Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 49: Cocytus VS Sariel

Cocytus sensed an enemy who was secretly attacking, and immediately swung a sword aura towards him.

However, the delay was a bit large due to the distance, so the hider avoided the blow, instead of retreating, he jumped into the air, and his body landed very lightly on the rocky ground near the command post room.

"This appearance... I know you, you are the enemy who repelled Lord Jaldabaoth, Sariel Limocy Clayas, right?" Cocytus began to speak according to the requirements he was given. , "As a hero, why do you use this method?"

"I don't think you, the invaders, are qualified to say such things. Isn't it true that the subordinate of the thief who can't beat the thief who stole so many people and wealth from the city is still an orthodox warrior? Then you may have chosen the wrong master to serve. "Sarier said calmly.

"The law of the jungle preys on the strong, it's impolite, after all, we still have to use our strength to speak."

"I have no intention of competing with you in martial arts, [twelvefold maximizemagitradiance]."

Cocytus' first reaction was "This is impossible", there will never be such a convenient way to superimpose magic. But the pain and deprivation of physical strength brought to him by the beam of light that fell from the sky again all showed that this move might really be so powerful.

Demiurge had shared information about Sariel's battle, and learned that she was indeed a magic-specialized type, so the response to be done was the same as before.

"[Twelve levels of the strongest magic · brilliant brilliance [t-m-m·b-r]]!"

Just as he started to act, the other party activated what seemed to be the same magic again at a chant several times faster than before.

Next is—

"[Raksha Wisdom Rakshasa]!"

"[Stone Wall [w-o-s]]!"

A stone wall rose in front of Sariel to meet Cocytus' sword flash, and it shattered instantly.

But the sword energy that continued to fly forward was all hit in the air, where is there any figure behind?

Then another beam of light descended from the sky!

Cocytus immediately felt the direction where the magic power became stronger when the magic was activated—he could only feel this level, but it was enough.

After confirming the location of the enemy, he rushed forward. This time, a series of stone walls rose from the ground and lay across his path. Although they were all crushed like tofu, Cocytus once again lost the trace of the enemy. .

It was a very simple tactic, but just such a tactic made Cocytus, who used all his powerful moves on melee weapons, eat to death.

It's not that I haven't encountered similar opponents before crossing, but their magic attack speed and volume are not so high. If there is no avant-garde, there is still a chance to get close.

This is bad, just two or three more shots of that powerful magic will kill him.

For the first time, the idea of ​​retreat came into his mind. If it was only his personal sacrifice, then it would be fine to fight with all his might, but his life did not belong to himself alone. A huge loss.

"Do you still have a chance to be stupefied? [Twelve levels of the strongest magic · brilliant brilliance [t-m-m·b-r]]."

It was still the same attack, and the opponent's tone no longer had the initial imposing manner, and began to lose the sense of tension. Cocytus understood that this was a sign that the opponent was sure of victory.

"In that case—" He activated a one-time magic scroll, launched [Heal] to restore some HP, and activated the special abilities [Frost Spiritual Qi] and [Freezing Aura].

[Frost Aura] will bring extreme cold damage to the surroundings, and at the same time reduce the opponent's various speeds, not only the movement speed, but also the speed of using various abilities.

[Frozen Aura] can add ice attribute and ice attribute splash damage within a certain range to all attacks.

"【Icicle [ice]】." He aimed at Sariel's place and launched one of his few spells, and a huge icicle shot out from the opponent's feet.

This is not an icicle that rises from the ground to launch a physical attack, but freezes everything within its range. According to the information provided by Demiurge, Sariel is a race they don't know, but it belongs to the plant-type monster. Ice and fire attributes have very low resistance to such rapid temperature-changing attacks.

Sariel, who is affected by [Frost Spirit], should become sluggish, and have no chance to use magic or move to dodge.

But things were still unexpected. The moment the icicles rose, the stone wall also rose simultaneously.

There was no need to split it this time, and through the feeling of magic, Cocytus knew that his magic was also empty.

He immediately went to grab the magic scroll.

"[Tempest]." The other party launched the magic again, and the storm and showers raged instantly.

This seems to be just a weather, but it is actually ninth-level magic, and its intensity is even stronger than its name. Even Cocytus's huge body that is resistant to movement resistance can be difficult in this storm. I had to work hard to stabilize my figure.

Originally, this would not bring about the consumption of HP, but at this time the [Frost Spiritual Qi] that gave Cocytus the blessing backfired on him, and the raindrops near him froze into ice blocks, and kept hitting him. One shot did little damage in front of his hard exoskeleton armor, but the cumulative effect still caused him damage that could not be ignored.

The scroll that was just grabbed was already of a lower level, so it was blown to pieces by being soaked and frozen.

"[Fudo King Kong Ming Wang]!" While he was forced to release the [Frost Reiki], he resolutely began to prepare this seal that could further resist movement obstacles. Although it could not reduce the rate of HP loss, it was enough for him to survive the storm Forward.

The other party's continuous use of this magic must be to prevent him from using the scroll to restore HP, and when he continued to use this magic, no matter what method he used to escape just now, now she can only stand still and concentrate on casting spells. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This is the only and last chance for Cocytus. With his attack speed and power, as long as he successfully pastes it, he will not give the opponent a chance to prepare magic, and continue to kill and injure the opponent until he successfully wipes out the enemy.

There were still three meters away, and he began to enter the attack range of the long weapon halberd.

At this time, the storm stopped.

The other party may have begun to prepare new magic.

It must be faster than her, and if it is too late to approach and use the more powerful Zhanshen Saber Emperor, then use the halberd to attack directly!

However, Sariel also assumed the posture of holding the knife, her hand was obviously empty, but she still took a step forward and swung it at him.

When facing long weapons, if she really holds a knife in her hand, this is undoubtedly the correct tactic, but Cocytus is sure that there is no invisible equipment there, there is really only air, and Even if Sarier did this, she was only entering the attack range of Zhan Shen Knife Emperor.

(to be continued)