Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 58: The offering the demon longs for

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Even if the demons of Nazarick went all out to deal with the enemy, they would still be unable to stop as many as 1,500 enemies who were comparable to the Supreme. The ten-story underground tomb had penetrated seven floors with great force, and the enemies still remained. There are more than a thousand people!

He was attacked to the eighth floor, and finally passed the death trigger mechanism of Victim, the guardian of the eighth floor with the same level of only 35, and then used a very special death notice mechanism to wipe out the enemy and save the day.

However, the fact that more than half of Nazarick was once captured. Still can't deny it.

It was at that time that the Supreme Beings gradually departed one after another.

However, even the most intelligent monsters in Nazarick would never have thought that the world "Yggdrasil" they originally lived in was just a virtual game for recreation and entertainment for the Supremes who created them.

That unprecedented battle for them, because the result was obviously too incredible for a party of 1,500 people, so the players collectively complained that Nazarick had carried out cheating data modification, and after getting an official response that there was no illegal modification, triggered a large-scale collective retreat.

The game company's business is getting worse and worse, and the game activities are decreasing. In addition, the players based in Nazarick are social people, and they also need to pay attention to real life. Since the fun of the game is getting lower and lower, it is logical to quit the game thing.

But how could the original NPCs who had turned into real lives think of these things, they had only one belief - there must never be any possibility of Nazarick's failure happening again! If so, erase the source of failure!

Mare: "I said...then, is there an excuse to avoid making enemies? It's really not easy to go to war with all countries when there is no extra money to supplement the troops that may be consumed."

Demiurge: "It's okay, the excuse will come soon."


The Great Tomb of Nazarick, surface area—

A team that made any intelligent creature get goosebumps when they saw it, and exuded a strange chill, took advantage of the night to arrive near the ground building of the Nazarick Great Tomb and began to set up a temporary camp.

They are the organization "Zhiranon" that believes in the **** of death and kills like eating.

Such an organization found such a tomb that is both gorgeous and has a long history, and there is no reason not to explore it.

It's just that, before this, the surrounding cities and even the country have already attracted attention here, so they can't find a chance. In addition, the teams from other countries who sent in-depth investigations have never returned, so they dare not act rashly for a while.

However, they are now ready.

With the evidence of the Fire Priestess Ji and the unknown demon statue stolen by Clementine who defected to the Theocracy as a pledge, they achieved great results.

If there is only one of the two, there is nothing they can do.

The demons summoned by the Demon Wither include quite powerful demons, but they kill indiscriminately.

However, the Fire Priestess Ji's Certificate contains some high-level magic development methods, such as [Sanctuary], which concentrates the magic power of many people on a few people, and [Sanctuary], which combines with summoned units and superimposed levels to greatly increase its strength. God Throne Summoning []], as an organization that kills people as usual, after trying to obtain the [Human Formation Formation], it is easy to find sacrifices to increase magic power, but it is hard to find powerful summoning units that can be used to combine.

Delivered to your door now.

With the strength of the mere indigenous humans, they were unable to summon the highest-level demons. As a correction, a large number of low-level guys came out.

Here's what I got after using nearly half the mana of the Demon Wither.

Seven hundred and sixty-eight inferior devils, level 10. There are no words to describe the appearance of the demons other than deformity. An inflated head, an unusually slender left arm, a huge right arm with several tentacles intertwined together, and left and right legs of different lengths. There was nothing indicative of gender, and yellow pus flowed from countless small holes all over the body. That gesture is like saying that they were born to pollute the world.

Three hundred and eighty-four sickle demons, level 20. The appearance is a fusion of praying mantises, humans and various other creatures, and the huge scythe has a steel luster and is painted with poison.

Sixty-four corrupt devils, level 30. The demon, whose body is more than two meters tall, has bubbles on the viscous black skin like gas rushing to the surface of the swamp, and then bursts and dissipates, emitting yellow smoke-like things, wrapping the corrupt gas around him.

One hundred and ninety-two wishing demons, level 40. The female form with long hair and bluish-white skin doesn't seem like a devil if you only look at it. However, its eyes, nose, and mouth were all blocked by silk thread, and its hands were stitched together by silk thread as if praying for forgiveness from the warrior demon, level 50. The commander of the demon, wearing a full body armor, has a figure befitting a warrior. It holds a black flame hybrid sword wrapped in hellfire, and has dark demon wings on its back. It is handsome and mighty with a kind of evil beauty. When it is present, it can increase the ability of all other demons a little.

The inferior devils are more or less scum, the leader of "Zhilanong" sacrificed all the inferior devils and used up all the negative energy collected from the sacrifices accumulated in the past, and launched 【Undead Form [undeadform]】+【 Spiral of Death】Using ritual magic to keep himself and the twelve strongest cadres under his command alive, he endowed him with the characteristics of permanent undead, and his race level has been raised by more than 30 levels. Although they paid a lot of price for being imperfect, such as the degradation of their professional level as human beings, etc., they still gave them a sense of strength expansion overall.

Other demons use the changed [Sanctuary Divine Throne Summoning Transformation[]] to give the members of the inner circle direct control over their combat power and abilities, while the war army demons who command all the demons are controlled by the leader himself.

Now, the lord has sent four of the twelve cadres to lead four teams that can compete with any surrounding countries to explore the tomb. Treasures, as capital and technical reference for future development.

That night, they used a team to look out and kill the witnesses and stop the undead who were driven out due to the battle, and the other three teams entered the tomb one after another.

The three teams never came out again.

Just when the team in charge of the lookout felt something was wrong and wanted to contact them, they found that the communication was blocked, and then, various types of monsters surrounded them...

(to be continued)

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