Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v17 Chapter 79: Incomplete and perfect victory

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Victoria watched the battle, and said to herself: "The layman's but very awkward movement is not so much about wanting to exchange injuries for injuries so that the opponent can't grasp the movements, but it is more like a way to get hit after being hit. A skill that will force a counterattack, right? But it doesn’t work on projectiles.” She guessed in her mind, and hit the bull’s-eye.

She put her hands on her temples and wanted to secretly use magic to remind Cirno, but a busy tone indicated that the communication was being disturbed.

Because the forced counterattack ruled out melee combat first, and forcibly killing all the ninjas while forcibly restoring Cirno just now, Victoria was already tired.

It takes at least a few minutes of rest to get into that kind of fight without dragging your feet. Suddenly, the female-clothed dark elf took out a scroll with one hand, turned around and ran away after starting it.

"What! Don't run, coward!" Qi Lunuo was about to chase, when several death knights popped out of the magic circle that opened at the moment the scroll burned out.

"Miscellaneous fish! Get in the way!" Cirno launched an attack on the slow-bodied guy, intending to deal with it quickly, but because death knights have special skills that can withstand fatal blows with 1 hp left, they waited for Cirno to kill them all. The death knight and the dark elf in female clothes had already run hundreds of meters away.

Instead of running away, he fought for a distance that was favorable to him, turned around and began to cast magic.

"That feeling is—" Victoria yelled, feeling that almost all the magic power in the opponent's body was converging towards the wand,

"The opponent is using all his strength! Master Cirno, be careful!"

"Full strength? That's exactly what I want!" Qi Lunuo raised the watermelon knife and put on six fiery red ice sword wings to condense energy similar to magic but a little bit towards the undead, and began to accumulate power on the spot. The gathered energy and the small ball of light converging on the tip of the ice sword's wing quickly merged into a huge ball of light.

"That idiot!" Victoria knew that Cirno had a teleportation technique, so shouldn't she go up and interrupt the casting at this time?

"[Little Calamity]!"

"[Super False Flash]!" But at this time, it was impossible to stop it. The destructive vortex released by the dark elf in women's clothing came into contact with the light cannon turned into a huge light sphere.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the light cannon was gradually melted by the destruction vortex and pushed back. Qi Lunuo was unwilling to fail, and immediately released the flames sealed in her body with all her strength. Even if it was ineffective against that guy, it would be no problem to neutralize the power of destroying the vortex.

In the end, a large explosion of uncontrolled turbulent energy was caused in the center, and a basin with a diameter of more than 200 meters was blown out of the already burnt forest, and the trees in a larger area fell radially outward.

Victoria clearly saw that when the dark elf in women's clothing was slid backwards by the shock wave, a sense of space shattering appeared on her body. The color got a little darker, and the hole that ran through the temple before disappeared, and there were many bloodstains on her body.

"Her body's protection against physics and fire was broken...but—" Qi Lunuo lay on the ground as if dead, and the outcome of this round was clear at a glance.

"[Great Healing]!" The dark elf in female clothing seemed to have recovered with the magic props she carried with her. Although it was not enough to offset the previous trauma, it was still enough to repair the broken parts of the body, so that the body's mobility would not be affected.

He smashed the ground with his feet and jumped vigorously, raised his wand at high speed and swung it at the back of Cirno's head. In desperation, Victoria directly raised her hand to cast a spell: "【Moving Gold Binding】!" The female dark elf immediately paused, but then lifted the immobilization state, and her offensive remained undiminished.

"It seems that another magic item has been activated... This guy's equipment is really good." Cirno raised her arm to resist, and it was easily knocked into a strange bent shape. Even so, she still held the opponent's wand and activated it. Counterattack: "[One-knife cremation]!" It was almost as powerful as before when the crimson pillar of fire shot up into the sky. When the dark elf in female clothes flew out of the fire, his body was covered with burns, and most of his life was wilted.

Perhaps he should be praised for having only suffered such a small injury.

"It must be fine this time! We can kill him now!" Victoria resumed shooting her bow and arrow.

Qi Lunuo also forcibly returned to the source and launched an attack: "[Frozen Eagle]! [Frozen Tornado]! [Ultimate Blizzard]!"

"Tsk!" Victoria wanted to spank the goblin's butt, which caused her to see a vast expanse of white and shiny battlefield, and she couldn't see anything.

Although it has the ability to perceive, it is best to lock the target visually in order to ensure one-hit death.

When the other party was injured again, he was also very decisive, took out a scroll and quickly activated it: "[Teleportation]." Just disappeared and left.

Victoria was on guard for a felt that he had really escaped, just in time to see Cirno, who had turned blue again, also climbed up, jumped off the magic plane and fell back to the ground and ran towards Qi Luno. Lu Nuo suppressed his anger and said, "Are you all right? Sir Cir Nuo, do you need treatment?"

"Ahahaha, it hurts so much... Please, treat me." Victoria began to think about using beating therapy.


"That is to say, although the main general who repelled the enemy, those Theocracy who came here to take refuge and want to involve us in the the end, they were killed by those monsters dressed as ninjas?" Katlia looked at the elf men under him. Submitted the report, confirming said.


"So, are all those ninjas wiped out?"

"Yes, thanks to the hard work of Lord Lily and the princes, none of the king's people died. We don't need the goblin priests of the temple to take action, we can finish the aftermath by ourselves."

"Hehe, very good. This not only avenges mankind, but also saves the need to take care of refugees."

"Wang, you actually said it... so clearly."

"What's the matter? There are no foreign guests here. Are you dissatisfied? Speaking of which, you seem unfamiliar. Are you a newcomer?"

"...Yes, I started working half a month ago."

"Hmm... Married? Or engaged?"

"No... not yet." The elf man suddenly recalled one of the king's legendary characters, and hurriedly said,

"By the way, although it's not my part, Lord Victoria corrected a previous report on the enemy's situation. The enemy's general does look like a girl, but... that is actually a boy in women's clothing."

"Ah, yes. It's a pity. But—" Cattleya breathed, thinking

"good idea".

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