employment, she would have to decline. She was made a viscount by the emperor, but she had no land income. She can't afford the long-term employment price of such fighters.

"It's nothing, it's just following the trend. Although I didn't intend to eavesdrop, it's hard for you to talk about your own affairs so loudly. If you can't do it as a relative, it's okay to leave it to me." Bu Lai En said.

"No, it would be too much to kill."

"I wouldn't do something like killing my parents in front of my children, but it's still worth giving some physical lessons. Those kind of people don't know how to determine the dominance of the family without experiencing it for themselves."

(to be continued)