Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 68: Big goblin, you can die

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Combining the information provided by the Platinum Dragon King and the current situation, Draudiron can think about it—

The Theocracy has already fallen. Although we don't know how much funds the Theocracy has transferred, the enemy must have looted a considerable amount of money. Considering the legendary wealth and high-level weapons and equipment props in the sky city in the Bayuwang Desert, which are enough to defeat demon gods, it is also necessary to use the wealth and resurrection props that they already possess that can revive for many rounds.

"Before those guys who might be able to rival the Six Great Gods, the Eight Desire Kings, and those goblins come to surround me and confirm my identity, let's increase their losses as much as possible. [Ultimate Big Bang]!"


From Draudiron's point of view, the super giant Graeme whose body size is comparable to the body of a fairy's magic tree, under this blow, the damage it received was actually not serious...


Over the years, the Slan Ecclesiastical State has opened up two places where people and human beings can take refuge in hope of fire in case of a war failure.

One is an open place—the ruins of a sea city left by two demon gods from different worlds after they played and left. Development began seventy years ago. After Yinlute Dadi passed away as a short-lived human race, Wuyi came back to assist in the management for more than ten years, and now it can accommodate tens of thousands of people to live and produce.

The other is in the south, protected by the Bayuwang Desert and a part of the Crescent Lake, the peninsula that originally belonged to the hidden headquarters of the "Blood Chain Lock God Group" that no serious country is willing to visit. The total area is about the same as the protrusion of the Persian Gulf on another plane. The terrain is suitable for a fortress but the environment is not suitable for accommodating too many people. However, after years of development and construction, this point has also been improved. code guardian.

The number of boats is limited, so most of the people here take the Bayuwang Desert—the "land passage" that uses its characteristics to try to get rid of the tracking of monsters.

Even if the Great Tomb of Nazarick could instantly cut off the possibility of the Theocracy seeking help from the northern powers, it would not be able to completely seal off the land borders. In fact, the Theocracy immediately began to organize the country after realizing that the size of the enemy was invincible. All the people in the south were evacuated.

Some ventured to the elf kingdom, if they are willing and able to accept it, they will consider repaying in the future, if they are not willing to help—at least they can become bait to attract the attention of some monsters, and let the elves also get involved in this war.

The rest of about 200,000 people left from here.

A large number of livestock and vehicles that the Theocracy can use at one time are concentrated here, but even so, it is still very insufficient. If you travel lightly, the speed will be much faster, but you need to consume supplies to survive, let alone pass through the desert.

Even though it is called "death and death" in the desert, Eucalyptus, who has to be wrapped tightly in a sand-proof cloak, walks at the end of the line. In doing so, it's just a matter of biting the bullet.

By the way, the role of the sand-proof cloak is more important than sand-proof, hiding some of the appearance and equipment characteristics that cannot be concealed even with a camouflage mask.

At this time, another person wearing the same cloak moved close to her and said in a very neutral accent: "Are you still worried about Yoshia? Although it was you who personally killed the former Elf King who was stronger than you at that time." And the child who appeared only after being assassinated in that way is still your relative?"

"Hmph. I hope he can complete that task well. If he is transformed into an undead or possessed by a demon and becomes an enemy, I will kill him myself." Yujiali lowered her hood and said coldly.

"Well, that's right. After all, when his body grows enough to withstand the resurrection magic, you often beat him up. Although it's a good name to prevent him from being proud and tempered by the growth of his strength, but—"

"Shut up! Anklier, you talk too much. It's really a blessing to be able to easily change your position and gain trust with props."

"That's not the case, at least I have been promoted from an abandoned piece to a chess piece, and the treatment is much better than that in the "Blood Chain Lock God Group" a hundred years ago... Well, it seems that it is really something worthy of being called happiness? "

"Hmph, you're quite self-aware."

"Hey, you." The blue-haired girl quickened her pace from not far behind, and said to An Kelier, "Your battlefield is not here. Did you come to find her specially to have fun?"

"No, the enemy at sea is weaker than expected, and with the support of the Dragon Kingdom, it is enough to leave the rest to the captain, 'Humanity's Strongest', 'Holy Curse Song' and the navy. This is an order from the superior, isn't it If you don't trust your ability, you must overestimate the difficulty of covering the people."

As an angel who is bound by the rank magic system, Anklier will not think wildly, cannot disobey orders, and naturally cannot tell lies. Otherwise, there is actually an upper limit of control in "Allure" The Theocracy did not dare to put it around in the country.

"Don't you think the plan didn't go well at all?"

"Yes, sure."

"It seems that I have made up my mind."

They all thought so, because they were not very comfortable at this moment, and felt a thorn in their backs.

Ordinary people can't feel it, but with their level of strength, even if they can't trace the source, they can confirm that some kind of detection magic should have locked this area.

The senior leaders of the Slan Theocracy made multiple preparations, organized resistance to buy time, and at the same time evacuated those who could be evacuated, and on the other hand began the ritual of resurrecting the six deceased gods. There will be no complete corpses. Even the recently dead Yin Lute Dadi has been dead for more than ten years, so the form of resurrection is similar to summoning units.

The ritual requires the blood of the gods and humans associated with it.

Now the Theocracy has four gods and men, one is at a high level, and cannot leave the government affairs in an emergency; Power is more useful, and there is only one choice after the most rational elimination method.

If the ceremony is successful, not to mention destroying those monsters, fighting guerrillas so that they don’t have the leeway to turn their attention to chasing and killing unarmed fleeing people so quickly should be done. Since it didn’t make things like this, then it really is...

"Ah." The blue-haired girl suddenly froze for a moment.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"His Royal Highness Daisha?"

"I have contact, please don't bother... so direct... It seems that there is trouble, you wait for me." Dai Yasha hurried to a place tens of meters away from the end of the line, habitually putting her hands on her temples.

【You can 'die' now. ] Such a message was sent from the opposite side.

(to be continued)

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